Having said that, i think this Alucard guy is not lying to me. But i couldn't find myself to believe it yet. Whether what he says true or not. I must find out.
Alucard on the other hand keep glancing at Lantis. Thinking is it the right time to recruit him or not. But giving the situation that Earth has now, there is no other way.
"Anyhow, you will later know that everything i have said so far was the truth. So now, we must on our way.." He said calmly.
" to where? To the moon?" I said sarcastically, but it was half hearted. I don't have the energy to argue anymore.
"Hmm close, but not there." He smiled and started walking towards the exit. Instinctively i follow him and we made it outside the hangar.
We stand outside the hangar for a few minutes and suddenly i saw what this guy is waiting. Descending above us was an aircraft i have never seen before. Its design was very similar to the aircraft used by the avengers movie but a little different on the wings and the back. The back is more bulkier and wings don't have the propeller. Alucard watch my amazement. "This is just a transport ship. More is yet to come." Smiling while saying that to me. I watch it until it make a landing right in front of us. The back started opening its hatch and a man came out of it.
"Master preparation is done, we can leave anytime." Said the man in a strange uniform.
"Good. Shall we." Smiling at me while extending his arm for me to get on.
I hesitated. Of course who would get on a ship like that. I have concern on a whole lot level. But i also feel a faint excitement inside. And hope, i guess.
Seeing me with in such a state, Alucard tap me on my shoulder. "Believe me when i say, this is your destiny. Now get on, we don't want to be late." And started walking towards the ship.
"Late for what?" I slowly followed.
"You will see when we get there." He said calmly before getting on the ship.
I really don't know what to do on this point, should i go or not. But after all hearing and seeing things that happen today. I wanna know more. Thus believing in this guy should be a little price to pay. What i can gain is more knowledge and understanding that one could only hope for. I walk towards the ship and get on.
As soon as i walk in, i saw Alucard, to this point should i be calling him master now? Sitting on the side and already strap in. I decided to sit on the opposite side then the guy started strapping me in. Once i have settled the guy went on the cockpit and sit beside the pilot. Thus begone taking off.
The speed of the ship was unbelievable. It takes 5 seconds to lift off the ground then it started ascending in the sky. On my relief i didn't feel anything while the ship's climbing. Unlike on regular airplane, such ascends will give butterfly in your stomach, and your ears will start feeling the pressure. But here there is none. I wonder why that is. 5mins pass, the pilot look back on me and said. "Welcome to the space, newbie."
I coulnd't see his face on the helmet but i know his smiling, i bet he went through this like me when he was recruited. I look on my back on a small window and i see the earth is started getting smaller. I'm in space, i thought to myself. We've haven't gone far long until the pilot says we're here. Quickly i look at the front and see the biggest space station i have ever seen.
"Welcome to the Star Base." Alucard said and smiling.
Why does he always smile? Well i don't care anymore. This base is large. It size is smaller than the moon, almost half i guess. A sphere in the center and an outer layer that look like a ring surrounding the sphere. I glimpse of ship coming in out of that rings. My eyes almost pop out when a large ship pass us by. I pointed on that ship without saying a word.
Alucard saw what i was pointing at and smile. "Oh, that's the Salamis Kai destroyer." One of the pride of SDF." And look back on his book and continue reading.
The heck, where did that book come from? Anyway my eyes are still fixated on the Salamis Kai when the pilot speak.
"Wait till you see the Brea Battlecruiser, you'll be more amaze." And i hear a faint laugh after that.
After that we speed up and a few minutes we're entering the landing point. As we get off i hear constant shouting on the hangar. As i look around there are a lot of people with different nationality here, i see americans, chinese, koreans, indonesians. Seeing my look Alucard started explaining.
"Here in SDF when we recruit. We disregard the country of origin. As long as you have the ability to join us, you can be one of us." He started gesturing me to follow him.
"Ability? Like what happen to me earlier?" While walking beside him, a constant soldier stop and salute to him and he salute back before answering me. "What happen to you was natural, because the Sacred Flame can only be used by you and your father. More like you're a royalty."
"And how about for the others?"
"Scientist on Earth don't know that every human started regaining their affinity in using what they called Magic. But here we called it Mana. Long before humans can use mana, thus giving birth to sorcerers and wizard who can command element at their will. But at some point that ability to control weaken and thus far become lost. Only now that the ability to control Mana started appearing, and all those people are here." Explaining to me while walking.
"So all of them have can control mana..."
"Yes and that is the basic requirements to get in.."
I let it all sunk in. If the people on earth started knowing this who knows what will happen. Massive uproar was one. Society will have a hard time addressing this matter, let alone control this. This is indeed a breakthrough. My thought was halted when Alucard stop walking and said.
"We're here. This will be your room."..