It's Too Good To Be Truth

The nurse is actually a physiotherapist. She asks Xiao Ping to pay attention to some exercises she will do to Yu Jin so Xiao Ping can help him exercises on other times. The therapist says it is crucial to do the exercise as often as possible. Xiao Ping nods in understanding.

The therapist asks Yu Jin to concentrate on imagining moving the right muscles. As she is moving his legs, she explains which muscles should be working on the specific moves. The first exercise, she bends his legs on his knees while he is laying down then tilts them to right and left. The next exercise, she brings his knee to his chest, straightens his leg up, then brings it down. The third exercise is hip abduction. She holds one leg from underneath the calf and pulls it to the side outwardly. She then brings the leg toward the center and repeat. After that she rotates each of his ankles, both clockwise and counter wise. The last exercise for his legs is curling the toes. They are all pretty simple exercises, yet Yu Jin is sweating as he imagines with all his brain power to move the muscles.

"Tired ?" Xiao Ping asks him with a gentle smile after the therapist goes. Yu Jin nods, wiping his wet forehead. "You did a good job," Xiao Ping flatters him while patting a small towel on his face. "Thank you," Yu Jin murmurs.

Yu Jin puts his hand on her cheek. "Don't worry. I will back on my feet in no time," Yu Jin says to her but actually motivating himself. Xiao Ping puts her hand on top of his. "I'm not worrying for a bit," she says.

"Do you want apple for snack ?" Xiao Ping then asks holding an apple and knife each on her hands. Seeing Yu Jin nods, she then starts to peel the apple.

"I read something on the news about your boyfriend.."

"My boyfriend is you," Xiao Ping cuts him while turning her head to him. Yu Jin smiles at her. "Your ex-boyfriend," Yu Jin corrects his words.

"Can we not talk about him anymore ?" Xiao Ping makes a request. "Why is it so ?" Yu Jin demands an explanation. Xiao Ping just shrugs one shoulder.

"I lost my interest on him already," she says before bringing a plate with apple cuts on it to Yu Jin. She then brings an apple cut toward Yu Jin's mouth. Yu Jin takes the piece. "My hand is still well-function," he says then puts the piece into his mouth. Xiao Ping takes another piece and eats it.

"He announced his engagement with Aiko Waseda." Still, Yu Jin continues what he wanted to tell her. Xiao Ping sighs then looks at Yu Jin in annoyed look.

"When will you stop testing me ? When will you start believing that he really is out from my heart ?" she asks irritably.

"I just wanted to give you the news.."

"For what ?"

Yu Jin doesn't answer. He just continues eating the apple. Xiao Ping sighs.

"Just to make it clear, I'm annoyed not because of the news, but because you keep testing me," she says emotionally. She tries hard not to drop a tear.

"I'm sorry.." Yu Jin reaches her cheek. She swipes his hand away then turns to back on him. "I need some fresh air," she says then walking out of the room.


Sitting on a bench in the middle of the hospital's garden, Xiao Ping deeply inhales, tries to stop her cry. Even after few minutes sitting there, she still struggles to subside her emotion. It is not that she didn't know about Takeshi's engagement. She read it on the mailing list last night. She hates to admit, but last night she did cried to know the happy news. She hated it. She hated the fact that she still had emotion to Takeshi. She really thought that she was over him. She knows for sure that she loves Yu Jin, that she doesn't want to break up their relationship. That's why, knowing that Yu Jin would also know about this news, she prepared her self not to show her sadness on him. But who would have thought that he still brought that topic anyway. What hurt more was when Xiao Ping realized Yu Jin deliberately brought it to test her, to see her reaction. He still didn't believe she loves him. She hates it more. It brought her pain more than the news it self. A lot more. It hurts to know he still doesn't believe her love. But who's to blame when the fact is she did still affected emotionally by Takeshi's news ?

A shadow obstructs sunlight from shinning on to Xiao Ping's face. She raises her head, finding Yu Jin sits on a wheelchair in front of her. "I'm sorry," he says in a tone slightly higher than a whisper. Xiao Ping wipes tears on her face with the back of her hand. "It's okay. I'm sorry, too," she says in reply. Yu Jin moves his wheelchair approaching her.

"Come, sit on me," he requests her as stretching his arm to her side. Xiao Ping furrows her eyebrows. "Will it be okay ?" Xiao ping asks in doubt. "Sure," Yu Jin convinces her. Xiao Ping raises from her seat to sit on his lap. He then embraces her waist from behind with both arms. Xiao Ping puts her hand on top of his arms while she can feel Yu Jin's breath is warming her back.

"This is too good to be truth," Yu Jin whispers to her back. "What do you mean ?" Xiao Ping asks him.

"That I can hold you like this and claiming that you are my girlfriend. That you love me and you.. you really are over him. I couldn't even dare to dream about it," Yu Jin explains. Xiao Ping turns her body to face Yu Jin. "Why ? Because he is a superstar ?" she asks while softly rubs Yu Jin's cheek. "Uhum," Yu Jin murmurs, kisses her hand.

"You stupid. Superstar is only a profession. That won't affect a lot to the man's quality," Xiao Ping says to him. "Your quality is equally good to him, maybe even better," she continues. Yu Jin raises one eyebrow. "Is that so ?"

Xiao Ping nods. "You have everything that a girl wants. I was foolish not to realize it sooner," her words make Yu Jin blushes. "I love you," Xiao Ping says it then puts both hands on his cheeks. "Please have faith on me," she whispers to convince Yu Jin. The latter smiles then nods, letting Xiao Ping snaking her arms around his neck and embraces him.