Not-To-Do-As-Girlfriend Tips

"Something's wrong ?" Yu Jin asks when Xiao Ping hasn't replied for a while. "His ribs hurt again. He hurt himself yesterday when the earthquake attacked," Xiao Ping answers. Yu Jin frowns. "Are you chatting with me while you're also with him ?" he asks.

"Hmm.. yes.. I mean, I was. He is off now to take a rest," Xiao Ping answers. Yu Jin sighs. Why she does it now ? He has been able to online for about a week, and she just sent him a message yesterday. "Are you in a fight with him ?" Yu Jin asks. "No," Xiao Ping answers. "Well, not anymore. I was upset with him yesterday," she continues. No wonder, Yu Jin says inwardly.

"I'm happy you contacted me," Yu Jin types. He puts a thin smile on his face before continuing, "But maybe.. it will be better if you don't chat boys at the same time, especially if one of them is your boyfriend." Yu Jin chuckles when Xiao Ping asks why.

"I don't know about him, but I will be jealous if my girlfriend does it," he explains. "Why are you always on his side instead ?" Xiao Ping asks. Yu Jin lets another chuckle. "Wouldn't you be also when he did it with other girl ?" Yu Jin tries to make Xiao Ping empathizes. "I guess so.." Xiao Ping answers. "Then we shouldn't do what we don't want others do to us," Yu Jin types, "It's my principle of life, Golden Rule."

"You make it sounded like I cheated on him," Xiao Ping replies in complaint. "Alright then.. I won't chat you when I chat with him," she decides. "Good girl," Yu Jin responds with a soft smile. Deep inside a scratch just hurt his heart. "I imagine you were petting my head when you said it," Xiao Ping types. "I did."

"Sometimes I wish he has your maturity so we can settle our arguments with talking. He often went offline in the peak of our arguments," Xiao Ping unconsciously complains her situation to Yu Jin. The latter chuckles again. "Maybe it's because you both talk as lovers, then you put in a lot of emotions involve. As our conversation is between friends. Realize it or not, we refrain our emotions when we talk," Yu Jin explains.

"So.. you regard me as friend ?" Xiao Ping asks. Yu Jin inhales sharply. He sniffs something in Xiao Ping's words. "Yes. I position my self as your friend in this chat," he replies, carefully put his words, "No! I actually positioning my self as a teacher right now! Lecturing a naughty student." Xiao Ping sends a couple of laughing emojis.

"I prefer you as friend," Xiao Ping utters. Another scratch hurts Yu Jin's heart. "I might be worse as a boyfriend. For instance, I don't like my girlfriend comparing me with other men. And I don't like she complaining our situation to other men as well," Yu Jin gives her another tips of not-to-do-as-girlfriend.

"It's hard to be your girlfriend," Xiao Ping responds. "It is, isn't it ?" Yu Jin lets a wry smile. "But I'm sure the right girl will fit just right in," Xiao Ping adds. "I hope so," Yu Jin can only reply with that while inside hoping that she can be that girl someday.

"I sent you a birthday gift. Have you received it ?" Yu Jin asks, deliberately changing the topic. "Yes, I like it so much. Thank you," Xiao Ping answers him, "I wear it today." she gently touches the golden pendant that shaped her name, Tai Ping, that hangs slightly below her neck. "Glad you like it," Yu Jin replies. He specially ordered the pendant. She doesn't need to know about it, though.

"I got to go. He is online," Xiao Ping tells him. "Good," Yu Jin replies. "Thanks for the tips, Yu Jin." Yu jin thinly smiles. "Your most welcome."


"Felling better now ?" Xiao Ping asks Takeshi. "Hmm.. I'm currently at the hospital," Takeshi informs her. "Not that it gets worse. Hiroshi insists me," he quickly adds. "Thank goodness you have manager as good as him," Xiao Ping types. "He is the best," Takeshi agrees.

"Do you have result yet ?" Xiao Ping asks. "Just minor fractures. They just finished bandaging my whole waist. I'm stiff as a robot now," Takeshi answers. Xiao Ping chuckles a little. "I'm glad you are handled better now," she says.



"I'm sorry that my insecurity got us into argument," Takeshi says. "That's okay, Love. I'm glad we had it. Now I know you better," Xiao Ping replies, "Turns out super star has insecurity, too." Takeshi sighs. "I have a lot of weaknesses and insecurities," he admits. "That makes the two of us," Xiao Ping says.

"The first time I fell in love with you is after we chatted a lot when you were sick. I fell in love after I found out how human you are," Xiao Ping tells him then chuckles, "I once thought super star had no weakness."

"I'm a super star, not super man," Takeshi utters with a smile, "Even Superman has Kryptonite as his weakness."

"I love you and all your weaknesses," Xiao Ping says. "I know," Takeshi replies. "And what most important is, I choose you over Yu Jin million times," Xiao Ping adds making Takeshi's heart is overrun by a fresh happy feeling.