Earth, one year ago

I heard a knocking at my door, banging as my mother kept on calling for me to wake up.

It was not until I called back that I was up that the knocking stopped. I heard her feet walk away, shuffling on the wooden hallway floor and heard the bathroom door closed.

I had to wiggle to get out of my blankets due to how tight they were around my body, I must have really rolled around in my sleep. After a few seconds of wiggling around and feeling like an idiot I finally escaped my fuzzy prison.

I got up too fast though and I felt a dizzy spell take hold of me and my vision got blurry until I sat down on my bed still holding my head.

I looked to my clock which was currently frozen and then remembered it broke which is why I asked my mother to wake me instead of my alarm. I would have used my phone but I forgot that at my school locker.

I started my normal routine after I felt better from sitting down, and my head started to pound less. I took a quick cool shower to wake myself up and got dressed. I looked at myself in the foggy mirror as I brushed my teeth.

I saw an averaged height teen about 5'8, long dark brown hair swept back still looking wet on top of an oval shaped face. Dark brown eyes stared back at me in the mirror. I was not some big muscled Jock more skinny, still I was not out of shape due to taking the dog for walks each day and the occasional workouts.

Overall I was about an average sixteen year old teenager getting ready to start the school day.

I headed down stairs after getting all set and grabbed my car keys, Jacket, and my light backpack. I was about to head out after getting all set when I saw my mother Janet was heading out as well and we said our goodbyes.

She was about 5'2, a tiny woman who you don't want to mess with, 39 years old, Diamond shaped face, with lighter colored brown hair then me but had the same eyes.

She currently works as a teacher at a different school than mine.

While at the same time my father was not around since he had to go to New York on a business trip.

If I had to say who I got most of my looks from I would say my mother since my father is a big man, tall and has muscles on muscles. He is most of the time gone, but when he is around he takes good care of all of us and is a fun guy to be around with the occasional bad dad Joke.

Most would be angry that a father would always be away, but not my mother and me. We both understand that he tries his best to always be the best husband and father, and we love him for it.

I exited the house through the side door and said goodbye to our dog who is our family's favorite pain in the arse that we named Duke. He barks at me as I walk by, trying to jump on me, and I throw a treat to distract him as I walk to my car.

I took my car since it was getting colder and winter is coming. Plus I finally got a driver's license last month and I always try to find an excuse to drive. I passed the drivers test with flying colors, or close enough...Ok I did good enough to pass.

I looked up as I backed out from the garage and saw that it looked like it was about to storm, though no rain yet just cloudy. The drive to school was short due to my house being close, and other then the radio acting weird and on the fritz, most likely due to the storm, it was another peaceful day.

It was easy to find my spot in the parking lot and I found myself taking the same route through the hallways. I was stopped by a few of my friends who asked why I didn't message them back, or if I had heard about this or that.

When I told them the reason why I didn't answer they laughed and told me to get my phone back so I could get caught up on all the news and text them back. I laughed with them and walked away to my locker.

When I got it opened and put away my stuff I checked my phone. It still had some battery in it so I checked all the things I missed. It was the usual stuff, like the strange freak storm last night.

There was also an interesting recent story with a video of some cosplaying chick going around in armor who threatens everyone.

I laughed at that one and was about to play the video when I heard someone call my name. I found the voice familiar, but it was too late to run because he had already seen me.


Damn, I was too late, I turned to the voice with a forced smile. I looked up at the big six foot two hunk of muscle, and stared at the handsome face with blue eyes, a square jawline, and wide cheekbones. This long blonde haired handsome fellow was John Shepard, my best friend.

John is many things that I'm not like extremely popular, great with the ladies, is an all star in football, and is even a top student in terms of grades. He also is a black belt in taekwondo, and is in fencing club.

I know he does a lot, but he can handle Juggling all that work just fine because he is Mr. perfect, or that's what everyone keeps telling him.

Behind that handsome exterior, However, beats the heart of a teddy bear, which many people don't expect the first time you meet him. He has what many would call a hero complex, trying to save everyone.

Basically don't let him near an animal shelter because he will try to adopt them all.

What is he doing with some average joe like me, and why is he my best friend? Well basically a few years back he had lost his dog and I happened upon the pooch in the middle of the road. I saved it from getting hit and returned the dog to him.

It was after a lot of handshakes and thank yous that he just started hanging out with me, and it's hard to say no to the guy. Still with the whole hero of justice thing going on; the type who sees the best in everyone, the type I find the most annoying, we got into a lot of tricky situations together over the years.

Like for example when we were in school a few years back, we saw some kids picking on some girl in glasses and I wanted to get the teacher, but John seeing a damsel in distress did not even think and jumped in to help.

Cheesy, I know, but John was stubborn when it came to a woman in distress.

I of course being the best friend that I went in fists blazing to help him, and in the end we got our butts kicked. The icing on top though is that in the end we got saved by a teacher who was told by a student who saw the whole thing.

After the whole thing was done John got a kiss on the cheek and a "My hero" with a giggle while I got nothing like I was not even there. This will be a very familiar pattern years onward but just in different situations.

On that day I realized that hanging out with John has turned me into a side character! And that was not the first clue because over the years I have been through hell and back, and all I got was a thumbs up from John.

I mean I have been attacked by dogs, fallen out of a tree and a roof, fell in ice cold water, and I got pepper sprayed by an old lady! All the while John gets praised and I get grounded.

Still Johns not all perfect as he has told me when I was at his house one time. Turns out that he was orphaned as a baby on the footsteps of a couple that couldn't have a child.

When I heard that I felt bad for all the bad rap that I've been giving him, until I remembered that the couple just happened to be super rich!

Though to this day I have only meet them two or three times, and they are never really around. In fact the maids practically raised John so I guess life has a way to balance things out, not that I was happy when I learned that.

I was still thinking about the past when I looked up and realized that he had been talking to me the entire time I was thinking of the past.

"So did you complete it?" he said, giving me that pearly white smile of his that melts the hearts of women everywhere. I had no Idea what "it" was, but I did not want to seem rude so I just made something up.

This was a strange skill that I have developed through the years with John and I can now make things up on the fly if the situation calls for it. I am sometimes so good that I even fool myself once and awhile.

"Oh right yea that thing, right I finished it last night, ah Look John sorry I can't catch up more butIhavetogotoclassbeforeI'mlatesoseeya." I said real fast while rushing out, looking at a wrist watch that was not there.

He laughs "Sure see you latter man, maybe we can hang out sometime" then he walks away and some girls close by chose that moment to sigh, giggle and talk about how great he is.

John of course did not pay any attention at all to the girls except for a wave in there direction which I think caused one of them to faint.

Right almost forgot to mention it; although I said he was great with the ladies he was a clueless idiot towards their feelings to him. He was a clueless lovable idiot who girls are drawn to, but John has no idea that girls even like him, strangely that just makes them more attracted to him.

One should never underestimate the power of the dense protagonist!

I had just entered class when the bell rang so I guess I wasn't lying to John about needing to hurry to class. Still today's history class was a study day, because we have a test tomorrow, which in student language means to spend the entire time on our phones.

It's a good thing for me since I really need to charge my phone, it did spend all day in my locker after all, luckily I did remember to bring a charger from home. Mr. Smith also is not much of a stickler of the phone policy so as long as your not to loud and do something productive your ok.

I had just plugged my phone in an outlet by the wall when I felt my stomach clench up in pain, I felt like I was about to hurle so I asked Mr.Smith if I could go to the bathroom which he agreed to.

I had not stepped one foot out the door when I sprinted to the bathroom like I had a pack of dogs chasing after me, which has really happened so I know the feeling. I got to the bathroom just in time, though again I was lucky since I had not run into anyone asking for a hall pass.

I rushed to the bathroom and chose a stall in the middle, no one was around to see me like this so at least I have that going for me. Closing the stall behind me I expected to start puking, but it was a false alarm.

Still I never did like using the school bathroom for other than number one but I had to do it for number two. I did of course feel embarrassed that I overreacted for something as silly as this but at least no one was around to see.

I had just finished washing my hands when I thought that I should gamble with my luck today, and walk around so I don't have to Just sit around doing nothing in that classroom all hour, and instead Just have a relaxing walk.

I was just about to start my relaxing Journey when walking down the hall I saw a flash of light, the light seemed to be coming from the back of the school, which I found odd.

To my teen brain something odd is something interesting and something interesting means I should take a picture of it with my with my phone.

It was then that I realized that my phone was still in the classroom, still something like that was not going to stop me from checking it out.