Chapter 7: Sealed Imprint

"Insolent brat, how dare you question me!!"

A thought popped up in her mind, 'Apparently asking a child's name makes you an insolent person. I wonder what makes this child so arrogant.'

"Iksan known hae se prince jaes morgho,. Feel nykeāōha bones tremble hae ñuha brōzi reaches nykeāōha ears, byka mēre," as he spoke these weird words, the entire mind and soul space trembled.

'Could you please speak human?', asked Lei Cui.

"I am known as the prince o' god of death, l'roy deces. Feeleth thy bones trembleth as mine own nameth reaches thy ears, dram one."

Once again tremors boomed in the mind and soul place, which finally got noticed by Lei Cui.

'Could you stop all the racket and speak in the same language you were speaking in earlier when you couldn't stop boasting about your exploits?', clearly she got annoyed by his shenanigans.

'Ahh, you just have to take the fun out of everything now, don't you? Where's the fun in simply stating my name?' The little fledgling seemed to pout and shaking his head in disappointment, Lei could picture his face going slightly red and the little bobble head swaying sideways.

'Oh come on now, don't be such a wuss, making a fuss about everything. It's making my eardrums ring cause of all that racket and trembling. It imbalances the liquids in my ear!'

Lei Cui thought to herself, 'If I don't get this little boy under control, he's going to be the bane to my very end. Let me just find out how to get this guy out from wherever he is hiding, then shall see who tramples the other underneath their baby buttocks.'

Blowing a raspberry, the little boy replied in an oddly timid voice which didn't seem to match his oppressing behaviour as of a few seconds before, ' I am Leroy Deces, the Prince of God of Death. The background effect is cause of my name, which makes people tremble from deep within their bones.'

Listening to the timid of voice and his name, neither of which matched the other, all the pent up annoyance scattered and Lei Cui laughed out loud, obviously inside her mind or else it'd make everyone on the outside bewildered, and mostly shocked.

After she finally calmed down and thought it through, she tried to address the little boy, 'I shall address you as Lee, as that's the only nickname I could think of for you, and since I'm older than you, you can address me as Prince as it's the justified by my position in this empire. Not to forget the fact that I'm originally a male and female disposition doesn't seem like something I can adapt to. You are no longer the Prince, God of Death since you don't belong in the same plane of existence as before.'




The utter silence was completely unlike the boy who was blabbering non-stop until a few minutes before.

Lei Cui felt slightly guilty as she thought to herself, 'The last statement seems to have hurt the little one, as he didn't respond or retort to my slightly offensive statement. He didn't even seem to care about the fact that "this brat" before him had changed his dignified name to something that seemed to be the name of a human commoner from the eastern world.'

Out of a budding concern for the little boy, Lei Cui asked, 'Are you alright? I'm sorry for putting your situation out there in such a blunt manner, but it's the truth which can't be concealed. You should acknowledge the fact that unless you can find a way back to your plane of existence/ universe, you are stuck with me for eternity.'

.... Or till the time I get myself free from your bind. Of course, she didn't transmit the last few words to him.

All she could get was this dejected brief response, 'Yes, I'm perfectly fine. I'm just going to take a nap now, don't disturb me trying to talk to me by thinking out loud. '

"Wait! Damn you cunning little minx. I got pulled down by your little taunt there, Humph! How unsightly of this Prince, God of Death. Let's come to a consensus, I shall refer you to as little Prince while I shall be referred to as Prince. Don't you dare try to sully with my name with you silly, fanatically naming sense!"

'Alright, you have a deal, Prince-sama. This little Prince shall take her leave. I still do not know how to fix the situation at hand. If you could, then please be kind enough to grant some knowledge to this poor soul, Oh Great, Humble Prince.' as she performed a virtual bow, you could see a faint glow in her eyes, a glow of scheming, manipulative sarcasm.

'Such a simple matter. No wonder you mortals can never see the other planes of existence.' The little boy had a face ready to gloat, and a sly smirk of his adorable face, which oddly enough didn't seem to be out of place.

Pointing of a finger towards her, the little boy released a wisp of smoke which traversed towards her like lightning and as soon as it touched her, information came flooding in.

Silence ensued in the mind space in the middle of which you could see a little boy mumbling himself to sleep, 'Little Prince, to go back to reality just open your eyes. For now, all you need to know about me is that I'm an entity far above what you can imagine.'

After assimilating the information she thought to herself, 'I think it's safe to assume that I don't have the skills it takes to look after a kid... Now that I think of it, I have never truly become an adult with the responsibilities a normal adult has, such as taking care of a beautiful wife at home and kids to bear.'



Finally, having come back to her senses, she remembered her father was looking at her before the Prince popped up and interrupted her line of sight and focus. She abruptly opened her eyes to check her surroundings, only to find her father staring at her with shock visible in his eyes.