Deep into the night already, After getting a useful power-up and restore Rain as much as possible. Hiei followed his instincts and hurriedly left the building.
As not even a few minutes have passed, there was a sound of an explosion.
They were followed by a powerful shock wave that rattled the insides of everyone that it reached, including Hiei and Rain causing them to bleed from their seven orifices due to just how powerful whatever caused that explosion.
But that was not even the scary part, there was a massive being that crashed into the mall that Hiei and Rain just came from causing it to collapse as an enraged roar echoed through in frustration and pain as a sizeable mangled arm landed near them.
Hiei decided to absorb it as soon as possible sadly though he could not absorb the flesh and bone... the blood, However, it was like guzzling down water, but with dire consequences, there was a strong rejection as if it was trying to kill him slowly for desecrating it.
Still, at the same time, Hiei's other job was increasing ever so slowly now.
Rain was....well being Rain as she barely managed to take a bite then began to drag the arm to their next shelter.
The other zombies tried to come close but quickly stopped thanks to the new change that Rain had she might've evolved, but that feline-like zombie girl is still protective and covers him in her drool, Hiei still has the wet spots on his head to prove it since this was just not that long ago!
The next place they reached was one of the regular clothing stores as to why he wants to get some better warmer clothes, and Hiei felt strange seeing Rain with her clothes all ripped up and barely covering anything.
So he decided to get her to dress up a bit.
However, the screams of despair and that for mercy interrupted his thoughts as there was a group of men trying to assault two young girls.
Rain continued to try getting a piece of what she could from the large arm without a care in the world as if it were beef jerky.
Hiei checked out to see the situation, sure enough, he happened to catch a glimpse of the group, making so much racket another group of bandits attacking a small barely surviving village.
The two girls tied to small wooden poles.
One of them currently ravaged by one of the men. As he got closer, the scent of blood got stronger as the men of the village were all massacred their heads were impaled onto for the children and elderly....
Pieces of them are being used as bait to lure zombies into helping these men grow stronger.
Obviously, if they see them, Hiei will end up just like that, and Rain will either be used for exp or end up just like these two girls while many people may be wondering how come Hiei am not helping the survivors.
Well then ask them this if he helps them, will he not risk getting stabbed in the back?
What will happen if they see Rain?
Or what if death is the release that they want or need?
Heh, regardless, Hiei believed it was the time that he kills them one by one since one of these retards decided to do something to a secluded corner near conveniently.
Hence, the now power-hungry boy slowly crept up behind him.
As he lowered his trousers to do his business, Hiei made a spike emerge from both of his hands then after waiting for the perfect moment with a shift strike aiming for the brittle part of the cervical spine and the heart not letting him let out even a single peep.
Hiei then used his skill to absorb the man to leave no traces, and while doing so, he condensed a keratin armor filled with spikes then decided to aim for the next victim since they had 16 people left can't risk the chance that one of them may have a powerful skill.
While Hiei was pondering this, a presence hidden up above them laid hidden waiting for the perfect time to strike.
As Hiei was trying to stay focused on the bandits, there was something nearby watching.
As it scurried about, it wasn't a zombie, no; it felt very familiar like something he came across before.
However, the boy couldn't worry about it since it isn't giving him any hostile feelings, so he might be alright for now despite it feeling like being optimistic.
For some reason, one of the men began to move in an odd manner. As he began sniffing with his head held high upon noticing this, the other men stopped what they were doing waiting to hear why he was acting like that from Hiei's point of view.
Still, if the boy were able to get a closer look at them, he would have noticed the excited glint in their eyes...
prey has come, the prey is here!!!
That was the chant that began to sing to start a hunt.
As every single one of them began to unleash their abilities one of them formed some armor to completely cover his body, the one that was sniffing about his body began to expand and morph as his clothes stretched out and began to tear.
For a moment there the boy that was stalking them thought that the man would turn into the hulk, but when the man finished, Hiei was gravely disappointed as in was just an oversized pig standing upright.
One other guy, that was hairy, fat, oily, and ugly was a tad bit more disturbing as if he was trying to become....a magical man?
Luckily the light blocked his unmentionables, but his outfit for an overweight man by like 200 pounds overweight of pure fat possible was now wearing similar to those books that the boy has seen his uncle was jerking off to a few times bond-something and the outfit he got looked like it was about to pop some of the other men were disturbed by this to the point that they turned green to the face.
One of the more serious-looking ones summoned blades to come out of the floor every time his blood drips, which would explain why they had sharp and decent weapons.
A bizarre one was a guy that was well picking his nose rather too enthusiastically then collected them in one hand thus would be named booger man.
As his next action explained why he did such a thing upon flick one of his boogers, it expanded to a size of a basketball then when it landed the sound of loud sizzling reverberated when it hit one of the walls...acidic boogers?
The others were waiting almost impatiently, and tensions were rising since it was a risky move to attack while they are alert might as well leave before they find him as they began to hunt for him in the area.
Hiei began sneaking away gradually away from the bandits and released a sigh of relief once he was close to one of the openings.
So he could leave the building just when he finally relaxed something flashed by him as he felt a light tug...
it was definitely a 'huh?' Moment until he noticed what was wrong, his right arm ripped from its socket. As blood squirted about, like what any ordinary person would do well, he screamed from the pain and loss of a limb as his blood painted the wall near him. As the sound of munching and crunching could be heard nearby by whoever or whatever it was that took his arm.
the noise he made alerted the bandits of where he was so they quickly rushed to his location
but there was one thing that sent shivers down his spine.
The creature came from out of the shadows exposing who the culprit was that took his arm; it was a giant lizard that was larger than a crocodile.
This beast was smarter and more powerful than an average monster as it smirked at him; it was using him as bait to lure more prey.
It was having fun tormenting him.
Soon it intends to do the same to the fools that are rushing towards him.
So Hiei forced himself to close up the torn off joint as he pushed down all of the feelings of pain and misery as right now, there is one thing that the boy wants to do when he gets the chance.
That is to butcher this f*cking beast no way in hell is he going to suffer under someone else ever again, which is why after getting away he'll eat everything within his reach that he can except for Rain at least she is his companion.
---??? pov---
After some time the beast was curious as to why it's bait stopped crying out loud it tilted its head in wonder, and it might have killed the weakling too quickly, so it turned to check only to see that the bait it left was gone.
But it didn't care much as it was the fourth-strongest in the area from what it can sense that large human was the third, while the man that was fighting him was second, as for the first that one created some large floating castle that floats above the city and always destroys any alien monsters.
Since it had the strength now, it was time to live it up and never get hungry ever again.
But the arm of that bait for the beast tasted strange; it tasted like a human yet at the same time tasted weirdly disgusting.
Similar to that of the special rotten snacks that it occasionally has to feed on.
As the excited battle cries of the new prey arrived, it squinted its eyes in delight...oh~ what a feast this will be~~~ shi shi shi.