Crazy lady with a Blade

Looking for the source of the strange disturbance I found one of the school exits, and about to open it up I stopped when I heard the faint sound of voices coming from outside the door.

Well this isn't a suspicious situation at all, with the strange lights and the voices, I thought this to myself in a sarcastic voice.

normally if someone sane was watching me do this they would yell, DON'T OPEN THE DOOR! I know I have watched plenty of horror movies that begin with such a scene as this.

Still I decided to risk it and opened up the door a little to take a peak, but what I saw was BIGFOOT!

Naw false alarm just John speaking to a girl, who is most likely probably proposing her love to him.

This was actually a common sight around here, plenty of girls have asked John out on a date or if they could be his girlfriend. Most of them have been turned down in a gentle manner; they are not even mad at him, they just smile and say thanks.

Thanks! She thanked HIM for turning HER down. It always amazed me how people would act so differently around John. A masked sociopath on a murderous rampage would probably ask John if he could please let himself be killed, and if denied would go on his frightening merry way!

Still although this was a common sight I still wanted to respect their privacy, so I was just going to go back inside, and I was about to close the door when I had to paused.

Not because of the situation but because I had to do a double take on the girl in question, and what a girl she was because at that moment she was carrying around a sword!

Not only that but she was also covered head to toe in full blown armor, and none of that plastic or cardboard stuff you can get at a Halloween store, real metal armor. This girl was most definitely not going LARPing with that sharp blade.

Currently the face was uncovered and if I was not freaking out over the whole situation I would have called her beautiful.

With her heart shaped face, framed by blonde hair that was currently undone and blowing in the wind, wind that for some reason was coming out of nowhere in a non windy area with the building blocking it. The whole scene and look gave her a warrior princess look.

She was currently looking up at John in what could only be called admiration. She was giving John a beautiful smile as she talked with John, whose face was currently giving her a serious look as he listened to her, I at that point started to listen in as well.

"You John were sent here as a child from the world of Astalan when the demon king, champion of the dark god, invaded the capital city of Alar. The kings Archmage sent you to this world for your protection."

She takes a deep breath before continuing "For you John were the prophesied child spoken of by the gods who would defeat the darkness and bring peace once more to Astalan."

After some consideration of the armored chicks words, who was clearly crazy! John chose that moment to speak in a calm tone, almost as if he believed her, but that can't be right? Right!?

"Strangely I have been feeling a strange yearning in my body that I could not explain. It felt as if I was starving and suddenly smelt food" he scratches the back of his head in a way that only he could make charming.

She laughs at his expression. "that is simply your body feeling the mana that my body and armor was emiting. A very apt description you made as you are not a native of this empty world, and it needed mana."

she tilts her head and continues. "But this mana deprivation should not be the only strange signs you get, is it"

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE! John can't really believe this chick right? she is most definitely crazy, that or a fan of fantasy.

John's eyes light up at her question."For years ever since I was little I have had dreams; beautiful dreams of a world of magic and wonder. I saw myself as a hero, but at the time it was only a dream. Still I felt deep down I had to train so I learned as much as I could, and your voice!" John points at the girl " I could hear you calling out to me as I had those dreams."

she nods, "Yes John that was me calling to you, trying to find you on earth, I was searching for you. While you have been hearing my call for years I only sent my voice out not long ago, time on my planet is different from yours, what takes me a second could take you a day."

I see her hand go behind her back pulling out a bag as she continues her speech.

"I have come to return you to your home world John, now come" she said reaching out her hand that was holding some object.

I chose that moment to interfere because this lady no matter how hot is crazy! As she starts to crush the object I started towards them, and when I was right behind them I spoke startling the girl.

"Hey lady! why don't you step away slowly and I won't call the co…"

I chose that moment to trip and fall forward right into John's back, when a glowing circle appeared on the ground, and as it rose upward our bodies disappeared in a huge flash of light.

Then I blacked out, but not before seeing the shocked expression on Johns face, and the murderous glare from the girl