She Loves You, Not Him

"Love.. ?" Xiao Ping types to call Takeshi after he hasn't responded for a while. "So.. you decide to act as usual to Yu Jin ?" Takeshi eventually asks her. "I guess so," Xiao Ping answers. "Ic" Takeshi types short. Xiao Ping frowns. "You don't mind, do you ?" she asks him.

"What if I do mind ?" Takeshi asks her back instead. "You mean ?" Xiao Ping requests more explanation. "What if.. I want you to not talk to Yu Jin again ?" Takeshi asks. "What do you mean ? You're the one who told me to do what I used to do with Yu Jin," Xiao Ping frowns deeper.

"Never mind," Takeshi holds back. "Love..?" "No, you're right. I'm the one who told you so," Takeshi types. "I need to lay down. My ribs are killing me again," Takeshi adds. "They hurt again ?" Xiao Pig asks in worry. "Yeah.. I think the medicine's effect has gone," Takeshi answers her. "You better rest, Love," Xiao Ping types with wrinkled forehead. "I will," Takeshi replies. "And go to hospital to have an X-Ray!" Xiao Ping adds. This time Takeshi just sends a smile emoji. "I'm going offline for a while, okay ?" Takeshi asks her permission. "Okay. Get well soon," Xiao Ping permits him. Right after that, Takeshi goes offline.


Takeshi squints his eyes as he slowly moves his body to a lay down position on the couch. The pain given by his ribs is actually still bearable. But his jealousy is not. He can't lie to Xiao Ping. Yet, he can't utter it to her neither. The fact that now Xiao Ping knows about Yu Jin's feeling to her makes Takeshi's insecurity even worse. He hates to be insecure like this.

Takeshi closes his eyes. He loves Xiao Ping so much that he is afraid to lose her. But Yu Jin's love is different. That guy loves her so much that he doesn't care about his selfishness to be with her, as long as she is happy. It is not that Takeshi doesn't want to fight for her love, but.. it will be like fighting against a different level of opponent. And if he lost, he isn't sure he is able to be like Yu Jin.

"Are you in pain again ? Should we go to hospital ?" Hiroshi's voice suddenly attracts Takeshi back from his thought. Takeshi opens his eyes and jolts a bit to see Hiroshi's worry face is right in front of him. "I'm fine," Takeshi responds as his arm moves to ditch Hiroshi's face aside.

"Are you fighting ?" Hiroshi asks. Takeshi knows where Hiroshi is heading to, but he plays dumb. "Why are you asking so many questions ?" Takeshi instead asks. "You usually chat with her at this time when you're not busy," Hiroshi answers with wrinkled forehead, " So.. are you fighting with her ?" ""No," Takeshi answers, covering his eyes with his lower arm. "Is she busy or can't get online ?" Hiroshi asks again. He sits on one of the arm chair facing Takeshi. "She was online.. maybe still is," takeshi answers before make a loud sigh, "She is busy chatting with Yu Jin."

"So you're jealous," Hiroshi makes a conclusion. "I'm NOT. Why every body said that I'm jealous ?" Takeshi stares at Hiroshi with irritated look. "Because you act like one!" Hiroshi says it bluntly.

Takeshi straights his upper body up a bit. He squints as a burst of pain suddenly attacks him. "Are you okay ?" Hiroshi asks him in worry. "Yeah.." Takeshi responds short while slowly puts some pillows under his body to gives him a more comfortable support.

"She knows Yu Jin's feeling now," Takeshi finally decide to tell Hiroshi the truth. "So ?" Hiroshi asks him to continue. Takeshi sighs. "You think she secretly has loved him for this long ?" Hiroshi asks. "No," Takeshi answers sounded like a snort. "So.. what are you jealous about ? You're the one that she loves," Hiroshi asks, confused about his friend's act.

"You know it yourself how much Yu Jin has sacrificed for her," Takeshi utters. "You don't think you sacrificed enough ?" Hiroshi's guessing Takeshi's mind. Takeshi nods. Hiroshi widens his eyes. "Do you forget why you come to this state ? Because you chose her against the exclusive contract. The contract that would make you cast in a Hollywood movie, one that gives you all the A-list shows you want to appear, and one that gives your second album a certainty success. That is how much you have sacrificed for her," Hiroshi reminds his friend that seems to have amnesia.

"That's not a sacrifice. It's my consequence to be able to be with her," Takeshi denies. Hiroshi hits his own forehead. "You can be with her because she loves you. As much as you gave to her if back then she decided to stop loving you, then you still can't be with her," Hiroshi lectures him. "But Yu Jin.. he gives everything, even his chance to be with her.."

"Yu Jin didn't give in any chance to be with her, you stupid. He has no chance to be with her, because she doesn't love him. He is just being stubborn and keeps loving her," Hiroshi cuts him. "Sure.. he sacrificed to flee from his military training, went here to search for you, bought you ticket, just for her sake. But you have your own sacrifice. You can deny it as a sacrifice, but in my eyes, in others's eyes it was a sacrifice," Hiroshi explains. "And the fact that it is you who are her boyfriend and not him.. it is because she loves you, not him," he adds.