Chapter 7 lessons learned and the fury that was gained

The first thing that came to the boy's mind that was missing an arm was... how could he forget such an obvious thing never to relax your guard even if you are at your base? However, he just had to break that rule and nearly imitated his late disgusting uncle even the mere thought of it was infuriating to the point he bit a piece off of his lower lip to calm himself slightly...

Now hiei has to find out where rain is as in his desperation they got separated due to his stupidity... after taking the time to calm himself, the boy now focuses on the ripped up shoulder that is left of his arm that was taken from him. Since he had the needed amount of "ingredients," hiei tries to make something like an arm... why so?

Because soft flesh is useless here, and well, he wasn't exactly sure how to make another arm yet thus, he tried making a blade arm like that zombie-like before; while it took time and multiple tries, the boy finally succeeded with creating a pseudo blade arm while it can't cut through metal and stone it will be good enough for now as his health and mana were getting dangerously close to his comfort zone for when he practices.... now that he has a new weapon time to find rain as he familiarizes himself with his new extension.

climbing one to the nearby buildings to get a clearer view hiei began to look for any traces of rain,

the search was troubling as more people seemed to show up with even more bizarre abilities as one guy can create letters of some sort and use them to permanently empower objects in his possession as this man was hunting in the area.

hiei moved to the next zone only to see another strange group as this group had one other man who was peculiar; he had a large number of naked yet armed females following him lifelessly like puppets. These girls seemed to have some kind of white fluid flowing from between their legs, and the man had no regard for the lives of these women as he had them fight until they got eaten, yet the other women gave no reaction...

Moving away from the bizarre group, hiei tried his luck at the nearby forest far away from the previous group; however, the next group brought fear upon the boy that was beyond instinct as the leader of the group was a little girl that was riding on a large tiger covered in scales rather than fur surrounded by a group of beasts however these beasts looked as if they were forcefully fused as some of them were turning into puddles of goo however the girl paid the suffering animals no heed as this girl was about to do something with a human female and a wolf...

The next thing frightened hiei rather gravely as the girl that was obviously controlling the monsters her belly suddenly opened, showing numerous rows of bladed teeth enveloping the poor woman as she shrieked and wolf whimpered as this happened after the sound sounds of munching was finished the large mouth of the girl opened again and spat out a human and wolf. In contrast, the wolf's features won for the limbs as it still walked the same way on its back; however, it was the woman facing upward exposing her naked flesh for everyone to see as if their backs were completely fused and her four limbs were gone...

---Crying woman/wolf pov

The woman was crying for multiple reasons as now she can't be considered human. She can control the wolf; however, she won't be able to escape this bitch of a scientist; her actual age is in the '70s after she experimented on herself, she stopped herself from aging. She used the different beasts to make herself look even younger...

I was just looking for food with my group only to accidentally find this witch since it looked like she was "young, injured and hungry" as the girl was covered in blood shivering in the middle of the forest, we let our guards down..... how funny that was!

Now that I think about it.

we then offered to help her but... BUT no...!

that was when she summoned her monsters and annihilated us, leaving me left as she was eager to use me with one of her experiments...

I had little choice as I just wanted to live... forced into becoming this abomination now I got to "follow" her.... for now.

But little did this bitch know that she just made me even stronger I'm only level 27, yet the bonus was 40+ to all of my stats.... hehehehehe just wait and keep that neck clean ill be claiming it soon...

The fused woman was scheming, not realizing that something else happened to her just like the others; however, it was not loyalty or anything like that, just something even more dangerous...


A Shiver ran down his spine as hiei immediately thought to himself, "RUN" no fucks were given, just pure get the hell out and run!

He did; little did hiei know that the little girl that led the chimeras clicked her tongue in annoyance as an excellent specimen managed to get away, but no matter, there are loads more in the city...

Not knowing he managed to really escape captivity again, hiei resumed his search for rain as he ate any unlucky zombies that came too close were used to replenish his everything.

During his search around the building where he had unintentionally abandoned rain due to that powerful lizard that ripped his arm off after an hour of scouring around while maintaining cover, the boy finally found some traces of her the arm that she was munching so eagerly on was now on the ground surrounded by hundreds of zombies that couldn't bite through the enhanced flesh due to the sheer size it was like watching hundreds of zombies struggling to play tug of war as some literally ripped their own jaws off in the process.

In Hiei's disappointment and frustration in not finding rain, he vented on the poor zombies then ate them as well, fueling his imaginary stock for his ability...

now that he found the arm, the boy tried absorbing it again; this time, it was less painful and more doable; however, due to this distraction of his and calming down his raging nerves, someone decided to attack while he was focused, earning him a blow to the back of the neck and as his consciousness faded the figure come out as if the woman was suddenly appearing out of nowhere as a sadistic grin similar to his late uncle the woman was shivering in delight as she exclaimed: "HAHAHAHA finally I ggggooottt yyyyoooouuuu~."

who knows how much time had passed, and near Hiei was a teenage looking girl digging her knife into her victim that was helpless and unable to do anything thanks to being tied to a chair, as even around his crotch area was a barb wired restrain to ensure that the man suffering under her actions stayed put!

(warning this is where things will get very dark as torture will happen here and a surprise)

The sound the hiei woke up to was something that he remembers too vividly due to the sound of what leather makes when it hits flesh followed by a muffled sound similar to a blocked scream, as the sound of something water-like dripping to the ground as it lands, then the sound of flesh being torn and cut little by little just to let the torturer savor the suffering of the victim as their life slowly leaves them...

Yes, hiei woke up in a panic as he was gagged by something strange, as it was cloth. Still, it tasted funny, and shackled to a chair with hemp rope and chains limiting his movement in a seated position, and his other human-like limbs were bound by crude bloodied hemp rope. In contrast, his bladed arm was so chained up and weighted down it was as if the culprit intended to make him lose his arm; his eyes quickly scanned the area to figure out where he was?

What was going on?

and how will he get out?

But his panic only increased, as someone beside him was screaming for the person to stop as another pained cry echoed out before a finger... casually landed on Hiei's lap!

The boy's heartbeat went through the roof as he struggled to break free from the chair as his bladed arm began to crack from the strain and movement. However, the childlike laughter that suddenly appeared behind his ear sent him shudders of fear as flashbacks of his uncle began to emerge...

"HAHA, so you are finally awake~~~?" (???)

"Since uncle Corvin got to you first, I was sooo upset~"(???)

Hiei was confused as this strange girl that seemed to be around 16-17 years old short blonde curly hair, sharp blue eyes, her nose, and cheekbones were aligned just right as it emphasized her looks more slightly thick lips, she has a lean build, the girl wore leather long sleeves that looked like it was patched together with skin!?

a leather flapped skirt that reached just above her knees, with thick knee boots for kicking and protection

As she noticed his confused look as her eyes looked at his face, no, towards his mouth, the girl was strangely happy as she giggled.

"I'm glad that my surprise gift wasn't ruined~~" as she said that, the girl went to hiei then sat on his lap as she introduced herself while feeling the petrified boy's chest CAREFULLY caressing it!

"since you have clearly forgotten who I am, my name is Angela Felhart, my sizes are 88, 59, 90 currently single, and oh I'm your cousin~~" as she said that the girl raised her skirt, showing that she had no underwear then added.

"sooo was it tasty~~~?"

Due to how hiei was treated before, he did not know such things; thus, he could only blink his eyes and ponder what is this girl on about.

Seeing his lack of reaction, the girl grit her teeth in anger; strangely though, it wasn't towards him; it was towards someone else.

Angela gets off of Hiei's lap then returns to the man she was brutalizing earlier with even greater vigor as she yelled at the top of her lungs with the fury that could burn a certain person if he was there and if angela was given the time in tools she would have roasted him little by little and fed him his roasted parts.

As she gets one of her tools pierces the poor man's arm the trampled the spot as she stabbed the same spot removed the crude knife then stomped on the same spot the stabbed again upon the man's eyes rolled back, as the smell of piss, shit and vomit could be smelt the man choked on his own puke granting him peace...

However, this only enraged angela as she moved to her next victim as. This time she removed the gag as this time the next man began to beg for it to stop, let him go, and such...

the girl laughed at this as she asked, "if I wasn't strong enough and you guys captured me as intended, would you have let me go or such? since you guys intended on capturing me~~?"

in desperation, the man proclaimed foolishly

"Y-Yes, I woul-"


The man received a kick to the face breaking his lower jaw as he tried to shriek in pain; sadly, his attempt at lying was cut off as his bloodied drool dripped to the ground...

"aww, I'm so sowe it seems I bwoke your widdle mouth~~~."

Despite this, the girl was smiling with a rather sinister look judging from the conversation the man's group attempted to capture her for something that obviously needs not be said, and they are now paying for it with their very lives...

Then, the crazy girl pulled out her blade then stabbed his D*ck, his right thigh, shoulder, left arm, and then the other arm and thigh!

*Shwink Shwink Shwink Shwink Shwink Shwink*

"Argh ah AH aH AH AH!!!" the man was now grunting as he still wails in pain as for what he may have tried to say; well, it will follow him to the grave as the girl removed him from the chair that he was bound to then dragged him to one of the windows which ended with him being thrown out as what was left of his possible comrade quickly followed.

From what hiei could see, there were three more men who may suffer the same fate as the previous two or even worse. However, the boy was concerned that he might be next after them...

As if sensing his fear, angela looked towards hiei, causing him to stiffen up. Sadly any attempts to use his skill were useless as something or a certain someone prevented him from using it...

her following words were reassuring for now

"HahA, no worries~ hiei you won't end up like them as I need you for an important project hehe~~~" the sight of a cute girl smiling would've been nice if it wasn't for the bloody background with stained torture tools as well as her being covered in blood and gore.

But what disturbed him, even more, was when she brought her face close to his then licked the side of his cheek; it was completely different from when Corvin did it, as he was sure that Angela had no intentions of eating him like his late fiend of an uncle, however, he was starting to feel worried for other reasons that Hiei couldn't understand at the moment!

On the bright side, hiei won't be tortured by his crazy cousin that is strangely obsessed with him; the only issue is will she let him go?


For the past few days, while life here might've been good if you didn't mind getting chained up and tied down to a chair and the muffled cries and whimpering of her captured victims, then this place and the treatment she gave hiei was practically heaven...

However, despite Angela's way of tending to him was unusually comfortable, the gaze she sometimes gives always reminds him of his late uncle before the boy got a chance to kill him, it is as if she both cares for him, but she also wants to see him suffer and become angela's toy before she eats him, (A/N remember the boy is only 11 years old now and was mistreated for 7 years with no proper education other than to talk to his uncle and listen to him whenever he is drunk) the more bizarre thing was that his ability seems to not work here only sometimes for a brief moment...

As of late, Angela has been giving him so many lessons in how to kill and torture enemies in the most agonizing way possible despite being constricted to a chair still.

Complete with the demonstration on how it's done live in front of his eyes.

While he was under her care, the boy got to learn about some interesting things from armor, projectiles, proper blades, and the other possibilities that he could do with his skill as it turns out his imagination and the cost are his limits...

The days were strangely peaceful, and the knowledge hiei gained was a sure bonus; however, as they say, all good things come to an end eventually...

however, in this case, it was obviously even worse the system sent a message that heightened the despair and suffering of everyone at these following messages---

(for those that happened to survive until now, congrats! As well as you lowly pitiful insects, are too weak! So you know what? I will be sending a few "trials" for you humans to endure through. As for why? Heh, well, you fools are taking too long after receiving my blessings and other gifts, and I am getting bored from the constant same struggles, so I am going to send 1 billion lowest tier monsters. To speed things up, I will send monsters one tier higher every year.)

(So my task for you will be simple, slay the interlopers gain the gifts hidden within them, or they will expand quickly and overrun you if they survive a year after arriving, so struggle you, weaklings! As despair and suffering that you receive will be my source of entertainment HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, by yours truly, The creator. p.s. I will be removing the stats and only have your mana and health and skill be exposed, and you will have to find out how to survive with my new game)

So like what anyone would do in this situation hiei checked his status...

719 hours, 57 mins till trials begin

Name: Hiei Grotto

Title: The hybrid(dual levels), The Abandoned one(no blessings/ double stat increase per level), The Ruthless(all mind capabilities +2), The Unrelenting (all physical abilities +3).

Level: 22 (human)

Level: 17 (???)(0/10) to unlock name

Race: human/???

Status: Scarred(luck - 5)

Hp: 177/180 + 277

Mp: 173/186 + 253


Flesh Manipulation (9) (22/90)*: grants the ability to manipulate flesh at the cost of Health and Mana; the higher the level, the lesser the cost, adds 50 health and mana per level.

And sure enough, it did happen; the scary part about this is how will you know if your strength and the like reach a certain point?

now everyone has to gather together to deal with the upcoming trial.

And upon receiving this message, the strange sensation of being disrupted whenever using a skill disappeared; thus, hiei broke free as quickly as possible then ran!

by the time he got out of the building, the screams of unbridled fury had echoed while it seemed heavenly being with Angela...

the strange feeling that reminded him similar to a book that he read about... uhhh, what was it again ahh, yes spiders!!!

That was what he felt from Angela that when she gets what she wants hiei won't even know when or how he died...

Reaching a secure area, the boy began to ponder about what may happen in the near future, then focusing on the 719 hours; the boy wasn't sure how long it would be; however, that being called the creator sure has some twisted tastes as he is making things harder and harder for us because if we can get titles from killing the interlopers doesn't that mean the zombies can too?

As he was pondering, a familiar groan was heard as the sound of battle could be heard, so Hiei's ears perked up, and he quickly made his way towards the source...

Upon reaching the building, which was 4 floors high on the third floor, that was heavily barricaded...

What he saw made him develop more hatred for others...

(dark hiei awakens prepare for some blood and gore will happen as R*** is happening)

He found rain; however, she was surrounded by a group of 7 men; her limbs were mangled twisted in a ruthless manner as they were tied to a rope while one of the men was attempting to gag her as he was thrusting his hips into her lower area as he grunted, Rain was cover in some strange fluids as she attempted to bite them however one of the men behind her grabbed rain's head and held it in place for the man that was on her to gag her finally.

The naked men around her were laughing as some of them were still stroking their cocks; due to the stat removal, everyone had gotten a major power to degrade, making their skills and levels their greatest of assets meaning that even if rain was level 50 or higher, she could still be overrun by the humans with strategy, disabled little by little until eventually her current predicament...

Little did her attackers know that they just invited Death to themselves...

Thanks to the lessons he received from angela for the past few days, hiei creates armor for himself, then makes the fingers on his remaining arm change into the idea that angela showed him resembling dart gun tubes with an air pocket in Hiei's palm to propel the darts the boy aimed in 2 certain directions then fired twice!

*ffffhhhhopp x 2*

Causing a finger-sized dart made of flesh to pierce the man on top of rain through the cervical spine, then through the back of the head, causing the man to shudder then drop.

The other man holding rain's head received one through the mouth, tearing through his tongue and exiting through the back of the head while the last shot popped his eye and then reached his brain.

The group went quiet upon seeing the two suddenly die, but that wasn't the end as a figure emerged from behind; one of the ones that weren't evolved received a slash from behind, causing the man to let out one last groan before showing a split through his body vertically as his two pieces fell to the ground as blood spray the body of the attacker...

The bloodthirsty glint in his eyes caused the group of the men to back away a step on of the braver ones attacked with a club; this action roused the men to pick up their weapons and try to attack together...

The first one managed to lay a hit of hiei. Still, sadly it was as if it didn't even itch him thanks to the pseudo armor from bones before the boy released another blow with his fist that was covered in spikes smacking his attacker in the face-ripping flesh as the man was sent a few meters and causing his victim to wail in pain as the left of his face was torn, crushed and the left eye was hanging out.

With nothing else to consider, one of the men pulled out an Uzi, and he was reluctant at first as more zombies would reach their location but using it now would be better than dying right now; thus, all his past inhibitions simply crumbled away...

Hiei felt the man pull out something; thus, he turned while driving his bladed right arm into the unlucky man, then swung it horizontally to another, sending the man flying into a wall as he attempted to block his attack.

The pangs of dull pain enveloped hiei!

as the bullets hit the boy, causing him to fall over as the shooter felt victorious as he now continued to shoot hiei effectively in the torso and one scraped by his eye, making hiei quickly close his eyes and mouth as he absorbs flesh and blood of those that he killed unnoticed by the men, causing his injuries to heal strengthening him even further and unbeknownst by hiei and the remaining men Hiei's skill was changing as it was changing him as it was making him more and more resistant to guns...

As his skill was changing him, the pain that he felt from the gun was lessening; after some time, the man ran out of bullets for his clip so he attempted to reload hiei noticed this then aimed his left arm that was in dart gun mode then proceeded to fire with a reinforced and higher capacity air pocket in his hand to power his darts further tearing through the shooter leaving him like a beehive finally ending him.

The last two were rather interesting; one of them was immobile from crashing into the wall but still held a large amount of bravery for still trying to fight despite being unable to move, while the last one was the man that had half of his face destroyed. His eye was still hanging about begging for his life as he already soiled himself.

with the large amount of noise they made, the zombies now surrounded the area hiei decided to throw these bastards into the horde; thus, he played it safe by destroying their limbs as they did to rain then dragged them to the window where you had a clear view of the thousands of zombies grabbing the braver one by the neck then lifting him hiei asked him "any last words?"

the man tried to spit but failed as hiei tightened his grip slightly then asked again, "well?"

as the man gave up resisting, his words were, "see you in hell, you ugly shit."

hiei let out a slight grin as he threw the man hard towards the horde as his cries echoed through the groans of hunger as the zombies ate him. As for the last one, the boy didn't bother with him as he simply picked up by the back to the neck then threw him into the horde; his shrieks were far more miserable compared to the previous one...

Hiei was calm now he quickly approached rain to check on her condition other than being violated by the men and her arms were mangled she was alright upon seeing him, she let out a strange purr as she attempted to get close thus to stop this hiei proceeded to heal her and clean her...