I Will Believe What You Believe

Yu Jin is busy fixing one of the computer's cable when he sees from his corner of the eye Xiao Ping enters the cafe. Due to his work, he didn't pay attention of how sluggish Xiao Ping was.

After finished fixing the computer, Yu Jin goes to the rest room to wash his hands then goes to his table to grab his bag and helmet. He has a class this afternoon. But he postpones his leaving when he sees Xiao Ping in pensive with both hands support her sad face. Yu Jin approaches her instead.

"Why are you in gloom ?" he asks while sitting beside her. Xiao Ping turns to him and faintly smile. But she goes back to pensive. "Yesterday you were so excited, but now you are gloomy. What is it ?" Yu Jin pursues an answer. He puts his helmet on the table and lays his head on top of it. He waits for minutes but Xiao Ping remains silent.

"It looks like you can not tell me about it this time," Yu Jin has to give up since he has to catch his class. He straights his back about to stands up when Xiao Ping opens her mouth. "Yu Jin... Do you really think the email was really from Takeshi ?" she asks vague. Yu Jin changes his sight to Xiao Ping who has already stares at him.

"Why do you suddenly ask ?" he asks in return. Xiao Ping sighs. "Er Hua said that the email might not from Takeshi. Maybe the owner is bullying me," she explains mournfully. "Is it true ?" she asks Yu Jin's confirmation.

Yu Jin tries to cheer her up with a smile. "What do you think ?" he asks while keeping his stare at Xiao Ping's eyes. Xiao Ping drops her head. "I don't know."

"What does your heart say ?" he changes his question. Xiao Ping turns to him.

"My heart says it was from Takeshi. But.. but.. maybe I'm just too stup..," her answer is cut by Yu Jin, "Believe what your heart's believed. And I will believe what you believe."

Slowly Xiao Ping's open mouth forms a smile. Yu Jin gently pats her head that makes the smile wider. Yu Jin stands, takes his helmet, and walks.

"Yu Jin..," Xiao Ping calls him. Yu Jin turns around. "Thank you," she says in grateful.



The alarm clock on the table rings loudly. A hand reaches and shuts it off. It is really still early in the morning. Takeshi opens his eyes and throws the blanket that covered him a side. His eyes are still very heavy, maybe because he was only able to lay his body on bed three hours ago. But Takeshi forces his body to wake and goes to the bath room.

"Dear Takeshi-kun. I'm so happy to receive your email. I just couldn't believe my eyes !! Thank you for your concern. I'm fine, get not even a wound. O My God … thank you ... I know you're so busy, but still have time to reply me. How are you ? What keep you busy these days ?? I will always pray for your succeed and your health. Xiao Ping"

The bathroom door is opened. Xiao Ping immediately goes in to her room with her wet hair. She woke up a bit late. Less than five minutes later she goes down to have a breakfast. Seeing her brother in sullen, she finishes her breakfast quick, says good bye to her parents, then grabs her bike. With Xiao Lan behinds her, Xiao Ping is exuberantly pedaling the bicycle

"I just finished a commercial filming. And now I'm filming a short movie for Japan tourism, also become a guest for some TV shows. It's a bit busy, but I enjoy it. Thanks for your prays. Takeshi"

The spinning wheel is meander while passing rocky road. Takeshi tightly holds the bicycle stir, trying to control it. A woman behind him scream in fear while holds his waist tight. But turns out, all Takeshi's effort is unfruitful. The front wheel of the bike hits a big rock and makes the bike falls followed by its passengers.

"Cut !!," shouts the director.Some crews approaches the couple. The woman stands and waving her skirt while Takeshi slowly moves the bike aside then stands.

"Are you okay ?" he asks the woman. She nods and smiles before following a crew to a shade. "it's perfect !" the director shouts from a far. Takeshi gives a thumb up. He then checks his lower arm that has a sharp pain. Evidently, it is hurt.

"Are you hurt ?" a crew asks. "Just a little bit," Takeshi says lightly. A crew girl quickly clean the wound once Takeshi arrives under the shade.

"Hi, Takeshi-kun. I just saw your new commercial from a website. Your act is great !! KAWAII !! ^__~ Anyway, I also will have a busy week. Next week I will have some exams, it means have to study more. ^__^ well I guess it means we both need to … I don't know how to say it in English … Jia You !! ^__~ Xiao Ping"

Xiao Ping sits on her chair, with a serious face reads questions in front of her. Sometime her forehead is knitted, then she writes answers on a paper. Sometimes she softly hits her pen onto her head then moves the pen to her mouth to be chewed. But a thin smile raises as she write some more. The bell rings outside the class. Half the class spontaneously sigh.

"Time's up. I will collect your answer now," a teacher speaks in front of the class. Xiao Ping puts the pen cap on then hands over her work. After that, she leans back and sighs in relieved.

"Thank you, I'm happy knowing you like it. How are your exams ? I hope they turn out OK. Please pay attention to your study. Education is an important thing. Don't want you to feel the way I am now, regret my lack of education. Takeshi"

Once again Takeshi sighs, letting his tired back leans for a while on the elevator wall. Once the elevator's door is opened, he sluggishly walks to his apartment. Many people thought that he lives in the penthouse of the building. That makes him amused. For him, his current apartment room is comfortable enough. It is a waste to spend money on a penthouse that would cost him twice or maybe thrice of his apartment. It is better to be saved so he can buy his mother a house someday.

Takeshi opens his apartment's door and closes it from inside. He then slowly walks toward his bedroom and throws his body down to his comfortable bed, enjoying his stiff muscles that try to search for comfort. In a few moment, his eyes are closed and Takeshi has fallen to sleep.