
Takeshi's face still has a smile when he leans back to the chair. But this time the smile looks gloomy and carries some burdens. He rereads his typing on the laptop.

"It's not that I'm not grateful for that opportunity. I really do happy to have it. But … I don't know. When Hamada-san said that my next album can wait, that it may call on postpone, I'm kinda upset. Singing really is my desire. That's what makes me left my hometown, struggle here in Tokyo. Not that I don't like acting… but all I want is to be a singer. A great singer."

Takeshi sighs. The sigh seems to able to wipe the gloom in his smile. He straightens his back up and continues his write.

"What am I talking about here? I'm being upset about something that doesn't even happen yet. Now you might think how unthankful person I am."

With no order, suddenly Takeshi's smile widens when he imagines Xiao Ping's response. She definitely will say that she has never thought Takeshi is that kind of person. Xiao Ping will also cheers him with her simple soothing words.

"you don't know how much I miss you" Takeshi's hands unpurposely type it. When realized it, he immediately presses delete key until the sentence is removed half way, but then he halts and his hands types on the keyboard.

"you don't know how much I miss your emails. I also don't know what's going on with you, but I hope you're alright. Miss you, Takeshi."

After writing the last sentence, quickly Takeshi's hand pushes the Send button. He is in purpose not to reread the email so his brain does not have a chance to edit it.

Takeshi leans back and sighs at once. His hand reaches for the milk bottle on the table. While drinking the milk, his eyes narrow to hold a smile. He is amused to think how weird their relationship is.

Before it was Xiao Ping who daily sent him email, without caring whether he replied or not, and told him many things. Unexpectedly everything turns around. It is him who does it now. Every time he has a chance he writes her an email. For him, only to Xiao Ping he can tell all of his anxiety and thoughts. And now he doesn't even care whether his email is replied or not. Takeshi raises a crocked smile. Liar, he says inside. I still hope she replies, he admits while stares at the laptop without blinking.


Xiao Ping sluggishly pedaling her bicycle. Turns out it is not easy to find a job at a time like this. There is not a place that Xiao Ping visited accepted her, even when Xiao Ping said that she only asked to access internet as her payment. Because it is summer holiday, thus part-time vacancies has already filled with other students. Some places even don't accept part-time employee. The economic is a bit down, thus the businesses also need to tighten their cost.

"Xiao Ping," someone who she just passed by calls. Xiao Ping turns her head around to see who is it. "A Dao," she calls back then stops her bicycle while A Dao, the magazine stalls employee, runs toward her.

"Where are you from ?" A Dao asks after stands beside Xiao Ping who has got off of her bicycle. "Just sight seeing," Xiao Ping decides not to tell him the truth. A Dao nods. He looks cool with his hedgehog-style hair.

"The latest J-aidoru has come out," A Do informs her. Xiao Ping only nods weakly. "Anything's wrong ?" A do realizes her sluggishness. "Nothing," Xiao Ping answers.

A Do looks above while mumbling. "Come one," he suddenly takes over the bicycle's handlebar. "Where to ?" Xiao Ping asks spontaneously. "My stall," A Dao shortly answers. "Your stall ?"

"My boss is leaving. We can secretly read that magazine," A Dao explains with mischievous grin.


"How do you think I could know the content of the magazines ? Well.. do you want it ?" A Dao offers while riding the bicycle. Xiao Ping hesitate for a second, but she rides on the rack behind right away. A Dao pedaling the bicycle in excitement.


After the whole day wandering the town, Xiao Ping is now lying on her bed, resting her sore feet by putting them on the bed head. Her stare is on Takeshi poster. She really misses 'chatting' with Takeshi. It has been twenty days since the burn down. That is also how long she has not opened her email.

Thank Goodness I met A Do, her heart is grateful. She is now friends with the magazine stall employee that has been very kind to her. Xiao Ping amusedly giggles remembering what they did in the stall. A Dao opened the plastic wrap of the J-aidoru carefully then they both read it while squatting under the stall front table. Reading magazine secretly like that turned out really excited. Every times they heard steps closed by, A Do directly stood up, checking up whether it was his boss while she quickly hide between the magazine's pile under the table.

So Miyu is missing..., Xiao Ping talks to her self. News about Takeshi and Miyu is the main topic of the magazine. She can't imagine how stormy it is at Japan. Poor Takeshi, Xiao Ping says while stares back at the poster. Her willing to send Takeshi email grows even stronger. Not to asks whether the news about him fighting over Miyu is right, but she wants to cheers Takeshi up. Though she still does not know what to say.

Xiao Ping yawns. Although she still wants to think about the news, her eyes is getting heavy. Before she closes her eyes she still smiles at the poster. "At least with Miyu is missing for few days your schedule will be loosen, right ?" she says to console 'Takeshi' who is of course smiling back at her.