Chapter 3: Fu*k This Sh*t.

For a moment, she doubts her own clear hearing. Angels never get sick, but this time her head just blanked for a few seconds.

(Uhm..? Hmmmmm~~~?????? I must be out of my mind for a second. That's it, definitely.)

She really wanted to dig her ear canal to remove any kind of dirt stuck on the pipe but she still needs to keep the prim act.

So, with a charming smile, but with stiffness to it she confirms his decision one more time....

"D-dear guest, what..did you say just now? Ah-ahahaha... I'm sorry but I just blanked out a moment. It could be a--"

"I won't choose any of these three."

And he gives her the death sentence. Flatly, calmly, and nonchalantly. The nerve of him while able to drink the tea just like some d*mn noble.

"B-but why!? Is there anything you are unsatisfied with!? Ah, is it the skill? Or maybe a...cheat? I could give you---"



Before she could continue her words, the man just cut the rest with a single word of rejection. She senses no anger behind it, but the terrible calmness on the word itself makes it spooky to the atmosphere.

(No, no, no, no, NO! The hell!? What the f*ck's wrong with this guy!? My speech was perfect, no doubt about it! So why!?)

Outwardly and inwardly, she is a mess already. She knows he is an irregular man, but never thought THIS irregular to reject this 'enticing' offer to humans.

But she couldn't give up right now. This is the easiest and most efficient way for her to save time and energy for this kind of annoying job.

Therefore, she immediately takes a deep, deep breath, closes her eyes for a moment and set her mind to serenity. Then, after 3 second passes, she faces her guest with a saleslady smile.

"....May I know the reason for your decision? Could it be my explanation was lacking? Or do you feel any kind of discomfort on the clauses given? Then---"

"I do."

Surprisingly, he admits it quite frankly.

(Good, that means I can still fix it!! So--)

But sadly, even that last hope will be cut mercilessly.

Before Sophia could regain her pace again, the man only raises one of his hand to stop her momentum.

After all, he doesn't want her annoyingly long sale speech to be drained for nothing.

"Please, listen to my reasoning and doubt for a moment. If you could still refute it with the proper solution, then, by all means, I'm all ears."

Hearing that unbreakable calm tone from the beginning until the end, the angel doesn't really, REALLY want to hear it. But looking at his resolute expression, Sophia knows he won't ever change his decision unless they look at each other at same eyeline.

"....I understand."

So, she decides to humor him. Although, if the man just spouts some ridiculous bullsh*t, then she won't hesitate to slam that face with her tiny fist.

Ignoring her boiling frustration, the man points his finger toward the first pamphlet Sophia introduced.

"First of all, this option, "Be The Hero!" is truly enticing. If my life truly goes according to what you said, then most probably I would choose this option. However...."

The beginning part makes the light on the angel' eyes gain its luster, but the ending word almost scrunches her face.

"Will it truly go smoothly as you said?"


When the man pours out the doubt Sophia fears the most, the angel really wants to plug her ears and run away from this reality. Sadly, the guy in front of him is not that lenient.

"If, which is really big IF, I truly slay the supposed demon lord, will I still be hailed as a hero? Or...."

"Won't I be hailed as the next demon king?"


For once, the man sees the angel flinch a bit and her eyes widen slightly.

Looking at her reaction, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly for his guess is right to the middle.

(There's no such thing as free lunch.)

On his experience as a salesman and loyal employee to lots of companies, he has small skills to survive on the field despite its harsh competitiveness and with no backing at all.

Reading people's emotions and debunking hidden agendas.

Oh, he didn't mean to condemn the angel though. Throughout the speech, he didn't find any fluctuation from her words, which shows she is speaking the truth, and the truth only.

However, speaking the truth doesn't mean everything is A-Okay.

"An existence that could kill an entity fearing the entire world. If that person decided to go, rogue, then wouldn't it be the worst?"

Not just the worst, but the end literally. A monster that could surpass a monster, what joke is that?

Nobody likes to keep a weapon that could hurt oneself, so it is logical for the wielder to throw or break that weapon away after its role is accomplished.

"There are still some things I want to point out but....let me move to the next one as it relates to it."


"The option to be a demon king. Miss Sophia, you describe this option as a life where any desires and ambitions could be fulfilled, including the wildest ones. If I twist your words a bit, isn't that equivalent to a tyrant?"

"...That is--"

"Please wait, I haven't done speaking yet. The problem is not there. What makes it as a problem are the clauses written on this pamphlet."


This time, even she couldn't bother hiding her surprises anymore.

(He really did read all of that long tiny*ss clauses!?)

Right, it is also the biggest reason why do many reincarnators don't meet a good end on their chosen second life. Since they all are too blinded by the excitement, nobody gives a speck of concern for boring rules.

But not for this man.

Picking up the pamphlet, he read the clauses slowly but clearly to the angel.

"According to the rules mentioned, the contracted who signs to this contract shall be followed with no exception. Therefore, he or she needs to oblige by keeping the roles he or she has personally chosen. This is unbreakable and will never be changed until death."


"In other words, this clause will make the person who signed to it, do the role of demon king from the beginning until the end. And, from what I know even in limited knowledge, there's only one ending for a tyrant or enemy to the world will meet."

Then, with another hand, he points out the first pamphlet bathed in white, pure light.

"The hero."


"No matter what it is, a balance is needed. If any factor could break that balance abruptly, then isn't it obvious for that factor to be erased?"


Silently, Sophia could only mutter that one single word with struggle. This room is made for both sides to be free from any form of deceptions (lies) so she couldn't deny it.

"This is the second reason that I wanted to say on the first pamphlet. Abundant glory and wealth are extremely attractive, but it's impossible to not have a catch behind it."

To put it simply, both of these options are scam. A scam that is hidden in a thin veil but clearly full with loopholes and traps.

An option to be a hero or a demon king. If he thinks it in another way, that means the angel or the organizations behind her could make dead souls like him to inherit both roles freely. In addition, for someone who manages the dead, isn't it weird making a random person to be a harvester of deaths like demon king?

Therefore, all of it is just one big nonsense.

Of course, to the recommender, Sophia fully understands that risk but still decided to say it without telling the consequences.

She is desperate. Therefore, she couldn't back down easily like this.

"...I understand your worries and plead. However, dear guest. Don't you think you are too paranoid?"

Hearing her rebuke, the man raises his right eyebrow.

"Being paranoid, is it?"

"Yes. After all, we didn't make these options to be your demise. As I said, it's an opportunity for you, and the past guests to have their grievances to be cleared for good."

Again, the man didn't sense any form of lies from her words. Sadly, that is not even nearly enough to erase his black mist enshrouding own mind.

"Maybe so. After all, my hardships in my previous life do makes me being sensitive and careful even to small things."



Before Sophia could continue her words, the man sighs and shakes his head horizontally.

"Is the probability of me gaining a happy ending that high?"

"!?.Th-that is--"

"Please tell me, Miss Sophia. Out of all souls your sides have chosen, how many of them have gained the ending they truly wanted? Or better yet, how many of them had failed in the middle of the road?"

She doesn't want to answer that. If she does, then it's definite two options will sink to the gutters. But not answering is equivalent of affirming his doubts too.

In the end, she can only sigh grandly and open her heavy mouth.

"....6 people. Out of thousands of applicants we have chosen, only 6 people accomplished it."

"...Not even one percent, is it? It looks like you are an optimistic person, Miss Sophia."

His words are sugarcoated, but even an idiot could realize the deep sarcasm behind the word 'optimistic'.

"....I apologize."

Looking at this angel who lowers head with a gloomy expression, he doesn't have the mood to condemn her anymore.

(Most probably, it's not her own decision to do this job.)

But even so, that doesn't mean he has to be lenient on her. Sure, he does feel pity to her but this is his life on stake.

Even if the circumstance makes her do this absolutely sh*tty job, the man knows when to separate logic with emotion.

After another sigh escape from his mouth, the man continues his reasoning.

There is still the last option mentioned by her.

"Last but not least, freedom and endless possibilities. This option is the most attractive to me. But at the same time, It's also the most doubtful one."

"...May I ask, why? Out of those 6 people, 4 people achieved the dream they wanted with this option."

"And how many people failed from it?"


For many times, her mouth got silenced again.

Freedom and endless possibilities are romantic words to hear, for sure. But on the realistic aspect, it means there's no assurance for it to be successful.

As proof, ninety-three percent of the applicants met an unfortunate ending even less than a year.

"Miss Sophia, tell me if I'm wrong, but the world I will be sent for. Is it a fantasy where magic exists and war frequently happens?"

"....That is correct."

"And what will be given if I choose this option?"

"A guidebook on introducing the world, and a blessing will be given by one of the Gods residing in it."

"In other words, almost or practically nothing."



He has read the clauses written in the third pamphlet and it matches on what the angel says a moment ago. If he wants to add, that so-called blessing is not designated on which God nor given according to the applicant' wishes.

A bunk, it is. Or to be more accurate, a lottery that gambling own life but with astronomical chance to win.

He's willing to bet that 4 people mentioned needed to do blood sheathing effort just to barely survive.

And he will be sent to a world where the worth of life is the same as a single loaf of bread?

Even a game with extreme mode won't be this cruel.

"There are still other two reasons unrelated to these options. In fact, these two reasons make me very skeptical of you."

(...There's still more?)

For goodness gracious, all of his reasonings make her a mute and there are still more to it. At this point, it's her fault for underestimating the man.

Pointing his fingers to the table, Sophia follows it, which see the 3 pamphlets she placed on the table.


"Miss Sophia, during your explanation of these three options, you number it as one, two, three, correct?"

"??? That's right."

Where is he going with this now?

After gaining her assurance, the man points his finger to the angel, or to be precise her mouth. While looking directly at her, the man continues his words.

"Then, what's the rest?"


(...My God, he even notices that!?)

"After explaining the third option, quite passionately if I may add, you didn't mention it as the 'last'. You only said it as, "The third one". Which means...

There are other options, yes?"


"I will take that as a yes."

She loses. Literally, and completely. She stands no chance to beat this man.

(Hah, Fu*k me. Isn't he much worse than goons on the managing department? At this rate, it's a waste to let this kid get thrown on some mumbo jumbo world.)

If she has the authority, then she really wants to recommend the guy to be recruited on her side. Not only he possesses the abnormal calmness to analyze the situation, but his reasoning is also better than the Cerberus' nose.

"Now, this is the last one. If you could answer it, then maybe I could change my initial decision."

And there is still one more reason left out. At this point, she won't even be surprised anymore if he proclaims himself as devil' reincarnation.

Unfortunately, his next reason is much worse than her initial expectation.

Pointing to himself, the man asks calmly while looking directly at her.

"What is my name?"



That four words are the mantra to close this one-sided transaction for good.

At the time he was greeted by the angel until now, never once did the lady speak his name even the first letter.

Not only that...

"If you have expected my arrival, why can't you tell my name? After all...."

After taking a deep breath, he finally speaks the doubt holding heavily on his chest.

"I don't even remember my own name."

" *sigh*~~~~~"

After a long, long sigh she had ever released on her life, the angel closes her blue eyes and pointed her head to the ceiling. Then after taking a deep breath for a good, solid 10 seconds, her demeanors completely changed.

All of the gentleness and politeness on her have been thrown out of the window.

"Fu*k this sh*t."

....That's certainly not the proper words for an angel.

Not only she releases the toxic words like it's nothing, but she also scratches her head wildly like a man. Moreover, her glare directed to the guest is more terrifying than blood bathed murderer.

"Really? This is crazy. No, you are the crazy one, I guess. I've never met a son of bit*h like you on my entire career."

Her previous actions compared to current ones are shocking, to say the least. Even he blinks his eyes several times for looking at these unexpected changes.

It looks like The Bible mentioning about angels being holy needed to be fixed.

".....So this is your real self, I presume."

"Yeah? Got a problem with that di*khead? There's no meaning to act like some goody two shoes anymore."

Saying that she sits on the chair roughly and raise both of her pretty legs on the table like some boss. Moreover, the nerve of her to fold it without obtaining the other person's consent.

Still, the man only shakes his head gently on her sharp inquiry.

"Not at all. If I may say, I prefer you to be like this. It's much better to face someone who exposes their everything instead of looking at the mask and nothing else."

Not expecting the usual reaction, this time the angel is the one who blinks her eyes for how unbelievable it is.


"AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!! The hell, kid! What kind of idiot who would want to face an assh*le like me instead of a prim and proper bird with full of sweetness!?"

"Right here."

Not minding her loud laugh, the man only points himself with no hesitation. No matter he forgets his name or not, the experiences he accumulated on his twenty years something haven't be erased.

For him, it's much better to face a bast*rd rather than a hypocrite.

"Kukukuk, is that so? Kkyaaahh~~How long has it been I laughed a good one like this?"

Snickering at his action, the lady retracts her raised leg on the table and look directly at this guy.

From A to Z, this man is full of surprise.

Although this job is full of sh*ts, at least there are some sort of fun surprises to humor her tough life.


(This is this, and it won't solve anything.)

Reminding her initial objective for meeting this man, she begins to groan while scruffling her wavy golden hair on her back.

After doing so for tens of seconds, she lowers her head, which surprises the man.


"....Excuse me?"

"Like I said, sorry for trying to trick you. I have circumstances but that doesn't matter. It doesn't change I tried to fool you for myself."

Shrugging his shoulders, the man speaks nonchalantly like it doesn't relate to him.

"It doesn't matter. I already faced something worse than this. At least you didn't lie, which I appreciate very much. What's wrong with an angel tricking a puny human like me?"

"....You sure have your own problems, huh?"

"Likewise. It doesn't look like you want to do this either."

"D*mn right you are."

After short eye contact, the angel breaks it first for chuckling on how absurd this situation is. Not only she got debunked, the man still has the leisure to sympathize her.

(He's more fitting to be an angel rather than a broken good like me.)

Well, life just doesn't work like that so there's nothing to gain complaining about it.

After calming down a bit, her jovial atmosphere disappears instantly and her eyes couldn't be more serious than now.

From now on, it is a deal with both sides on consideration.