Chapter 1241: A Date (part three)

Great! You may get in the car now. It's freezing outside. I don't want you to catch a cold." Without further delays, Rain loosened his arms and smoothed Leena's messy hair, his eyes full of affection.

"Okay! You may go find Edward now. He must be waiting for you." Leena gave Rain a sweet smile. She regarded her sworn brothers as her own brothers, and didn't think there was any problem with how they got along.

"Major General Gu, I'd like to offer you a drink next time." Before turning and entering FX International Group offices, Rain cast a proud glance at Kevin and gave him a cold smile. He had such a delicate face that his picture-perfect smile attracted many girls passing by.

"What's wrong with him?" Uncertain why Rain was acting more weird, Kevin asked Leena. He could feel the hostility in Rain's eyes. 'Does it have anything to do with the so-called Annie? Who is she?' he thought to himself.

"He has been hurt in love, and his heart is broken. Don't worry. I think he'll be okay sooner or later." But actually, Leena was not so sure of what she said. Annie had left for a long time, but Rain hadn't shown any signs of recovery yet. 'Will he behave like this forever?' she asked herself.

"Did you drive here?" Leaving aside the problem with Rain, Kevin held Leena in his arms for warmth.

"Yes, I did. My car is in the underground car park. Are we going home now? Or anywhere else?" Against the wind, Leena soon began to shiver like leaf.

Get in the car first. You're freezing." Kevin opened the car door for Leena and shut it after she got in, before he got in the driver's seat.

"Hey, you got off work so early today." Once in car, Leena felt much warmer. She looked at Kevin, waiting for an answer.

"The Commander was in a good mood today, so he asked me to get off work earlier. How are you feeling now?" As he turned up the heater, Kevin stared at Leena worriedly. He had heard of Leena's health problem from her sworn brothers' conversation for more than once. He wanted to know more.

Really? Your Commander seems to be a nice man." At the mention of the Commander, Leena forgot about Kevin's question as she remembered Louisa, the Commander's daughter. Ever since they met in Grand Apartment last time, Leena had never heard of Louisa again. Leena couldn't help but wonder where Louisa was and what she was doing now. Most importantly, she wanted to know whether Louisa had moved on or not. Maybe Louisa was plotting something to destroy their relationship. Although Leena didn't want to think ill of Louisa, she knew how crazy a woman could be once her love was betrayed. After all, Leena too had been there and done that. She felt so lucky to finally become Kevin's wife.

"Yes, he is. Babe, how about we eat out tonight? I'll drive you there, and you can come for your car tomorrow." Staring at his beloved wife, Kevin felt guilty for her. Born with a silver spoon, Leena had always been the little princess. But since she got married to him, she had learned how to do the housework. And for that, her sworn brothers disliked Kevin.

"Oh, really? What are we going to eat? And I would also like to go shopping at the night market. Is that okay?" Leena was thrilled at Kevin's offer. For all the time they had known each other, they had never had a real date alone, without bringing someone else with them.

"I'll try my best to fulfill all your needs tonight. So you'd better seize the opportunity." Gently, Kevin stroked her hair with a doting smile. A hint of sorrow flashed across his eyes and soon disappeared, but Leena was too excited to notice it.

Oh, thank you so much, Kevin. That's really nice of you," Leena said earnestly. In her mind, happiness was as simple as, when she walked closer to Kevin, he took a big step forward. Now that was quite an indication of how highly Kevin thought of her. And for the little gesture, she was enthralled.

"Sweet girl! What do you want to eat?" Starting the engine, Kevin waited for her answer. Kevin hoped that she would not break to tears after learning of his upcoming deployment, during which he'd be away from her for a couple of months.

"How about The Fragrance Restaurant?" It had been a long time since she last went to the restaurant and she really missed the food there. Also, she wanted to introduce Kevin to the staff there, so that they would provide him with the best service on the occasions when he'd be there without her.

"The Fragrance Restaurant? Never heard of that before," Kevin said with a frown. As a soldier, Kevin was very busy and seldom had time to eat outside. As such, it didn't surprise Leena that he had never heard of the restaurant.

"They have really nice food there. I'd like to take you there for a sampling of their delicious food." As she located the address with the on-board navigation, Leena gave him a sweet smile. She was really excited to spend the night with him alone.

"All right. You're the boss, and I'm all yours tonight." Hoping that Leena would much enjoy the night, Kevin stepped on the gas, not wanting to waste any more time. He'd make this night special so that Leena would be prepared when he finally got to talk about his impending travel. More and more, he paid closer attention to Leena now. It felt like his love for her was being tested in many ways, but he was sure that they would stick together against all the odds. Unbeknown to him, he would soon meet the worst trouble in his life — Leena would be in a coma, and they might be forced to separate by death.