A joyful smile painted on Takeshi's face when imagining Xiao Ping happily chatters just as what are written down in the email he is facing now. She tells him about everything that happened to her while he was at USA. The smile is wider when Xiao Ping tells him about her effort being match maker for her officemates, also about Bai Zi that his tail was tied with ribbon by Xiao Lan. But, when he finishes reading the last sentence in the email, Takeshi's smile fades. Nothing's wrong with the email. It's just after reading the 'weekend' email he misses Xiao Ping more. It's Sunday. It means Xiao Ping doesn't work. Which means she can not go online. Which also means he can not chat with her to release his longing.
"Hhh..." Takeshi sighs loudly then dishevels his hair, hopping his longing can also disappear. He goes to the kitchen, opens the refrigerator door, stands in front of the opened refrigerator for a moment, closes the door without taking anything, walks back to the living room and sits on the sofa, takes TV remote, turns the TV, randomly selects some TV channels before turns it off again, and throws his body to the sofa back. He really doesn't have any schedule today. After so many months. Finally. He has nothing to do for the whole day. But because he has so gotten used to be busy, now he doesn't know what to do. He spent all morning in the apartment building's gym. But now, he is clueless. Hiroshi has family event. If not, the friend of his definitely has a lot of ideas.
Takeshi sighs again in upset. Beside making him bore, having nothing to do like this makes him misses Xiao Ping more. Reluctantly Takeshi grabs his cellular then checks the contacts list inside before pushing a button. "Ichi," he greets to a guy at the line across, "What are you doing ?" Takeshi laughs to hear Ichiba Sato's answer. "Me, too. I have nothing to do," Takeshi replies. "Go out ? Where ? Ginza ?!?!?" Takeshi's eyes are rounded between surprised and horrified. "Are you crazy ? There will be a chaos there when we show up!" Takeshi in silent to hear Ichiba reasoning. The tension on his face is getting softer though seems still worry. "Alright, alright. But you must guarantee there will be no chaos. Ten more minutes ? Okay, thank you," Takeshi finally ends up his call with an agreement.
Ichiba chuckles in amusement to see worry that clearly shown on Takeshi's face. "Relax. Haven't you heard ? The fuss only shows up the first one and a half year at most. After that, there is no one willing to chase after us. Even if there is, there won't be a chaos," Ichiba tells him with his sight focuses on the traffic. Takeshi only glances at him. "Really. I have often walked by my self like this," Ichiba confirms.
Takeshi doesn't say a word. He just hopes what Ichiba said is true. The last time he went to Ginza was last year, when he took his mother around Tokyo. It was a horrified experience that still vividly recorded in his memory. When suddenly he invaded by dozens of people from all over the corners. He had to pull his mother's arm to run avoiding his fans attack. Not able to catch his speed, his mother fell down and finally they both trapped in the middle of the crowd. Fortunately the policemen came soon after and saved them by dismissed the crowd. Since then, Takeshi has never gone to public place without guards.
Takeshi retracts him self from his memory when he feels the speed of Ichiba's sport car is declined. Once more he glances at Ichiba who is turning the car wheel to have a parallel park. "Let's go," Ichiba pursues him again to see Takeshi's hesitancy. Ichiba has already come out of his car. Takeshi comes out of the car slowly. Ichiba turns on the car alarm then relaxedly walks in to one of the building in the shopping area, very different with Takeshi who walks rapidly while gazing from right to left, worrying if suddenly there were a hysterical scream.
Takeshi just realizes that they are in a restaurant some minutes after. A very busy restaurant, to be exact. A waiter greets them friendly then takes them to a table on the corner, as Ichiba's request. While walking toward the table, from behind his shades Takeshi can see some eyes stare at him, he also hears some hisses and whispers from the restaurant's guests. Oddly enough, everyone stay on their seats. No one suddenly screams and rushes to them. Only stares continually follow them, which for him is definitely not a disruption. Still with relieved mix with confused, Takeshi sits across Ichiba. "I told you," Ichiba hisses and raises his eyebrows responded with a grin by Takeshi.
Turns out this Sunday was really fun for Takeshi. He didn't suspect he could walk around Ginza as freely as before he was famous. People who knew him just stared or pointed at him, some even didn't care. There were some fans asked for sign or photograph, but everything went with no chaos. After had lunch, Ichiba and him decided to do some hair care at Ichiba's favorite hair saloon, and went for window shopping. At a fashion store, Takeshi was interested with a pair of pretty shoes. He imagined how pretty Xiao Ping would be wearing that platform shoes. But he didn't buy it for two reason. First, he didn't know Xiao Ping's size. Second, he was afraid there would spread the news about him buying the shoes for his girlfriend, and he wouldn't be able to deny it. The shoes was too modish and girly to be wore by his mother. Takeshi only bought a shawl for his mother and a sweater for himself. The day was ended by gathering with his celebrities friends at the famous pub in Ginza.
"Hiroshi must be upset about it," Xiao Ping writes on the chat window few days later, responding to Takeshi's story about his Sunday. "Actually, he just said that I should be careful and wary. He took it very calm. So I guess he also believes that uproar of fans will only last for a year and a half. After that, they may get tired for chasing me and calming down by themselves," Takeshi answers lightly. He doesn't realize that his sentence makes Xiao Ping sad.
Does it mean his fame starts to dim ? Xiao Ping asks to herself. Are Japanese fans starts to be bore with her boyfriend ? She really wants to ask it to Takeshi, but she is afraid it might offense him. Ding ! a sound is heard together with a word BUZZ is shown on the chat window making Xiao Ping realizes she hasn't replied him.
"So, it's a good thing for you then," Xiao Ping writes. "Absolutely. It's kinda weird in the beginning. But I really enjoyed this situation," Takeshi firms by his written then adds, "My friends are precious to me, but sometimes I wish I can be free from them for a while." Xiao Ping is about to write something when a new sentence form Takeshi is shown, "But it doesn't meant that I want to loose my friends."
Xiao Ping is stunned. Eventually Takeshi has the same worry as she does. "Don't worry. You won't loose this friend," Xiao Ping promises. "I prefer to loose everything as long as I don't loose you," Takeshi replies that successfully makes Xiao Ping wants to fly.