Chapter 813: Drama At The Wedding (part one)

"Daisy, don't you think you're being irrational? We may not be with her all the time but we can come to her the moment she needs us. Can Kevin do that? I don't think so. Don't forget who he is. As a Major General, he has to be on call the whole time. It's easier for us to save our time for Leena."

Edward couldn't agree with Daisy's view. Fine, they might not be capable of giving Leena the romance she wanted but that was nothing compared to their capability of taking good care of her. On the contrary, it was obvious that Kevin didn't have much time to keep her company. He couldn't even give her his full thoughtful attention. How could they possibly live in two separated places shortly after their marriage and not even meet each other much?

Edward, are you blaming me indirectly? Both of Kevin and I work in the military and have no time to take care of our families. You've never mentioned it to me before, so it was a bit surprising to hear that you don't like my job. Speak up if you have complaints. You must have nursed an objection for long." Daisy cocked her head to the side. She looked enlightened, as she stared at Edward appraisingly.

"You got me wrong. We're talking about Kevin. Why are you directing the spearhead at me?" He sighed helplessly. Yes, she was on-the-go all day but he had never even thought of complaining about her work. He loved her with all his heart and soul. He would try to get used to the life she offered him as long as she had him in her heart.

Kevin could hear Leena's chuckle as he approached. 'So that is how she is when she's happy,' he mutters, 'That's the grin I never get to see when she's with me. Could it be that she is no longer happy after marrying me? I should have spent more time accompanying her.'

"Dad, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?" Kevin greeted Lloyd respectfully. Leena, who was acting like a spoiled brat inside her dad's arms suddenly behaved and stood aside upon seeing him coming. Gone was her beaming smile that caught his attention.

"Yes, I'm fine. How nice of you to ask. I didn't know that you came back. Leena, you should have told me about it." Kevin's presence had livened Lloyd up. He had captured Lloyd's favor despite Duke's hostility to him.

"Yes. I came back last night. Sorry for my carelessness. I should have called to let you know my return." Kevin's voice was apologetic. Getting his father-in-law's approval was something he never expected. Thus, he cherished this hard-won fondness.

"It's all right. I'm glad that you are back safe and sound. Go, I will take you to meet some friends of mine." Lloyd stood up as he spoke. He couldn't wait to introduce Kevin to his friends. Those old men always bragged about their daughters marrying extraordinary men like CEOs and such. He wanted them to see whose son-in-law was the best. Kevin was a young and promising Major General. Compared with other sons-in-law, he was like a crane standing among chickens.

"Dad, don't embarrass Kevin. He isn't much into socializing. It may be difficult for him to deal with your friends." Leena began to worry about her husband after Lloyd said that he would introduce him to his business partners. She clearly knew how possessive, deceitful and unreasonable the people of business circles were, and it was fortunate that Lloyd just invited some of them. Otherwise, it would take a lot of time to exchange conventional greetings with them one by one.

"It's okay. It's a piece of cake for me. I'll be right back." Kevin patted Leena's shoulder reassuringly. Seriously, his wife really didn't have to worry too much about him. He stood on principles and never yielded to pressure as a Major General and his behavior to others was nothing but impeccable as a man. He owed his high-rank to his passion, hard work, and persistence. He might be the faultless gentleman outside; however, he was also the evil man before those who harbored unkind thoughts.

"Okay. Just ignore them if they deliberately make things difficult for you." Leena couldn't help but remind for the last time. She used to be the little princess who was favored by everyone, but now she turned instantly to a charming wife who always thought of her husband's wishes and feelings.

"Don't worry, Leena. I won't put him to torture." Lloyd shook his head as he noticed how Leena seemed to just have eyes for Kevin. Goodness! She just totally ignored her father.

Leena nervously watched the two. Soon, all the people in the business circles knew that the little princess of the Leng Group married a young and promising Major General. He easily outshone all the other sons-in-law of other rich and powerful families.

"You look stunning!" Daisy couldn't help but giggle her appreciation as soon as she saw Belinda. Even the word beautiful couldn't justify how the bride looked on her wedding dress. She literally couldn't take her eyes off her close friend.

"Really? I'm flattered. Thank you. I bet you'll look even better than me if you wear this." Belinda didn't attend Daisy's wedding, so she didn't see her in a wedding gown. What a pity.

"Don't flatter me. Don't forget that you are the bride today. All eyes are fixed on you. Wow, Leena is a genius! This gown is absolutely fantastic!" Daisy gave Belinda's gown a quick once-over with appreciation in her eyes.

"What? Wait, you confuse me. Do you know something that I don't know?" Belinda was sitting still on her chair as she waited for the next things to happen at her wedding. What Daisy said puzzled her.

"Well, I'll tell you later. It's not important now, Belinda. Congratulations. You finally get married! Hope you and Duke live a sweet and meaningful life in the future!" Daisy bent over to hug Belinda. Her eyes turned misty as she couldn't stop but cry out of joy.

"Okay, let's have a happy life together." Belinda gently patted her friend's back. She knew that Daisy was happy for her, so she gave her some time to calm herself down.

Sure thing." The army woman wiped her tears and left Belinda with a faint smile.

The wedding march finally started. Justin was walking on the red carpet while holding Belinda's floor-length gown when he suddenly turned to glance at his mom. His young mind wondered about a lot of things. Was his mommy as happy as Aunty Belinda at her wedding? Did his mom's dad hold her by the hand too and walk her to another man who loved her? However, when he thought of what happened before, he was sure that his mom never had such a happy moment. Would she be disappointed at this wedding?

Oddly, Justin did hit the spot with his guesses. Mixed emotions of grief and joy were getting through Daisy as she watched the joyful scene. To her great joy, Belinda finally married the man she loved. However, it was a grief to her that no one took her wedding seriously. She didn't even get to experience walking on a red carpet since the bridegroom didn't want to marry her. It was all good now though because Edward and she fell immeasurably after. The process wasn't important as long as they ended up happy.

The wedding was held in an orderly manner. The next step was to exchange the rings. With a hint of a smile playing on their lips, the bride and bridegroom looked at each other fondly. Set off by the splendid evening glow, the bright pearls were shining. Belinda was enchanting as the dazzling lights bathed her. What a stunning bride she was in the ingeniously designed gown! Her beauty charmed all the guests present. The designer of the gown must be a true genius.

Duke was in ecstasy throughout the wedding. Given his serious nature, he ended up displaying a faint smile the whole while. He stared at the most beautiful woman in the world with infinite tenderness. How lucky he was to have met and loved her in a vast sea of people. "You're my sole satellite, Belinda," he said with his eyes filled with love, "I'd be lost in space without you."

Belinda blushed under her husband's warm gaze. Everything was like a dream to her. It was so surreal. She didn't think that she would marry the man who loved her one day. The same man with whom she would greet the brilliance of sunrise and enjoy the peace and tranquility of the moonlight. She whispered in her heart, 'There are going to be days where you're undone, stressed out, tired and spent. I will still love you just as much in those moments and maybe even a little more. Why? Because it will mean that you're letting me get close and see the real you. That's all I want.