Chapter 2: What is your Choice?



How long has he been asleep? One hour? One day? One week? His body and joints feel so stiff for lying down for a long time.

However, after for an unknown period of time, both of his eyes open albeit slowly. And then, after he wipes his eyes while trying to stand up...

"....Where am I?"

He doesn't recognize the place around him.

In the first place, can it be....recognized as 'place'?

After looking carefully, the land he steps presently is a soft grass field with a difference of the grass having a blue color. The limitless sky on top of his head is night blue with no moon nor star. Instead, there are unknown...' something' for whatever he can't define. Lastly, there are trees(?) but with crystals as the base instead of wood and leaves.

With all of this exotic, bizarre view, he can only feel dumbfounded and confused for a short period of time. However, there's no denying for the view projected around him is unrealistically beautiful despite its unknown origin.

With a groan, he grabs his head with both of his hand for processing too much information just after waking up.

(In the first place, why could I still feel my body? I'm supposed to be---)


Undeniably and calmly, he assesses recent events occuring to him to get a lick of what's happening right at this moment.

That night, that moment, he is sure for he was dead after being hit by 170 km/hr velocity of the supercar directly with no protection whatsoever. However, when his eyeline looks around his stomach...

"...It's gone?"

There are no signs of blood at all. When he drags his clothes up a bit to look underneath, there isn't even a wound nor remains from that impact. Now that he thinks about it, if he still has that kind of injury, he shouldn't be able to stand up and move like this, couldn't he?

So, despite how improbable and unrealistic conclusion he has reached, there's no more feasible explanation for this kind of situation anymore.

(I'm in the afterlife.)

He's definitely not on Earth anymore. On his entire life, he never experiences nor hears this kind of situation even once. In addition, this place definitely doesn't exist in his previous world no matter how hard humanity search. Lastly, for those injuries and blood, disappears just like nothing happen, probably this is not his 'actual' but some sort of ethereal body.

In other words, he's a ghost or a soul presently.

"...I could feel my legs though."

Despite the superstition of a ghost floating around the air with a blurred body, his present condition is clearer than ever. He could still move his body with no problem either.


And then, when he begins to calm down, a satisfying feeling feels up his heart immediately for recognizing these facts.

(I finally died.)

Indeed, his wish of ending own life has definitely been fulfilled. The only thing he desperately desired got granted in the most unexpected way he ever expected.

Closing his eyes, he could still remember that last scene when the girl hold his hand dearly with tear filled face.

"....Thank you."

Of course, she won't ever hear his gratitude nor understand the meaning behind it. But at the very least, he could put a nail to his previous life cleanly.

(Now then, what should I do now?)

After done reminiscing the first and last bittersweet memories, he rubs his chin while wondering his future actions. Being in melancholy is fine and all, but the top priority is understanding his present situation.

Looking around at his surrounding, there's particularly nothing irregular--


Except for one.

In this exotic and beautiful place, there's one thing that stands out from the rest.

To be exact....

"...A building? No, that is--"

In front of him, not that far nor close, exists a building with a style of medieval Europe on middle ages. Not only that, the noble and royal kind to boot.

If he's not wrong, that is a terrace usually placed at a massive garden for those nobles and kings inside their own home.


No matter how much he looks around, left and right, the place only stretches with the same unique view but with no building of that kind.

In this fantasy, much less unknown place, only that terrace sticks out like a sore thumb since it's the only man-made things existed.

(Guess I have no choice.)

Being dead is fine and all, but having no further direction is uncomfortable, to say the least. Right now, any kind of hint is much appreciated to him, who has been thrown in this God-knows-where location.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

Unlike the concrete path he usually walked, the grassy and squishy feeling of mud on below his feet feels weird, but he didn't stop his feet nor slowing the pace.

Whether will it be King Yama, grim reaper, or any mythical existences he'll face, there's nothing much to be surprised anymore after being dead.

Never in the wildest dream, he will meet a delinquent angel though.


She panics.

No, that's almost an understatement to describes her current predicament she's currently facing right now.

Her heart is burning with rage, frustration, and boundless anxiety looming on her fragile(?) heart.

"...And where the hell is the soul right now!?"

It's been about half an hour she had transported to 'The Room', but not even a sign of shadow coming to the building she's residing in.

When Sophia checked it with her partner and managing department for umpteenth times, both of them only answer, " We did our jobs properly," with nonchalant tone to boot.

As for her response?

"If you sh*theads did your jobs properly, then why the soul is not right in front of my godd*mn face, ah!! You think I'm some kind of fuck*ng maid who has all of the time in the world!?"

....They immediately cut the call after hearing the outrage with no filter in her pretty mouth.

Much less to her distress, both sides never respond again no matter how much she calls back to them.


Anyway, there's not much choice for her isn't there? This job is given to her and only for her. Even if, which is a big IF, she redeems her uncouth attitude for eternal and beg that sh*tty department to retract the job, they won't even spare a single glance to her, while still doing own work.

(This is really fuck*ng ridiculous.)

How sadist of them.

To think, the holy angel race, which is painted as the most gracious and merciful race is just some slave driver. Maybe the devils are much better, which is not funny at all.

It was then. While she is holding her hurting head from all of the stress and confusion, a stable but clear footstep rings to her ears.

"...Fuuhh...At least he didn't get lost."

Come to think of it, not only she herself, but the soul who is supposed to meet with her immediately should be confused too, right? After all, the poor guy just got dragged here with no explanation whatsoever. So the nerve of her to complain.

(Well, at least I won't have the trouble of finding a lost sheep.)

Chuckling bitterly to her passing thoughts, she cleans her messy clothes and hairs from all the works prior, clears her throat to prepare the best sale speech she could possibly give.

(Good, let's just scam him and be done with it. Easy peasy.)

....Really, it's a miracle for this woman able to be a pure angel without getting fallen even in the passage of eons. Of course, the woman herself doesn't give a single cr*p to her ridiculous line of thought, since she has no more alternative to solve this outrageous case.

Beggars can't be the chooser.

After doing so in less than a minute, the man has finally come in front of her.

It is the fateful meeting, both for the man and the angel.


Contrasting to his worry, it looks like the one to judge him won't be the scary uncle (grim reaper), but a pretty bird (angel), to say the least.

He can definitely assure, the existence in front of him is the most beautiful living form seen in his entire life.

A pair of unblemished wings, golden halo radiating on top of the head, and white clothes that matches the theme of the woman's appearance. Her golden, long wavy hair on her back. A pair of blue, crystal eyes staring directly at him. A face that could win the top actress he had ever known without much effort. Lastly, her glasshour body that is in perfect ratio.

And now, that kind of woman is smiling prettily in front of him while introducing oneself.

"Welcome, dear guest. My name is Sophia. I have been expecting your arrival. "


Looking at her current actions, he blinks several times for not being able to processing the scene in front of him immediately.

But since the lady had acted with politeness and proper etiquette, he should respond the same to not embarrasses himself.

Snapping out of his shock, He straightens his back, stands properly and bows down in an exact 45 angle.

"Thank you for receiving me with a warm welcome. Although I haven't the faintest idea for why I'm here, I will try with my utmost effort responding to your expectations."

And this time, she is the one who is tongue-tied, while her jaw is threatening to go down.

(Uhh...I certainly didn't expect this.)

She had faced lots and lots of soul before, but never once did they react like the one in front of him.

Besides, just look at this guy's posture.

His head bowing down on 45 angles perfectly, a straighten back and legs with no mishap, and the hands each keep at both of his waist. His current figure is a mirror of THE perfect salaryman.

Still, it does feel....nice.

(Keuhhh~~I sure hope those bast*rds learn from this guy.)

While comparing her fellow cold-blooded employees with this upright man in front of him, tears are threatening to come out from both of her eyes.

"...Uhmm, is there anything bothering you?"


Looking at the lady gripping her right knuckle tightly while having a touching expression, the man begins to feel unsure how to react.

(Have I done it wrong?)

After all, he only just did the most polite bow he had ever learned from those annoying superiors to bloat their egos. But since this is the afterlife, maybe the etiquette is different, the man thought.

Contrary to his worries, the lady realizes her action immediately and clear her throat to dispel this awkward atmosphere. Then, she begins to wear her brightest smile she could afford on her face.

(Although that was unexpected, I couldn't forget my objective here.)

Indeed, she does begin to feel a bit of pity for this guy, but what's done needs to be done. So, she renews her determination and faces him with a steeled heart to finish this job asap.

"My apology, I was just surprised for your...actions. All of my previous guests were ass--ahem, immature."

"Ah, I see."

Hearing her words, the man nodded for understanding the lady's predicament. He had experiences dealing with cr*ppy and sh*tty customers, after all.

"Now then, we need to have a productive talk, but let's do it while we sit and with tea, shall we?"

Waving her right hand lightly, a table and two chairs come out of the air in an instant. Although the man is shocked to see this magical display, since this is the afterlife, maybe anything could happen.

After being guided to his seat, the pretty angel took her own with elegant movement. Then, she waves her right hand again, and the promised tea appears on the top of the table.

"Please, take a sip. I assure you it is one of the most delicious tea we have."

Sensing no ill will on her expression, the man takes the teacup on to his hand and slowly pours the liquid down to his throat slowly.

Then, when it reaches to his tongue, his eyes begin to widen for tasting the tea full of aroma.


"Fufu, I'm glad to hear so."

Really, he blurted that word out not for an empty compliment, but to the truest sense of his heart. In his long career, he had gone to lots of businesses meeting with customers, but the tea served to him was never this good.

Not only that, but the aroma given on this tea also makes his body feels relaxed and calm.

(How considerate.)

After 3 minutes of drinking with peaceful serenity, the angel begins to open her mouth after seeing the man has loosen own tension. Starting with a light cough, she attracts the man's attention and that will be the start of the negotiation.

"Now then, first and foremost I need to ask one thing. Have you remember the prior events before you come here?"

"I do."

Which got disrupted due to his unexpected answer.


"Is there anything wrong?"

Well, it's full of problems dear sir. She really wanted to blurts that out but restrain it barely. Maybe, he didn't understand the exact meaning of her question. So, she immediately clarifies it, albeit with a slight panic tone.

"P-please wait for a moment. What I mean is not this building we're currently residing nor the place outside of it. What I mean is your world--"

"Yes, I do. As clear as the blue sky. Shall I recite what happens to me?"

....Which ruins her pace, again.

(The hell is this guy?)

Before a soul comes to this place, the proper procedure for it is to erase any sort of memories related to his/her death. Most humans reject their own death due to fear and it sure isn't a pretty thing to remember, anyway.

But what about this man then?

(That sh*tty department!! You all are fu*ing dead after I'm done with this!)

While insulting those elites on her own head tens of time due to this unexpected mistake, she tries to redirect her attention to the man once more time.

Her sides are bloody incompetent, but this guy is not right in the head either.

Not only he remembers it, but he could even stay calm and collected without having any form of worries. It sure is a pleasant surprise and less burden, for she doesn't need to appease him from confusion and panic.

But still--

"Do you...really knows what happened to you?"

This is weird. Very, VERY weird.

For the third time, the man didn't change his facial expression and only nods his head nonchalantly.

"Yes. I died after getting hit by a car. It is really surprising. After I came here, there's no wounds nor remains of blood at all."


Well, that nails it.

Moreover, he even describes his death in a brief, just like saying about the weather's condition.

Although the woman had to face many bizarre situations, this one is truly one of a kind. Maybe she should say, as expected of a soul with a blank karma?

(....Nope. Snap out of it, Sophia. Your beauty sleep depends on it.)

Petty as she is, she still needs to deal with a mountain of works after this. So, she could only accept this irregularity after irregularity coming to her and deal with it.

"....Is that so. My condolences for your untimely death."

"Thank you."

(Hah, now I get thanked for giving condolences of his own death.)

Shaking her own head with a wry smile, she ends this topic immediately before it gets awkward on the air. Besides, since the guy just accepts own death like this, it sure saves lots of time on her side anyway.

"In any case, your life has been forfeited as of March 25, 2018, at 10:20 P.M. .This is a fact and it couldn't be changed no matter how much you want to. Are we clear for this?"


"Thank you for your understanding. Well then, since you died in an unnatural and unfortunate way, would you like to start a new life?"

Hearing that question, the man blinked his eyes for a few times for not expecting this kind of proposal.


(Oh, he finally reacts!)

After looking at his calm demeanor for all times, she felt weirded out. But when looking at his shocked faces, she feels strangely proud of it.

Strike the iron while it's hot, she begins to start her passionate sales speech that has been sharpened after tens of trial and error.

"Yes! For people like you who died with heavy grievances, we provide an opportunity to renew your life and release that regret!"

(Most of it didn't end well, though.)

She isn't lying, not at all. She did this kind of job for multiple times and all of them accepted this opportunity with a light heart. What's quoted out though, most of their second lives were...miserable to say the least.

But that part is unnecessary to describe and she sure as hell doesn't want to discourage the young man with it.

With another wave of her hand, three pamphlets appeared on top of the table lined neatly. Then, she pointed out the most left on his side, which shines brightly comparing from the other two. The title, "Be A Hero!" is truly eye-catching.

"This one is the most popular out of all the options we have given to all of the previous guests. A man's dream and romance, to be a hero of the people and slay the demon king threatening their peace! Keuhhh~~~! How exciting!"

Hearing her raised voices with an excited expression plastered on her face, he listens to it silently and nod times to times to show his attentiveness.

"It sure is."

"And then, the second option!"

With her second call, she pointed out a pamphlet that is the complete opposite of a previous one. If the first choice was full of light, this one is surrounded by blackish energy and the title "Be the Leader of Demons and Rule the World!", amplifies its menacing aura.

"For this one, I will recommend it to one who has endless ambition! Not satisfied with society? Bottled up desires? To you who have that kind of problems, worry not!! If you choose this, you will become the absolute king and accomplish your wildest fantasy! Hyuu~~!! How cool is that!!"

It really sounds weird and contradicting for an angel recommending someone to be a demon king, but oh well. He's just a newbie around this part so there's not much he could say here.

"Hmm, sounds amazing. I'm sure many people would love to be a king."

Many people. Hearing those words, Sophia immediately realizes that 'many people' probably doesn't include him. However, looking at his interested expression, maybe it could give the man some consideration.

Either way, she still needs to hold this disgusting sale speech until the end to be the perfect scammer.

"The third option! I always save the best for the lucky number!"

With that cue, this time she points out the last pamphlet on the right side. For this one, there's no black and light aura, but a golden one with a title, "To be free of Everything!"

"No restriction, No duty, and unlimited path for you! If you wish for it, then it shall be granted! Explore the mysterious and beautiful world to your heart's content! You could also aim a slow life to be free from hectic society! Everything is possible for you!"

Everything. That magic word makes the man flinch a bit, but his poker face still stays.

" it?"

(Good! That's a hit from the bait! Now to reel it....)

With a brighter and charming smile, she continues her speech to catch the fish, get his consent and be done with it.

"Yes, everything! This is no understatement. Everything is truly possible for you! You could be a king, hero, adventurer or any occupation you wish for! The possibility is endless for you!!"

"Hoohhh~~That certainly sounds a pleasant life to have."

(FU.FU.FU. Isn't it? I practiced this d*mn speech in front of a godd*mn mirror for one week! Just a little bit more...!! Just only a bit more patience, Sophia!)

....She really is excited as hell to end this annoying case.

But well, putting the weird pamphlets and smooth sale pitch aside, these three options are truly the popular ones.

What to say, trend?

It sounds weird for angels to follow that, but if it could make the job easier, so why not? Since the man comes from Japan, he sure will know all of the templates and cliches on this kind of event.

Even though it's obviously suspicious for Sophia, all humans she met just choose one of it, blinded with excitement. Not that she cared though, as she only did his job and she didn't lie at all.

Only, she omitted some important part that needed to be said, that's all.

To her, this is a one-sided transaction, but if it could give her guests their initial wishes fulfilled, then other things won't matter anymore.

"Now, dear guest! Please choose the best option for you! Wish it and it shall be your dream life!"

(Right! Just hurry up and finish this sh*tty farce so I can get my deserved rest.)

One of the biggest advantages of using this room is, no interruption except the mighty God. But that lofty existence hasn't disturbed nor warned from all of the successful attempts, so she could use this on her side.

Doesn't matter if the man is irregular, a ghost, mumbo jumbo or whatnot. If he chooses any of these and sent to the assigned world, then it will be out of her jurisdiction.

In other words, the rest won't e~~~~ver be her fault.

Yup, selfish and irresponsible. Some kind of angel she is.

(Who cares about holier than thou bullsh*t! If everything goes well, then nothing matters!)

The end justifies the means.

It's certainly not the best principle for an angel to follow, but like what said above, beggars can't be the chooser.

She just needs to make it a bit~~ creative, more colorful, and more enticing with a beautiful design as the last touch.

So technically, she's still on a roll, albeit in a very gray zone.

For a few moments, the man lowers his head, rubs his chin after being presented with these three options. Then, he nods his head silently for deciding his action, raises his lowered head and has eye contact with the angel with a cheerful smile still stuck on her pretty face.

(Come on...hurry up...Just choose one will you!!)

"I have decided, miss Sophia."

"Ohh!! Is that so! Then, dear guest, your option is~~~!!"

With direct eye contact, a calm expression on his face, the man has finally opened his mouth.

As for his decision...

"I won't pick any of these three."

....To be the most problematic one she ever heard.