Look At The Time

Student's log entry 1:

It is 5:20 P.M., ten minutes till class ends but he still isn't done teaching.

Student's log entry 2:

Five minutes left and he keeps on going, will this not end?

Student's log entry 3:

6:00 P.M. it hasn't ended yet?

Student's log entry 4:

Thirty minutes had passed, yet he shows no signs of stopping.

Student's log entry 5:

Maybe I should give him some hints?

Lee Kai Wen stands up from his seat and walked towards Lim Zhen Cong who gave him a weird look.

"Wow, we had been sitting waayyyyy too long today." Lee Kai Wen said as he winked at Lim Zhen Cong.

Lim Zhen Cong feels that something is off, so he asked coldly. "What do you want?"

"Nothing much actually, but can you come with me for a few minutes?" Lee Kai Wen replied back with a question of his own.

Before Lim Zhen Cong can agree to anything, Lee Kai Wen had already grabbed his hand and dragged him closer to the window.

He points at the sky that was painted red, yellow, orange and purple added with a tinge of black. Seeing Lim Zhen Cong emotionless face, Lee Kai Wen then points the setting sun with tears flowing from his eyes.

Being as clueless as he was at the start Lim Zhen Cong gave Lee Kai Wen a nod and turned around.


Back to the window, it seems for Lim Zhen Cong as Lee Kai Wen showed him a flock of birds flying off towards the sunset.

Lim Zhen Cong lets out a laugh as he finally understands what Lee Kai Wen wanted. "If you want to eat roast chicken, go find a restaurant after this."





Seeing that Lim Zhen Cong couldn't see what Lee Kai Wen wanted, he decides to let him hear it instead by making clock noises.

"Yea, yea, the roast chicken is ready. Go and take it out yourself." Lim Zhen Cong pushed Lee Kai Wen back to his seat.

Student's log entry 6:

Great, he is now blind and deaf. What else has I haven't tried?

Student's log entry 7:

After thinking for one second, I had decided to give up and play nap roulette.

"Why not just ask him?" Chong Xi Kang said as he finally couldn't stand Lee Kai Wen writing in his "student's log".

Student's log entry 8:

I'm starting to hear things, what is happening to me?

Student's log entry 9:

That "thing" keeps on repeating something about ask… must be an ancient alien language.

Chong Xi Kang shook his head in disappointment, so he stands up and shouted at Lim Zhen Cong.

"Sir, can you tell this "brainless sloth" when we can go home?!" Chong Xi Kang said as his finger points at Lee Kai Wen.

Lim Zhen Cong finally connects all the dots, all of Lee Kai Wen's previous action is actually telling him it is time to go home.

He tiptoes on his feet and grabbed the clock hanging on the wall, with a strong throw the clock breaks the window and falls towards the ground.

"Let's continue." Lim Zhen Cong then told the class as if nothing had happened.

Student's log entry 10:

Nap roulette it is.

End of week 24.