•Alex's POV•
The school bells finally rang, and I walked through the school gates. I'm so glad that it was the last day of school! I could finally relax and sleep in.
However, don't get me wrong. I really love school. I don't have many friends, or any for that matter, but I love learning! I was in the top 3% of my class, and I'm only in 7th grade.
I was walking towards my bus stop when I saw Troy Sullivan walking towards me. Troy has been bullying me since the 3rd grade and loves to tease me.
I turned around to walk the other direction, but I only got a few steps ahead before he grabbed the back of my shirt.
"You didn't want to see me before summer started?" Troy teased.
"Let me go. I can't miss my bus." I said in a stern but shaky voice.
"You mean that bus?" He said while pointing at a passing bus.
My eyes widen and I struggled trying to get out of his grip.
"Too late shortie. It's already down the street." Troy said smirking.
I groaned and dropped my head. I just wanted to go home and relax.
"Well, I gotta go now. Cya around Shortie." Troy said as he let go of my shirt and walked off.
I fixed my shirt and started walking home. When I reached my house, I noticed my mom was home and there was another car parked in our driveway. I opened the front door and started walking to my room.
"Alexandra you're finally home-" Mom started, but I cut her off.
"Mom I already told you, I go by Alex now." I told her.
"Oh. Sorry. Well come to the kitchen there is someone I want you to meet." My mom informed me.
I nodded my head and followed her. When we reached our kitchen, I noticed and man sitting at the kitchen table.
"Who's this?" I questioned.
"Well honey, you remember that guy I told you that I went on a few dates with?"
I shook my head slowly.
"Well. Recently he proposed to me, and I decided that we would move into his house."
My jaw dropped. I didn't know if I should be mad or happy. I'm glad my mom has found a man that she loves, but she never told me that they were in a very serious relationship.
The man cleared his throat and said, "My name is Greg Hensley, and your Mother and I are very happy together." He paused as if thinking of what to say. "I live a few hours away from here and I would love for you and your mother to come live with me and my sons."
My head shot up. Sons? As in more than one!?
"Alex I decided that we would start packing tonight and move by tomorrow night." My mom stated.
I knew it wouldn't take long to pack since it's only my mom and I. I nodded and made my way to my room.
I grabbed some suitcases and started putting my clothes and books inside them. A tear slipped down my cheek as I was packing. I knew my mom wasn't trying to replace my dad, but I was still saddened by the thought of having a new dad figure.
My dad passed away whenever I was six years old. He was killed in a car crash after getting hit by a drunk driver.
I decided to stop thinking about my dad and finish packing. I knew I will be going to a new school, and I'm actually happy about that. It's not like I'm going to have any friends that will miss me.
I'm just worried about one thing. I heard Greg say he has sons. I just hope they are young. I've always wanted younger siblings.