Miss You

For the umpteenth times, Takeshi shifts his sleep position while his eyes widely opened staring at his bedroom wall. It has only been five hours since he closed the chat window because Xiao Ping had to go home, and he already misses her again. His eyes glance to the clock, Xiao Ping is definitely soundly asleep now. Just to think like that, Xiao Ping's face when slept on the hotel rooftop couple of months ago is vividly appeared. He still remembers every detail of her face at that time, the regularly breathe, the reddish cheeks, the perfectly thin smile, the long curly eyelashes, also the petit body that curled up comfortably beside him. All of that makes Takeshi misses Xiao Ping more. Takeshi's mind rages. longing and desire are mixed.

Once again Takeshi watches at the clock. Everyone must be annoyed if being called at 0023, even more his assistant that really hates to have a disrupted sleep. Hiroshi will cuss at him. Takeshi makes his body supine, avoiding the cellular. He tries his best to suppress his enthusiasm with the last logic he still has that he needs to wait until morning. But.. he has to call Hiroshi now. He has to know something so he can make a plan right now. Right now, or he will not be able to sleep at all.

Without thinking twice, Takeshi grabs his cellular, dials a number, then wait impatiently. After the sixth ring tone, even before the voice across scolds him, Takeshi quickly says, "Hiroshi, this is really important!"


Xiao Ping glances at the right bottom corner of her monitor. 5:15 PM. Her sight is back at the chat contact list window. Lostboy2000, Takeshi's virtual name, is still offline. While leaning her body back, a small sighs escapes from her lips. This afternoon she received an email from Takeshi that asked her to wait until 5 PM. Now it's been fifteen minutes.. no, sixteen minutes pass it. It is not that Xiao Ping doesn't want to wait. She very understands how busy Takeshi is. It's just... today she hasn't 'meet' her lover and.. well, Xiao Ping misses him so much. Light rain outside seems to thicken the longing in her heart.

Trying to spend her time, Xiao Ping stares at the road outside of the cafe from the glass door. a girl running across in front of the cafe while covering her head with a folder. Behind her, a man walks with wide steps letting his hair and suit wet from raindrops. Some kids with colorful rain coat are bicycling in a group. A black sedan moves slowly then stops at the cross side of the cafe. Xiao Ping moves her sight to the monitor for a while, hoping a change happens on the lostboiy2000's icon. Nothing.

The tingling bell on top the door automatically turns her head toward the door with a set of friendly smile. "Welcome," Xiao Ping greets a man who wears a white shirt and black trouser. His neck is tied with a slim black tie. "Is anybody here has a name of ..." the man takes an envelope from his shirt's pocket, "Yuan Tai Ping ?" he asks while reading the name on the envelope. "Yes, it's me," Xiao Ping answers with confused and worry. What's wrong ? Is something bad happens to.. her father ? He is out of town. Does he get an accident ? Ooh, no !!

"You.. have a message," the man stops her negative thoughts while handing an envelope. Xiao Ping receives and opens it impatiently. A surprised is now 100% changing her worry expression. Her eyes open widely doesn't believe what she just read.

"My manager said that you are asked to come now. Are you willing to ?" the man asks. Like just awake from her sleep, Xiao Ping gasps then quickly nods. "Eeh, sure.. sure. Let me asks my boss permission first," she says quickly. "Hmm.. my manager said, you better not to tell anyone," the man adds. Xiao Ping understandably nods. "I will only say goodbye," she then says.