Under The Table

Dance like a b-boy, spin like a pen. Well, it is a pen, a spinning pen actually.

As usual, none of our main characters are paying attention in class. One is out there hitting on girls and another one is trying to ruin his best friends love life, another one is sleeping again today. The one who always running around naked is doing pushups, last but not least...wait, he isn't playing games today?

The wind moved around with the pen in Koh Zi Hong's fingers as he spins the spinning pen like it was a part of his body.

"Hey, the ones sitting there pay attention!"

Lim Zhen Cong's sudden outburst startled Koh Zi Hong to dropped his pen onto the floor.

Just when he was about to bend down under the table to look for his pen John Ng Jia An suddenly popped out of nowhere and told him that he will be the one to go under the table to look for his pen and so the adventure of a lifetime begins under a table at After School Tuition Centre.

"It has been 30 minutes, what is taking him so long?" Koh Zi Hong said as his head looks under the table to find his missing friend.

"Shhh… the best part is coming up." John Ng who is watching porn under the table turned his head around as he placed his finger in front of his lips, signaling Koh Zi Hong to shut up.


"Damn it, John, I have been waiting for thirty minutes and you are down here watching porn?" Koh Zi Hong, who is now sitting beside John Ng, said after giving him a strong slap on the head.

"Hey come and play with me." Koh Zi Hong said as he shows the game loading on his phone to John Ng, yet he only got silence as a reply because John Ng is to focus on his favourite entertainment.

"Wah, the two of you so selfish sit down here together playing yet none of you called me." Lee Kai Wen said as he is the next one who sats under the table with his friends.

As a slacker, Lee Kai Wen uses his school bag as a pillow and lies down on the floor taking a nap.

"Fuck, our MC is not going to play the main role in this chapter again."


Chong Xi Kang, who is also now under the table told his friends in the voice of Lim Zhen Cong, giving them a shock as they thought that their teacher had found their hiding spot.

A deep sigh comes out from Chong Xi Kang's mouth as he told his friends. "Because this lazy coconut is sleeping here, I can't do anything so I'm leaving."


As you would expect when you are talking to two people who are too focused on their task at hand and another one person who would prefer to sleep than do anything all you would receive is silence.

You just might have a better chance of getting a reaction if you are talking to a piece of rock rather than these three idiots.

"Wow, I can see everything down here." The quintet finally made all their appearances the last member Tan Han Sheng also sats under the table with his friends.

Tan Han Sheng then started to look for an opportunity to find a girlfriend again and as usual, he finds it and started making a plan.

"Hey, are you an angle because from this angle you look like the most beautiful one up there in heaven."

From under the table with a rose in his mouth, Tan Han Sheng said with a charming tone, his left eye winks as the rose in his mouth moves to his hand and finally to the girl.

When the girl was about to accept the rose, a pink panty with love patterns suddenly fell on Tan Han Sheng's face causing the girl to freeze right on the spot.

John Ng then popped his head out from under the table and told the girl. "He is a panty freak, all this time he was actually looking at your panty."

The colour red painted the girl's face as she gave Tan Han Sheng's face a strong kick causing his face and the table to meet with each other at full force.


The table fell over revealing the four of them each doing their own thing under the table.


Lim Zhen Cong, who is now pissed off by them, started running towards them with his back scratcher in hand as usual.

John Ng eyes open wide as he quickly grabs Tan Han Sheng who just got kicked in the face by the girl, Koh Zi Hong who is still playing his game and Lee Kai Wen that is sleeping as danger approaches.

He grabbed the two of them by the shirt in his right hand and another one in his left, his destination?

Anywhere that is safe of course.

At the same time, Lee Kai Wen slowly opens his eyes as a familiar scene unfurls before his eyes. 'Is the author ending the story so soon? If not why do we get to see such a nostalgic scene?'

Then a thought flashes through his mind as a crooked smile shows up when they pass by Chong Xi Kang, Lee Kai Wen grabbed him by his wrist and dragged him away with him.

The five of them passes through the door and down the stairs until finally, John Ng's left hands gave out as he lets go of Lee Kai Wen who brought an "extra load" with him.

But as "true friends" Lee Kai Wen and Chong Xi Kang pull John Ng's leg causing him to trip.

"I got the five of you."

Lim Zhen Cong finally caught up with them; he quickly ties a rope round their body and dragged them back into the tuition center with his back scratcher in his pocket like it was his scabbard.


End of week 23.