Chapter 9 holed up

A few days went by after that incident and hiei managed to find a basement that wasn't very big but it was enough for now as he needed shelter more than anything however since the day that he saved rain his skill was acting strange as it became easier to absorb things and manipulate his flesh and of those that he touches, which the boy has been doing to rain after restoring her body, there are times when he is tempted to add cat ears and a cat tail to her due to her constant purring and licking as she continues her usual antics, which is clinging to him and obviously covering his head in slobber as if to make for the days that she didn't manage to do so...

now with Rain on him like a koala and the occasional sound of wet leather being rubbed on the now covered in drool boy tries to reinforce their new home/base using the zombies as spare materials he expanded the basement a bit as for defense, hiei used the same armor that he currently has to act as a removable door that only he can remove that blended in with the surroundings sturdy and stable at least until he figures out how to make things better...

the boy changed back to his normal-looking self with scars and all using a regular pair of black pants, a blue hoodie that zipped up to the nose, sneakers

hiei left Rain at the base tied up for obvious reasons and he was going to check out the area for food supplies and hopefully some possible allies... sadly the boy found the opposite as two men surrounded him front and back as the one in front spoke.

"hey kid what are you doing here all alone without your mommy o' daddy? it's dangerous nowadays you should come along with good ol' uncle bill here as I'll take good care of you along with your bag"

despite the seemingly kind words the man was unsheathing his knives as he spoke making it obvious he won't take no for an answer, thus the boy took off his bag, showed his face which earned him a scowl from the man in front who just had to say the magic words...

"man you are one ugly mother f*ck-"

those words are something that he hated more than anything which caused him to change back into his "battle mode" as his clothes ripped, a pity really, he liked those clothes, but he will feel much better after butchering this man...

while his sudden change acted as a good distraction even if it was momentarily it was enough, Upon reaching the bandit hiei changed his hand into a blade and buried it into the man's gut then using his skill again he tried to devour the bastard, before receiving a heavy blow to the side with a bat that caused a crack in his armor, it was obvious why it was.

the attacker was a 'skill' user! the attacker had a sneer as he delivered another powerful blow which hiei narrowly avoided, but due to the power behind the blow made a large amount of dust from the debris float which blinded hiei for a moment!

Allowing one of the hidden armed partners to begin shooting his rifle that literally took a chunk out of the struggling boy!

Causing him to release a pained grunt, he was lucky that he had spare health thanks to the skill or he would've been dead!

Even his attackers were surprised hell the gunman was idiotic enough to come out after the shot that should've killed Hiei, walking to the other guy from out of his hiding spot before making sure their target was dead like they usually do, thus in pure desperation hiei dashed towards the nearest man as they were still gawking in wonder, his target was a man that he stabbed earlier, while his enemies were about to attack in multiple directions, the desperate boy was furious!


they always use numbers!

since they like numbers so much why doesn't he return the favor with a different kind of number!

Hiei grabbed the man that was healing unnaturally fast now panicking while in pain by the throat and decided to use him as a weapon since he was still new to the idea he wasn't sure if it will work but it was definitely better than dying by the hands of this pigs!

the man under the effects began to move erratically as his fingers began to move in a wave-like motion then the arms then legs as each and every joint of his bent in the opposite direction as his body popped and crackled in a disturbing manner as his head turned 180 degrees with an eerie smile as numerous bumps began to form on his skin as if aiming towards each and every one of them, one of the men that realized the situation but was powerless to do anything could only let out one word...


the man held by the boy exploded into countless darts, blades, needles whatever you want to call it, because regardless of what it was, the result brought... a tragic ending for the enemy each and every one of them looked like beehives before their bodies fell to the ground.

While Hiei fell back on his ass, while trying to catch his breath as he looked coldly as the men, the boy gathered what little amount of strength he had to get back on to his feet, approached the bodies then stabbed his blade arm into their heads to make sure that they were dead!

This was a cruel world... it was better to be safe than sorry!

And with Hiei's case, the body absorbed their bodies to keep his 'health' up before destroying the weapons that he didn't know how to use yet were dangerous and collected the clothes and supplies that they had that was not too far from where they died.