Chapter 812:The Wedding Ceremony (part three)

"That's for sure. Their strength isn't a joke. That's why I use what I learnt at JC Military Academy to train our soldiers. Why do you think they call me the devil drillmaster?" The corner of Daisy's mouth twitched. She didn't care how her soldiers thought of her, all she cared about was their strength. So if they wanted to be her soldiers and be trained by her, they had to obey whatever she said, without any doubt.

"But you are also the best, right? Or you wouldn't have gotten those great grades everytime we took a test." Kevin admired her for her training skill. She was the type who could change people. Even the weakest soldier could turn into a standard soldier under her supervision. It was evident that she really trained her troops hard.

"Only by being harsh to oneself could one become truly successful. After all, success isn't easy to achieve, right? One can't really have it without putting in a lot effort." Daisy knew that her soldiers loved and hated her at the same time. It was just that she didn't give a damn. She knew that they would thank her for giving them a chance to challenge themselves and be better one day. Only by this could they become tougher and develop the strength to face the difficulties with grace and courage.

"I see, you have been encouraging yourself like this all this time. That's why you are this successful and admirable today." Kevin had always looked up to Daisy for her perseverance and courage. Well, probably except for the first time when they met and he judged her wrong. He couldn't help but feel ashamed whenever he recalled his disdain for her. Though it had been years, just the mere memory of it was enough to make him turn red with shame.

"That's because I'm a late bloomer. So I had to be extremely harsh to myself." It would be possible for her to still live under Yakira and her daughter's pressure if she hadn't been so hard on herself. If so, she would not have achieved what she already achieved at that point and might not even be who she was today.

"What are you two talking about? The bride is coming." Edward came back without Leena beside him. Thus, it triggered Kevin's natural reaction to look around for his wife.

Nothing, just some stuff about the army. Where is Leena?" Daisy naturally asked after noticing that Leena wasn't with her husband.

"She's with Uncle Leng right now. They haven't seen each other for quite a long time. I guess they must have a lot to catch up." Edward wouldn't even blame Kevin for having a crush on Daisy. To be honest, who wouldn't like a woman as great as his wife? What he truly could not accept though was that Kevin married Leena after he claimed that he liked Daisy. Gracious! Leena was his little sister! That was something he couldn't forgive because Leena was his baby. For him, she was almost as important as Daisy.

"I'll leave you to it. I'm going to greet them." However, Kevin didn't mind Edward's attitude towards him at all. He knew clearly that Edward still held a grudge against him for what he had done. He could tell how much Edward cared for Leena just by the way he looked at her. It wasn't even a surprise that the man ignored him since he knew that he wasn't in love with his little sister. Truth be told, he deserved worse.

Yeah! Go ahead. I bet Uncle Leng will be so happy to see you." Daisy was sure of her words because she had just heard Lloyd mention that he had a great son-in-law in front of the guests just now.

"Okay, see you later." Kevin nodded his head to Edward and showed no sign of being bothered. Then he left them and walked away with pride that could only belong to a soldier.

"Edward, can you at least be nice to Major General Gu? He is your little sister's husband after all." Daisy couldn't even understand what Edward was thinking most of the times. Why was he still ignoring Kevin was beyond her. She knew that Edward was upset about Kevin marrying Leena without their approval. However, Leena was happy now and that had happened a long time ago. He couldn't possibly still hold a grudge against Kevin, right? So why did he act all childish and ignore Kevin just about every time they met? It was so impolite and embarrassing!

If he were not my little sister's husband, I wouldn't even waste my time on him. It is only because he is Leena's husband that I want him to know that I won't be easy on him. Who does he think he is? He deserves whatever I do to him for marrying our precious little sister without even informing us." Edward let out a wicked smile. Well, Kevin had married their little princess. That was already a fact that he couldn't change. But if that army man thought that they would let him off that easy and treat him nicely? He was just awfully wrong. It might be easy to marry Leena but it wouldn't be easy to get on well with her protective brothers.

"You are just being childish. Don't you care about Leena's feelings at all? Try being in her shoes. How would you feel if the brothers you love the most keep ignoring your husband? You should put her feelings first instead of only considering yours. That's quite selfish, don't you think? Well, I guess I'll say the same thing to Duke once I meet him. Stop being childish! Don't think you can treat Kevin however you want just because Leena cares deeply about you." She knew about how much they cared for Leena and how they would spoil her without hesitation. Nonetheless, she was sure that those were not what Leena truly wanted. No woman would want to see her husband of choice being disrespected by her own family. That was just the way it was.

"Leena has us, and that's enough. He doesn't matter." Although, Edward managed to say those words, it was still undeniable that what his wife said hit a spot inside him. There was a sudden uncertainty in his eyes as he secretly questioned himself. 'Am I wrong all the time?'

"But can you promise to stay with her all her life? Can you immediately get to her whenever she calls because she's in need? No, you can't! So, if you can't do it yourself, then why won't you let someone else do it for you? It's for Leena's own good."

Daisy rolled her eyes in dismay. She had always known that Duke was extremely protective of his little sister, but it seemed that it was the same with Edward. In her eyes, the big problem with them was that they all thought their sister wouldn't be safe and happy with anyone else besides them. And this, was hard to change.