Chapter 10 army steps in, rain wants some

In an area near a forest lay three bodies of men that were well... not intact as they looked like someone had made these bodies into literal beehives...

Not very far from them was a barely standing figure that looked as if someone had torn chunks from this person's torso, including half of the left thigh, exposing the bones at the areas, as blood dripped slowly to the ground as those injuries began to close up...

The boy named hiei barely survived the onslaught of the bandits that he was now looking coldly at...

A low sigh echoed through the area...

He nearly died yet again... but still numbers, huh?

guess I should start bringing rain with me from now on... but I still need to figure out what her skill is; well, whatever, let's just eat these guys, then head back...

So after stabbing their heads with his blade arm, he did so all while staying cautious as there was still a chance that they were still alive and waiting to attack.

As his skill only left skin and bones.

When he has gotten back, what greeted him was a tackle, a couple of soft smothering pillows with a hint of danger...

----??? pov---- (A/n make a guess as to who and yes this character is like that)

Grr, boy left again...

The zombie was annoyed while trying to follow the boy, yet her restraints prevented her from doing so!

Grr, why tie me?

She used the extra strength she had as her body glowed blue with a phantom form of a cat behind her before finally managing to break the restraints!

Grr, I free now...

She growled at the restraints before wrecking them to prevent them from keeping her here again and unable to follow the boy.

Grr, I find him...

She sniffed around like a dog, both enjoying his scent while following where it would bring her, but the door to the place she was in opened up, and his bloodied figure made her worried before the zombie decided to help him~

He hurt! Me lick be better!

So with an unintentionally powerful tackle, she pushed him to the ground and began satisfying herself with his sweat(yes, she's a pervert!) while cleaning him!

pero pero pero pero

Hiei was trying to get away, but the zombie girl was overpowering him while marking him with her scent!

He mine now!

Hiei had practically surrendered to his fate while the zombie girl was now holding him close while doing her favorite thing... licking his head while hugging him from behind!

No more gone!

She was going to make sure they stayed together no matter what, but the smell of a certain thieving cat made her double her efforts as she rubbed her body onto his.

Must erase thief scent hmph!

As the zombie did this, she opened up her status to see what she could do to strengthen herself further, all while ignoring a certain status effect that was further getting out of control~

702 hours, 41 mins till trials begin

Name: a certain zombie.

Title: The soul sharer(dependant on shared souls), The one who used her skill on a cat(action deemed as foolish thus title the foolish one earned) The foolish one(10% chance of stumbling), The Little boy lover(50% chance of being charmed by the first boy seen), The nimble tigress(agility+10)

Level: 36 (zombie)

Level: 11 (cat)

Race: zombie/cat

Status: in heat/charmed

Hp: 192/192

Mp: 166/166


Soul sharing: grants the ability to share your soul with a target giving each other's abilities at the cost of sharing each other's everything if either one dies during the connection, the other that is connected if their will isn't strong enough they will die as well however if they are strong enough they will gain everything of the other. Cost is half of health and mana; the higher the level, the lesser the cost and burden.


Back at the site where there are three leftovers of bodies, there was a figure wearing military fatigues with a mask kneeling down examining the mummified corpses; then a man leading a group of 29 armed men that marched in formation arrived a cold tone commanded.

"report, sergeant!"

The man with a mask stood at attention then replied firmly.

"Sir, I found these three tangos here; two of them looked as if they had been shot by something, but it seems too clean for artillery to smooth for guns, especially the third one it seems as if his insides were ripped out, then something fired out of his back... judging from the struggle the person they were fighting against was injured too not to heavily judging from the blood trails might make a fine medic out of this one from how quickly the injury was taken care of"

The sergeant had the ability to investigate things completely, allowing to have some insight into what truly happened and deeper details that made him one of the best scouts in this group.

A glint glowed from the leader's eyes as he heard the information then released another command to his crew...

"Alright, you heard the man we found ourselves possibly a doctor or something along those lines that can help our brothers and sisters; I say again we may have found a chance to save our brothers and sisters, so don't screw this up, you bastards! but before you go, don't forget we want this person unharmed and possibly friendly, AM I CLEAR?!"


The leader's lips corner curled up with a slight smile as he nodded in approval...

"So let's roll out."

All factions heavily covet abilities that can heal or anything like that as they knew that things would only get harder as time passes, thanks to the new trials that they are forced to face thanks to the damned creator!

Meanwhile, back at a certain hideout...

A boy was fending himself from Rain that was now prowling at him!!!