Oops.. Busted!

"Hasegawa Takeshi !!" Hiroshi shouts while standing in front of a room with both hands on his waist. Takeshi who just got out of the elevator raises his eyebrow then points at his own chest.

"How many Hasegawa do you think in this room ?" Hiroshi asks annoyed. Takeshi who has just arrived to the office grins.

"What's a matter ?" He asks when he stands in front of Hiroshi who still has hands on his waist and glares at him. The assistant then pulls Takeshi into a room and closes the door.

"You are really is outrages !" Hiroshi hisses in anger, doesn't want his voice to be heard from outside.

"Sorry.. sorry.. I was just joking around," Takeshi asks for pardon, thinking that Hiroshi's anger is caused by his joke on a TV show. Takeshi said that 'the accurate way to be on time is to have an assistant whom voice is worse than a broken alarm clock.'

"What do you mean joking ? Replying a fan mail is breaking the rule !" Hiroshi snaps upset. Takeshi's face becomes serious in instant after understanding the real cause of Hiroshi's anger.

Takeshi sits on the sofa and looks at Hiroshi. "How could you find out ?" he asks. "So you admit it ?" Hiroshi asks in accusing sight. Takeshi scratches his head, "Well.. It's only one.."

"One time ?" Again Hiroshi snaps. Seeing the angry look at Hiroshi's eyes, Takeshi nods in faint. "You see.. It's that girl .."

"One is bad enough!" Hiroshi exclaims jarring. He silents for a moment to compound himself and continues with dagger sharp hissing, "Did you know, Azuka reported that your email is overflowed with your fans' protests. They asked, why haven't you reply their emails except to this girl? Some even threatened to stop being your fans."

Takeshi can only drop down his head while his assistant walks back and forth. Hiroshi then stops right in front of Takeshi and gives him a dagger stare, "It's that Taiwanese girl, isn't it ?"

Takeshi stares back at him and nod, making Hiroshi chuckles and hits his forehead. "I was just worry about her. However, if something happened to her, I would feel guilty," Takeshi makes excuse.

"Was it really just one time ?" Hiroshi asks while keeping his dagger stare, searching for a lie. Takeshi nods calmly, not moving an inch of his sight away from Hiroshi. "Don't lie to me," Hiroshi pursues. "Do I?" Takeshi dares him. After failing to find a lie in Takeshi's face, Hiroshi then sighs and sits beside him.

"You.. you really are looking for trouble," Hiroshi complains while wiping his sweat. "You know the company's rule. Artist can not directly replies letters, emails, nor messages of fans. You may only leave a public message to fans through your website. Your email is supposed to be for works only. As it had been leaked to some fans, the email address can only receiving their emails. " Hiroshi give a long speech. Takeshi falls silent.

"Promise me you won't do it again," Hiroshi then offers an agreement, "I will ask Azuka to keep this a secret and take care of it, but you must promise me not to do it again. If not.. I must report it to boss."

Takeshi quickly turns his head to Hiroshi. "I thought you were my friend," he grumbles. Hiroshi sighs. "I am your friend. But I am also an employee of this company. You are even my best friend, but that boss keeps me out of hunger. Try to understand," Hiroshi explains in patient.

Takeshi drops his head and playing with his cellular. "Takeshii..," Hiroshi calls him impatiently. Takeshi gives a long sigh. "Okay, I promise," he says reluctantly.

"This is serious," Hiroshi reminds him. Takeshi turns to him. "Really, I won't do it again," he confirms.

Hiroshi smiles in satisfaction. "We will assume this is not exist, boss won't have to know," he says while patting Takeshi's shoulder. The owner of the shoulder turns his head to another side.