Ch. 15

I opened the windows and started cleaning, since there's still no customers yet. I turn the 'Closed' sign into 'Open' sign. I smiled and sighed. I walked towards my co-worker, Mia who became my best friend now. It's been 3 months since I worked here. We always talked about how we quit our career as an idol. Yes, she was an Idol before, but then she quit because of her parents condition.

About Auntie Carol, she has been fine nowadays. She visit me in my work often. I always took care of her. Jacob really feels bad not having a time to go home and visit his mom. Ethan is also busy, yet he still finds a way to sneak out of their practice room to sing in the café and he just got back after his performance. We haven't talked lately because he's busy especially now that they go for tours in different places. I'll support him whatever he wants. If you're asking about our status, well, he haven't asked me yet, nor go out with me. I understand we have priorities. Auntie Carol also told me that my parents and the girl moved to Busan.

"Sophie!" I heard Mia shouted as I got back into reality. "What are you saying?" I asked like I was listening to her. "You're not listening at all. I called your name few times and you're still staring outside. Spill the beans." She said and I shake my head for a 'nothing' response. "Sophie, I heard our manager and the owner talked. They say that they will give us a break and I heard it's only 5 days, but yeah that's enough for a vacation." She said and my face lit up. "Really?" I asked excitingly. "Don't get your hopes up yet. I'm still not sure of it. I just heard it though." She said while chewing her bubble gum. "I'm planning to visit Busan." She squealed and that hurt my ear. "Can you please not do that? And my parents are there. I can't." I said not so sure of what will I do next. She knows about my parents, but she has a worst experience than mine and that I will not tell. "Sophie," I lowered my head. She held my right shoulder. "I think it's time to meet your parents. I'm sure your mom misses you." a tear fell off my eyes as I quickly wipe it off. "I'll think about it." I said. Suddenly a bunch of girls went inside of the café; wondering off. I couldn't really see them. I just heard a squeal and that's when I turn my head towards the girls that turns out to be my ex-members. I ran to them and hugged them like there's no tomorrow. "I missed you so much!" they hugged me back. Then they ordered and I took care of it. We chat for about 30 minutes because I'm not allowed to talk to our customers unless I'm not in working hours.

It was lunch now so I took my lunch first so that Mia can eat her lunch. I left some of my food and gave it to her. I went to the counter and told her to eat. I wonder why the customers in the café is not that much. I mean, there's only few like 7 tables are occupied, unlike other days, the café has no available table at all.

The day ended as I was driving off back home. I was greeted by my Auntie Carol and Uncle William. I walked towards the office of Uncle to talk about some things between him and his girl. "So, Uncle have you dumped her already? I'm not being rude, but I don't want to hurt Auntie Carol. I'm here to help you." I said with an assuring smile. "I couldn't find a way to dump her." he said, "Does she hangout with boys?" I asked and he said, "Yes she hangout with boys. What's the connection with that?" he asked with his brows furrowed. "Uncle, can't you see the connection? She only uses you for money. She threatened you, if you dump her, she will tell the truth to your wife and turn the story upside down. We need to get an evidence to show her what the reason is why you dumped her. If you do that, she'll be left no choice, but to cry because she couldn't use your money anymore. With that, you can live with your family normally." He got interested in my plan. "But I couldn't help with that uncle. It's your fight not mine. I don't want to be involve." I said and he nodded, "Thank you Sophie. I'll contact my personal agent to work with your plan." He said, "I'll be heading out now. Good Luck!" I exclaimed and went out towards my room. I slump down in my bed thinking about what Mai said. Should I visit them? I think I should.