Chapter 8 changes that took place, pending promise

In a four-story building far east from the now-demolished mall, a scarred boy meticulously tended to a woman that wouldn't hold still as she tries to hug him like she usually does as this woman would lick the top of his bald head like a cat, however, at this time she can't since those that held her captive earlier twisted her limbs almost to the point of it being nearly ripped off.

It was a few hours When he was finished with cleaning and "healing" rain hiei noticed something particularly strange about her she no longer looked like a zombie as her skin now had a healthy glow compared to the leathery dead look.

It was as if she was a living human again, just one that went crazy, and the blood that flowed from the injuries and bite marks caused by the men from before enforced that idea even more so as hiei was confused by this since he came across her when she was a zombie and when her lower half was torn off...

But back to the changes that the so-called creator made, everything became easier to kill as the formerly tough zombies can now die by just destroying their cores that are either in the chest or the head, just like the "zombie movies" that angela went on about before hiei escaped but now being unable to monitor your stat growth is going to be hard for everyone...

The next change that happened was the zombies changed overall in how they look and act while rain acts like a cat when she shows finesse when dispatching enemies as if her mind when back to that of a child a mind younger than hiei.

The even scarier part was that each and every zombie was developing, meaning that the difficulty just increased as the upcoming trial will be even more harsh as they might exhaust themselves before it begins.

Hiei let out a sigh then checked his status

716 hours, 45 mins till trials begin

Name: Hiei Grotto

Title: The hybrid(dual levels), The Abandoned one(no blessings/ double stat increase per level), The Ruthless(all mind capabilities +2), The Unrelenting (all physical abilities +3).

Level: 22 (human)

Level: 17 (???)(0/10) to unlock name

Race: human/???

Status: Scarred(luck - 5)

Hp: 180/180 + 277

Mp: 186/186 + 253


Flesh Manipulation (9) (22/90)*: grants the ability to manipulate flesh at the cost of Health and Mana, the higher the level the lesser the cost, the higher the stockpile that can be saved for later, +50 per level.

Well, that is rather interesting hiei had gotten something like an extra life if he doesn't use it.

but now, to focus on making a base since the buildings are too obvious, why not make one underground since he has thousands of spare "materials" outside let us not waste any of it... (A/N as you can see, the boy is slowly looking at everyone other than rain as something that he can use as his mind warps into something darker but that is for later)

---A certain psychopath's POV---

Why did he leave?

Why did he go?


In the heavy rain, a teenaged girl with short blonde hair covered in blood and gore was staggering about while dragging a machete across the ground, searching for someone as her blue bloodshot eyes leered at everything that moved, every time a zombie came close whether it was individually or in groups, their heads or their chests would suddenly explode whenever they got within 10 meters of her...

The blood that covered her was from some random bandits that thought of her as easy prey sadly of the ability users that was flying above her got too close and what was left of him landed on her painting her red.

"hiei, the next time I catch you, I will make sure that you will only think of me~~~."

The images that went through her head could send shivers down one's spine as to how far she was willing to go to ensure her current target will be unable to leave from the amputation of limbs to drugs; she will also use her skill if need be constantly to make sure that this time he won't move, that he will just lay down as she takes care of EVERYTHING!

ever since that promise she made with him 8 years ago, she has never forgotten it; it was what kept her going, so she ain't giving him up that easily...(A/N yes a girl that was barely ten make a three-year-old promise something but I won't spoil it anymore as there is far, far more insanity included into it)

And strangely enough, the girl was singing the itsy bitsy spider song, well, her version...

The itsy-bitsy Bandits~~~

Came out to attack me~~~

Down came my machete~~~

And chopped them all to pieces~~~

then they screamed out loud~~~

as they all died in the end~~~

And the itsy-bitsy bandits~~~

Ohhh! one is crawling away~~~

One of the bandits' survivors was crawling away as his left leg was crushed into mush that obviously rendered him unable to run as the sound of metal being dragged behind him drew closer and closer.

The man was panicking as he turned his body over as he held his right hand out about to beg for mercy but the sound of metal going by was heard then something splattered on to his face causing the man screamed then puked out to the side as half of his hand was gone...

The man tried to suppress his pain using his other hand, but a boot smashes into his face as the sound of breaking his nose. Front teeth echoed about, but that was not the end as the boot rose then dropped then rose then dropped again repeatedly as the victim caught a glimpse of the sadistic grin of a young blonde girl covered in blood if it wasn't for the fact that half of his right hand was missing, his face smashed in, his left leg turned into mush he might've enjoyed the view that he could see as he had some tendencies however the upcoming thing which was death was something that he wanted to avoid at all costs as his next words both saved his life for now but made him sign his death warrant which were in a gurgled word...

"e ould've jut tri'thet waed bat inste'" translation (we should've just tried that scarred brat instead) for others that was literally last words of a sore loser but for angela, it was like a thunder strike that brought a beautiful smile to her face.

The boot that was about to drop upon his face again stopped as the feeling of the strange mix of glee and blood lust mixed together as the girl said!

"hehehe so you are of some use after all~~."

She then used the blunt side of the machete to knock the man senseless and unconscious...

She then proclaimed!


As the crazed laughter of the girl echoed about!