Chapter 1240: A Date (part two)

"Sounds right. Let's just go upstairs as soon as possible, otherwise the boss will get angry again. It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have to work outside in such a cold day," Aaron complained. 'What is wrong with Rain? After Annie went missing, he's been always trying to provoke Edward,' Aaron thought.

I'm not to blame. Maybe your boss has entered upon the change of life." Adamant, Rain shrugged his shoulders, unwilling to admit that he had provoked Edward on purpose each time.

"You're screwed. How dare you mock him! He'll punish you with the meanest way ever!" Aaron sped up and was about to get into the building.

"I'm not scared of his punishment at all. Let storms rage against me! I fear nothing. Not even death, let alone punishments." Feeling unmoved by anything, Rain let out a mocking smile.

"You're not afraid of anything, but I am. Please do not drag me in next time." Walking on unperturbed, Aaron cast Rain a warning glance.

"Come on! "Real buddies don't turn their backs on each other that easily. You can't just back out like that, after all we've been through together." With his lips curled in protest, Rain followed Aaron. But after a few steps, he stopped, turned and walked towards the military car. He was stunned to see the person sitting in the car. 'What's he doing here during office hours?' he wondered.

To attract Kevin's attention, Rain feigned short dry coughs, but Kevin was so asleep that the coughs alone couldn't wake him. Rain had to raise his hand to knock on the window.

Tired of waiting in the parking lot, Kevin took a nap. But he didn't expect he'd fall so deeply asleep. Startled by the incessant knocking on the window, he opened his eyes and turned to look who was knocking. He frowned when he saw Rain. Rubbing his eyes to adjust to the light, he opened the door and got out.

Sorry, I was asleep," Kevin apologized. Slightly, he adjusted his wrinkled military uniform.

"It's okay. What are you doing here in the parking lot? Why didn't you go upstairs, instead of sleeping in the car?" With a raised eyebrow, Rain asked, cutting the look of a playboy.

Well, I am waiting for Leena. Are you leaving?" Flatly Kevin answered, sounding neither humble nor pushy. Without a doubt, he knew Leena's sworn brothers disliked him. But he was not going to suck up to them. Never!

No, I am not. I just arrived. Is Leena upstairs? Why didn't you come with her?" In quick succession, Rain fired questions, one after the other. Like Edward, he liked dominating the conversation.

"I didn't come here with her. It's only that I got off work early today, so I chose to come here to pick her up," Kevin answered with a friendly smile, maintaining a nonchalant tone. Towering tall like a colossal Greek statue, he was the kind of guy who turned girls' heads wherever he went.

Did you call her? Do you want to go upstairs with us, or you want me to call her?" A snooty smile formed at the comers of Rain's mouth, intended to pass a subtle message. It was his way of telling Kevin that Leena deserved better, and Rain had qualms about her marriage to Kevin.

"I don't think it's necessary. She's already done and will be here in a minute or two." Used to the condescending attitude of these men, Kevin simply shrugged off Rain's words. Instead, he looked aside only for his eyes to meet Leena who was running to greet him with arms open wide.

"Really? Okay." At the same time, Rain also turned and on seeing Leena, put on a charming smile, his eyes lighting up with lots of affection.

Pointing to her wrist to indicate time, Leena shot at Rain, "Isn't this late? You couldn't manage to be here earlier than this?" Without pausing, she continued, "I've just calmed Edward down. Please be careful not to get him so worked up again, okay?" While talking to Rain, Leena stole a furtive glance at Kevin and smiled with a hint of embarrassment. It was quite warm in Edward's office, so she forgot the time and stayed longer than expected.

Provoking Edward is a pastime that I relish with glee. Why would I want to drop that, seeing it's one of the few things that spice up my otherwise drab life?" Moving closer to Leena, Rain shrugged as he reached out his arms to adjust her coat to make sure she'd stay warm in the biting cold. But he made a show of it, just to get on Kevin's nerves. The tenderness with which he acted was melodramatic, making it look as if his sister was a delicate, precious gem. Then he cast a disdainful glance at Kevin, to see the reaction.

"I'm sorry to know you have such hard feelings toward Edward. I know you must be hard on you, coping with Annie's disappearance, and you are using this way to vent your pain and sorrow." Touched at heart, Leena threw herself in Rain's arms, in an attempt to console him. Annie had been missing for quite some time now, but they still hoped to find her, although they had not had any positive leads. In frustration, Leena sighed, so many questions crossing her mind. 'We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. Maybe, that's a point I should keep in mind about the love Kevin and I have,' she thought to herself, before Rain interrupted her reverie.

What?" he began. "You must be kidding me! I'm good," he protested. "What about you? Are you feeling any better?" Unwilling to talk about Annie, Rain changed the subject, as he reached out and held Leena, ignoring Kevin once more. Last time, Tom had cautioned that Leena was suffering decreased body resistance. Thought of it really worried Rain.

In silence, Kevin stood looking at them. Though he was a little angered inside, he knew Leena had a close relationship with her sworn brothers, and there was nothing he could do about it. So he patiently waited for her again.

"I'm great. I'm as strong as an oak!" While speaking, Leena stole a glance at Kevin. She was afraid if Kevin heard this, he would also force her to take supplements.