The Lone Wolf

I entered the room and look around for a bit. It's nothing like my old room, this was a bit larger and more advance. There are two beds on both sides, seems like i don't have a roommate yet. The window between the beds are overlooking the vast space. The moon is much larger and constant meteor shower occur every 5 minutes. I wonder if those are visible on earth. On the wall on top of the bed has monitor in it. Looking in this room makes me miss my old room. My bed at home. The fresh air that's coming from my window. I haven't realize that Master Alucard did not leave yet and still standing on the door.

"I know this will be a life changing situation for you. But worry not, you're not the only one. Your roommate will come in shortly." And wave goodbye to me after saying those. Feeling exhausted i collapse on the one bed and fell asleep immediately.

I woke up on the sound of someone constantly tapping on the monitor at the other side of the table. I slowly look on the other side and the guy sitting on the bed still tapping on the monitor. I get up and sit on the edge of my bed. "Ehem..." I made a sound to catch the guy's attention. Instantly he look on my direction. "Oh hi.." He then sit on the edge of his bed and smiled at me. "Im Yu huan.. Your roommate." I smiled back and extended my hand for a shake. He grasp my hand back and i answer. "Hey, im Lantis. Nice to meet you."

"So where you from, Lantis?" He asked.

"Philippines, and you? I asked back.

"China.. So were both newbies here. When did you arrive?"

"Couple of hours ago." Then i remembered Alucard told me that everyone who gets invited here are people who can control some elements. "Hey, can i ask what element can you use?" I cautiosly ask Yu Huan.

"Well, i found out recently that i can control Water. Then these guys shows up and take me here."

"Yeah, they did that to me too." I answered.

"How bout you? What element can you use?" He asked then stand up and looked at the window. "Fire.." I answered while following him with my eyes.

"Really? That's nice. This guy who brought me here says dinner would be 7pm, it's 6:45, wanna come down to the messhall?"

"Yeah sure, i'm starving.." Then i get up and walked to the door together with Yu Huan.

We walked pass couple of rooms before finding the hallway leading to the messhall. When we got there, the messhall looks like a battlefield. So many people are there, some are still in lines waiting to get some food. Others already sitting on tables and chatting while eating. The noise takes me back on my high school days. We walked to end of the line and grab some plates. The line is slowly moving. After awhile we got our dinner and looked around for an empty table but with no luck. On the far side of the messhall i saw a semi empty table with one guy eating. I point to Yu huan the table and we walk together towards it. "Can we share the table with you?" Yu huan ask the guy sitting on it. But he only nodded and get back on eating his food. We sit on the other of the table and started eating our food. After a couple of minutes, 2 guys walk over our table and started talking to the guy we shared the table.

"Hey Eugene, nice work on the live exercise. You nearly killed your squad.. Hahaha" one of the 2 guys said.

"Fuck off, Renzo. You know that's not what happened" Eugene answer him with cold eyes. Yu huan and me exchange looks while we keep listening on the conversation.

"Hahaha, you're so pathetic. That's why you never get on any real missions." The second guy said. The 1st guy look at me and then Yu huan. "You guys new here?" He asked.

"Yes, we just arrive today." Yu huan answered without looking.

"Stay away from this guy, you may catch his never ending failures, hahaha" The two both get up and walk way while laughing.

Yu Huan looked at Eugene and then look at me. "Don't let them get to you.."

"It's not that.. They're right. I'm a failure." He stood up and ran away.

I was about to follow him when Yu Huan stop me and said to let him be for awhile. So I go back on eating my meal.

After the dinner some soldier were talking about all newcomer will report to training room 1 tomorrow at 8am. After the announcement we both go back to our room, talked a litte and eventually went to sleep.

7:30, Yu Huan and me are already prepared, were already ate breakfast, and man that was delicious. We were walking towards training room 1, when Eugene came from the other direction.

"Good morning" Both Yu Huan and me greet Eugene. But he only nod at us and walk fast.

We arrive at the training room and look around to find an empty seats. We found two near where Eugene is seated. Yu Huan hastily walked towards those empty seats and sit down when we arrive. Eugene just look at us and went back on reading his book.

After a while a guy enters the room in a flashy uniform. It's a uniform i've never seen before. White color on the top and pants, with an iron pad on the shoulder. Also with a cape of color blue. I wonder if we will get those uniform too someday, it looks cool. The man stand in the front and started talking.

"Good morning, My name is Reizo and i'll be your instructor for Basic Combat Training. There will be 3 different training you will be undergoing to. 1st is this. 2nd would be Mana channeling in which you will learn how to use those element of yours properly and 3rd would be Job training, in which you will learn what to do when we assign you your position. With that said, let's get started. And Eugene, close that manga, we're starting here.

Upon hearing that i accidentally look at the book Eugene is reading and i saw a manga hidden inside the book. Yu Huan is laughing hysterically about finding it out.