You're Not A Burden

"I'm sorry, Ma..," Yu Jin says in regretful. Mrs. Bai, his mother, who came to Taipei right after the airport was reopened, just smiles to refuse her son's appology. "What are you sorry for ? I used to do this when you're a baby," she says it in light while wiping Yu Jin's bottom with a dry towel. "But I'm not a baby anymore," Yu Jin argues her. Mrs. Bai looks at him with a loving stare then pets his hair. "You are always be my baby," she says then gives him a calm smile, enough to reassure Yu Jin that it is not a problem for her to do this stuff.

"Now.. can you help me by raising your bottom a bit.." Mrs. Bai asks Yu Jin. The latter does it with the help of his hands, then Mrs. Bai inserts the diaper. "There you go. You are clean now," she says while cover the blanket over Yu Jin's below. "I'm going to throw this," she adds then goes away with dirty diaper in her hand.

Watching his mother leaves, Yu Jin unconsciously sighs. The paralyze he has not only on his legs but also his rectum and genital. He can feel when the urine or feses is about to come, but his muscles can't hold them. That's why he has to wear diaper right now. It is very embarrasing, especially everytime his mother has to change the diaper for him. But he has to swallow his dignity since it is what best for him at the moment.

Mrs. Bai's head suddenly pops up in between the opened door. "Your girlfriend comes," she says and ends it with a wink. Hearing his mother's teasing words a blush grows on Yu Jin's face. Before he can return any word to his mother, Xiao Ping already greets her, "Good afternoon, Aunty."

"Good afternoon, Xiao Ping. I'm glad you come. I'm about to go home to have rest a little while. Would you replace me to babysit Yu Jin?" Mrs. Bai returns her greet and teases Yu Jin again.

"Ma..." Yu Jin is growning in shame.

"I'm kidding. He doesn't need a babysitter, he needs a girlfriend to pamper.."

"Ma.. aren't you suppose to go home ?" Yu Jin cuts his mother before she can ridicule him more. Mrs. Bai giggles. "Alright.. alright.. I'm leaving," she says then pats Xiao Ping's shoulder before walking away.

Xiao Ping enters the room, chuckles to see Yu Jin's red face. "Now I know where do you get your teasing ability," she says in glee. Yu Jin glances at her then scratches his head.

"Have you eaten ?" Xiao Ping asks. Yu Jin nods. "How is your morning therapy ?" Xiao Ping asks him again. Today is the first day Yu Jin receives therapies after the doctor made sure that the surgery wounds on his spinal cord are recovered. "It's okay. They only heated and massaged my legs," Yu Jin answers. "You haven't got your physical therapy yet ?" Xiao Ping asks. "No," Yu Jin answers. "But they said you will get the physical therapy today, right ?" Xiao Ping asks again. "Yup," Yu Jin answers in short, feeling a little crane.

"Why are you here ? Don't you have to work at the cafe ?" Yu Jin deliberately changes the topic. The cafe was finally reopened yesterday after the flood.

"I.. I'm temporarily taking leave," Xiao Ping answers him. "Why ?" he asks. "I.. I want to take care of you," Xiao Ping answers fearfully. Yu Jin sighs. He swipes Xiao Ping's hand that is about to stroke his hand.

"I have my mom to take care of me already," he says in cold tone.

"Can't I take care of you, too ?"

"I don't want to be a burden.."

"You're not a burden." Xiao Ping tries to touch Yu Jin's upper arm. He moves his body slightly to dodge it.

"Don't be mad," Xiao Ping tries to coax him.

"You lost your income because of me. How can I not be a burden ?!"

"Hey, I will manage my financial. Don't worry about it."

"I don't want you to sacrifice for me."

"Are we gonna through this again ?" Xiao Ping then reaches Yu Jin's head with two hands and forces him to face her. "For the last time I'm gonna tell you, you are not a burden. It's not a sacrifice. I do it out of love. I'm gonna be by your side until you can back to your feet again. You like it or not," she says in full determination. Yu Jin stares at her intensively. Xiao Ping stares back at him with the same determination as her tone. After a moment, Yu Jin finally concedes as his sight becomes gentler. He reaches back of Xiao Ping's head to lead it closer to his. Their lips are about to touch when suddenly they hear the sound of someone's clear a throat.

"Sorry to interrupt. It's time for your therapy, Mr. Bai," a nurse stands in front of the door says it casually. Perhaps she has often seen that kind of scene at this hispital. While both Xiao Ping and Yu Jin quickly separate themselves and become awkward.