Moving In

•Alex's POV•

My mom shook me awake and pointed out the car window. I guess we finally arrived at Greg's house.

"We will make our introductions then we can unpack our things."

I nodded and got out of the car. Greg walked toward us with three boys trailing behind him. Greg smiles down at Mom and I.

"It's nice to see you two again." Greg said.

Mom kissed him on the cheek, and I scrunched my face up in disgust. The boys behind him must have noticed because they laughed.

"These must be your sons." My mom said.

Greg nodded and I looked up shocked. So much for younger siblings. I could tell they were older. All three of them where very tall and muscular.

"Boys help Alex with her suitcases, and show her to her room." Greg said firmly.

The shortest one scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Kade do not give me attitude." Greg said in a bored tone. Greg looked down at me and said, "Your mom and I have to go run some errands, we should be back in a couple of hours."

I nodded and grabbed one of my lightest suitcases. It was still pretty heavy though. The tallest one grabbed two of my suitcases and showed me to my room.

I followed him upstairs and into a nice bedroom. It had light colored walls and a big bed. There was a desk and a dresser alongside one wall.

"This is your bedroom." The tall one said. "Oh and my name is Liam."

I looked down and nodded. He intimidated me, but I tried to hide it. He walked out of my bedroom, and I started unpacking.

After about an hour, I had everything unpacked so I was sitting on my bed reading a book. My bedroom door flew open and I shot up. I saw that it was the boys and I layed back down and continued reading.

"You could've knocked." I mumbled quietly.

"Shut the hell up." The shortest one said.

"Big words for someone who's smaller than his brothers." I remarked.

I knew I shouldn't have commented on his height when I'm shorter than him, but I wasn't really thinking straight.

He stepped forward, but Liam held him back. The second tallest one stepped forward and held out his hand.

"I'm Grant." He said as I shook his hand. "And that's Kade." Grant said pointing to the boy Liam was restraining.

"I'm A-Alex." I stuttered stupidly. God why am I so awkward.

After an uncomfortable silence, Liam finally spoke up.

"Well we just wanted to address our rules to you."

"Rules?" I laughed.

He glared and I looked down at the ground.

"Yes. Rules."

I shifted uncomfortably and set my book down.

"Proceed." I said simply.

Liam rolled his eyes and started on his list of rules.

"Rule number one, always listen to us. Rule number two, never snitch. Rule number three, don't tell anyone we're your stepbrothers."

"Follow these rules and you won't get the shit beat out of you." Kade said while smirking.

I gulped and nodded. They are treating me like a freaking dog! What are they going to put me on a leash!?

"Okay.. uh that'll be all." Grant said softly.

I could tell Grant would be my favorite, and that he wouldn't be as mean as his brothers. They all left my bedroom, and I let out a sigh.