Ch. 14

Ethan decided to go with me to apply in a café where my members and I used to hang out. "Good morning miss! What can I help you?" the cashier asked, "I'm looking for a job. I suppose your manager is looking for a new member here." I asked and the girl in the cashier looked up with her jaw drop. "Uh miss, can I take a picture with you?" I smiled at her and gave her the time to take picture with me and Ethan. "Uh, can I now talk to your manager?" I asked and she nodded. "T-this way m-miss." She stuttered and I smiled at her. She's cute. I think I can get along with her when I work here. "Come in" I heard a male voice behind the glass door. "Excuse me sir, but someone's wanted to apply." The cashier said and the manager said, "Let that person in." and the cashier signaled me to go inside. I grab Ethan's hand with me and barged in. "Give me your file." He said, wow he's kind of rude. "Wait, you're William's niece?" he asked and looked at me. "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, I'm his friend, Mr. Clyde David. Nice to meet you!" he held out his hand and I accepted it. "You're an Idol right? My daughter is your fan. She keeps on blabbering about you and only to find out that you're one of the talent in Sparks Entertainment." He said. I guess this person is really friend. I gaze at Ethan who is kind of annoyed about him talking things about you and his daughter. "Uh sir, can we get straight to the point? Sophie need this job. Will you accept her?" he asked showing his veins pop out of his arms. This guys is dangerous. That's funny. "Oh yeah of course! So you'll start tomorrow. You need to be here at 7:30 in the morning because the café opens at sharp 8. I barely come here to check the financial statements and if there's problems. Your clothes are here." He gave to me the clothes. "In this work, you must know all the equipment. You only applied for waitress, but we only accept all in all. For example, if you got a customer yourself, you are the one who will make, like juice or coffee. In the cashier, there is shifting. But for now, you'll not handle the cashier. You'll only be in serving, entertain the customer and make the order." I nodded and it took years before his mouth stopped talking. He's really serious when it comes to this kind of matter. We then went out and bid goodbye to the cashier. I saw Ethan wearing his mask. I don't have to wear since I already quit.

"Sophie, did you heard him say that you can entertain right?" he asked and I nodded "So you can sing in front of them. Since it's a café, you can sing chill and relaxing songs. We have ukulele in the practice room. You can borrow it since we don't even use It." He really knows how to make idea.

The whole week was tiring, yet enjoying. Ethan and I started jamming in the café when it's 3 pm. That's why a lot of people come to the café. A lot of people knows that I quit. They seemed to understand.

I went back home sat down in the couch. Few minutes later, Jacob went downstairs. "Hey Sophie. You okay?" I nodded at him and closed my eyes. I felt my body was lifted up, but I didn't care and just drift off to sleep.

The start of new life, yet the worst moment.