The Fight Has Begun

"The Fight Has Begun"

Seeing the big headline written under picture of Takeshi Hasegawa and Ryu Yamamura, Xiao Ping stops and steps back to where she glanced the sentence. With a knitted forehead and sight still on the magazine cover Xiao Ping approaches the magazine stall.

"Can I help you ?" a young man, around two years older than her asks. He apparently works at the stall.

"Eeee," Xiao Ping hesitates but in the end points at the magazine. "Can I see that ?"

The young man nods before disappears under the table and shows up with the similar magazine on his hand. "This one ?" he asks to assure. Once he saw Xiao Ping's nod, he smiles. "Whose fans are you ?" he curiously asks. "Hasegawa," Xiao Ping answers. Her sparkling eyes grows an amused grin on the young man face while his hand grabbing a plastic bag.

"Eee.. can't I just see its content first ?" Xiao Ping hopefully asks. He glances at the magazine on his hand then shakes his head. "No, you can't, Miss. This is an expensive magazine. My boss will be mad if I open it," he explains while slightly turns around to a bald man that counting on piles of magazines.

Xiao Ping understand but still is disappointed. It is a franchise magazine. The language is already in Chinese but its content is exactly like the one published at Japan. "Hmm.. how much ?" she asks.

"100 NT," the answer brings even more sadness in Xiao Ping's face. She still stares at the magazine in desire full.

"Still want to buy it ?" the young man carefully asks. Xiao Ping reluctantly shakes her head. "It is fresh news, local magazine still hasn't published it," the young man informs while returns the magazine under the table. "Just wait for another week, it will definitely be published in all of locals," he cheers her.

Once again Xiao Ping nods and gives him a thin smile as a thankful of his friendliness. She then turns around. But merely two steps a head the young man utters again, "They are fighting over Miyu Saeki."

In instant, Xiao Ping turns her head to the young man who smiles to her. "If you want to, I can tell you some information," he then says. Without thinking twice, Xiao Ping accepts his offer and steps back in front of the stall.


"This is really outrages !!" Mr. Hamada roars in anger, throwing a piece of letter that flies and drops on Hiroshi's shoes. Hiroshi takes the letter and puts in on the table meanwhile others - Takeshi, Mr. Kawabe the director, Miyu's assistant - drop their head down, do not dare to make a sound.

For almost a minute the room is in silence. It is Mr. Hamada who breaks it after snuffles. "Kawabe-san, can the shooting still able to go without Miyu for the next couple of weeks ?"

Mr. Kawabe raises his head. "There are some scenes that still can be taken. We can rearrange the shooting schedule, but from my estimation it won't be take more than a week. Other scenes still has to wait for Saeki-san," Mr. Kawabe answers carefully.

Once again Mr. Kawabe sighs in annoyance. "Ayu-chan, you have to find Miyu!! What kind of assistant are you ?! You should always be beside Miyu no matter where she is!!" Mr. Hamada shouts to Miyu's assistant. The girl just nodding frequently dare not to raise her head. When Takeshi glances at her, he sees a tear drops from her face.

"So, what are you waiting for ?! why are you wasting your time sitting here ?!!" Mr. Hamada is getting more angry to see Ayu still sits on his sofa. The girl immediately stands up and bends down to asks permission to leave. She then in hurry walks toward the door. Everyone is in silence to watch her leaving.

"Eeng.. I shall take my leave now, Sir," Mr. Kawabe breaks the silence. Mr. Hamada nods. After the director has gone, Takeshi and Hiroshi stare at each other in awkward.

"Boss, " Hiroshi braves him self to speak, "How about the misunderstanding ? Shouldn't we need to make a press conference ?" Mr. Hamada thinks for a while then shakes his head. "No need to," he shortly answers. "But, Boss.."

"This is actually only a small matter. Saeki is only overreacting by making her disappearance like this. We don't need to make any press conference. If they asks just answers the way it is," Mr. Hamada explains. "Alright, then," Hiroshi understands.

"Right, Takeshi. There are new contracts that you need to sign," Mr. Hamada informs. "What kind of contract, Boss ?" Takeshi asks while Hiroshi swiftly opens his agenda.

"There are some advertisement and off-air contracts, and we are planning to make new dorama. But the biggest is a contract from Hollywood," Mr. Hamada answers. Hiroshi opens his eyes wide. "Hollywood ?" he whispers in enthusiast.

"Well, It is still in early phase, but the director contacted me yesterday. If all goes well, they will start in the beginning of next year. How ?" Mr. Hamada explains and ends it with question.

"But, Boss.. early of next year .. isn' it scheduled for my second album's production ?" Takeshi asks in doubtful.

Mr. Hamada waves his hand. "It's a small matter. Your album can be postponed if needed," he answers. The tone of his voice that made light of it actually caused an uncomfortable feeling in Takeshi's heart.

"I agree, Takeshi. We are talking about the golden opportunity. Hollywood !!" Hiroshi says it so excited. Takeshi turns to him. To see the happy face of his assistant, the uncomfortable feeling slowly fades away. "Yeah, you're right," he says then grows a smile.