On A Beautiful Gloomy Winter


Once hears Takeshi's call, Aiko wipes her face before returning his call, "I'm at the balcony, hon.."

Not long after, Aiko hears the sliding glass door behind her is opened, followed by a warm embrace wrapped around her body.

"What are you doing outside in the middle of the snow like this ?" Takeshi whispers to her. Knowing how cold Aiko's skin is, he tightens his embrace.

"I just want to enjoy the scenery," Aiko answers then smiles. "It's beautiful, isn't it ?" she asks Takeshi's agreement. Takeshi nods.

"It is. But it's very cold outside. You're going to get sick." With that sentence Takeshi slightly pulls her, trying to lead her to go inside.

"Another minute. I want to enjoy it with you," she refuses. Takeshi doesn't argue her. He just embraces her again, to make sure she gets the warmness she needs.

"I thought you love Spring," Takeshi utters, whispering to her hair. "I do. But the snow also has its own beauty," Aiko responds him. What she said is true. The snow that has slowly fallen down since dawn is now making thin layer of white in almost every surface. And the sun that still able to get through its ray, making the view outside is like having a unique vibe, elegant serenity with a touch of gloom.

"How about if we change the photoshoot venue to be outdoor ?" Aiko suddenly suggests an idea.

"No, we can't do that," Takeshi rejects the idea.

"But, why ?" Aiko deliberately turns her head to make him sees her pouting face.

"They have rent the studio and had all the props ready. You were the one who wanted to have a Spring-vibe pre-wedding photos. We can't just make a sudden change like that," Takeshi gently reminds her. "Beside, it's very cold outside. It may weakens your body," he adds his argument.

"Can't I change my mind ?" she asks.

"You can, but not all of a sudden like this," Takeshi tells her.

"I'll call Kohei-san to ask if it would be possible," Aiko decides then walks in to the hotel room, leaving Takeshi behind that can only sigh.


As expected, Tetsuya Kohei definitely doesn't mind about Aiko's sudden change of mind. As a matter a fact, Tetsuya is actually glad since he has had an initial idea about the prewedding photoshot that was rejected by Aiko earlier. This time, he once again utters his idea to her, and this time she agrees. The idea is quite beautiful. Since the wedding is going to be held in Spring, the prewedding photoshot will have three other seasons, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

While the Fall theme was done in indoor with beautiful properties that made the photos look real, for the summer photoshoot, they went to Bali, to shoot in some mesmerizing beaches. It was a great three days vacation, escaping from the cold of winter for a while, but it was also tiring, especially for Aiko.

"Are you sure about this ?" Takeshi asks Aiko for million times. Today, they are going to have Winter photoshoot at Hokaido. It is -1 degree of Celcius. That is why Takeshi is worry and insists to postpone the photoshoot. The bride to be who is getting ready is nodding in determination.

"We can have a cozy indoor shoot with the winter scenery in the background," Tetsuya Kohei offers an alternative. He is also worry once he found out how pale Aiko is. She has also been coughing non-stop since morning.

"But the scenery.." Her sentence is halted by her coughs, "The scenery won't be as clear."


"I'll be fine.." Aiko cuts Takeshi's sentence before even got a chance to be said. Aiko then moves her sight to Tetsuya, "We go with the plan."

"Okay, I will make sure all is totally ready. So when you come in, we can immediately take some shots then wrap it," Tetsuya obeys and permits himself to leave the couple.

An hour later, Takeshi and Aiko come in to the photoshoot venue. The snow is falling slightly. Takeshi leads Aiko to climb a bridge. They are going to have a photoshot in the center of the bridge.

"Okay, Let's start!" the photographer shouts to everyone. Two men who are bringing light reflector stand beside Takeshi and Aiko and reflect the sunlight. "Okay, Haswegawa-san, please embrace her on waist.. that's right. Your other hand is poiting at the pond. Waseda-san look at where he pointed.. and smile.. yes. that's good. Now both of you laugh.. lovely.." the photographer directs the couple while taking thejr picture. He is working efficiently, but he has to stop taking pictures since Aiko is coughing ceaselessly. Her cough is so bad that it actually hurts everyone who hears it.

"Are you okay ?" Takeshi asks in worry, patting her back gently. Aiko is nodding while coughing. Tears are coming out from her eyes. The make up artist comes to bring her water and fixes her make up.

"Let's continue," Aiko requests to the photographer with hoarse voice after she can manage her cough. The photographer starts his work again, but soon he is stopped again by her cough. This is repeated several times, and her cough is getting worse.

"Let's wrap this!" Takeshi finally makes his decision.

"No," Aiko refuses weakly. Her breathe is short and heavy. There is a cold sweat on her face.

"No, it's a wrap," Takeshi says decisively. Aiko can not utter her objection since she is busy coughing. She even lets Takeshi wraps her with his coat. She feels her steps are heavy and her sight is blur. The last thing she can remember is Takeshi carries her in his arms while shouting something in panic.


When Aiko is finally awaken, she finds herself in a hospital, maybe one of hospital at Hokaido. She is about to call Takeshi when she overhears a voice that talking to her fiance with a low tone. The two men are standing in front of her bed end backing her up.

"Her lung damage is already severe now," a familiar voice says it. It's her private doctor's. Apparently he flew to Hokaido once Takeshi called him. "We can not keep it a secret from her like this. She must know that she is dying, so she can take care of herself better," the doctor continues.

Takeshi shakes his head. "No. She will be down and frustrated," he refuses.

"She must know that her conditiom is getting worse. She must prepare herself so she can lengthen her life. With this kind of attitude she will only be able to make it for another 3 months, 4 is the max."

Takeshi covers his face with both hands. With a desperate moan he exhales heavily. "After the wedding. Once we're married I will tell her the truth," he makes promise to the doctor.