Perfect Wedding [2]

Takeshi takes a look at himself in the mirror for umpteenth times. He really looks like prince charming at one of classic manga with his three-pieces white suit. They finally found the perfect white tone suit for him, and it is really over the top gorgeous suit.

Takeshi gives his reflection a thin smile after skipped a sigh. It is the day of the wedding and he can't hide his nervousness. A knock on his door is heard. Soon after the door is opened. His mother pops her head. "Mom.." Takeshi walks to his beautiful mother and embraces her.

"You look stunning," his mother says to him with full of love tone. "Thank you, mom," Takeshi replies, hugs her a little tighter then separates their bodies. "You look beautiful as well," Takeshi praises her. She does look beautiful in a traditional pink kimono.

"Are you ready ?" his mother asks. Takeshi nods. Mrs. Hasegawa notices his pressed lips. "What's wrong ?" she asks.

"Nothing," Takeshi denies her worry, "I'm just nervous."

"You are happy with her, right ? You love her, right ?"

"I do. I love her," Takeshi lies through his teeth then hugs his mother again. "Let's go," he leads her to come out of the room.


Meanwhile at one of the room of a five-star hotel of Kyoto, Aiko is gracefully looks through the window. The weather is really nice this morning. She tilts her head and smiles a little to follow instruction of the photographer. "Perfect! Now daddy please come to the set. Yes. The bride bows to daddy.. Great. Now daddy kisses her forehead. Yes, both hands at shoulders. Great! Now put the veil on. Yes. Cover her face.. Gently.. Gently.. Perfect! It's done here" The photographer's shout makes persons who is responsible for the photoshoot's property quickly cleans them while the photographer walks out of the room.

"You look outstanding, dear," Mr. Waseda whispers to Aiko with a teary eyes. His hands travel from her cheeks to her upper arms while his sight is wandering from her head to toe. A big smile grows on his old face. Aiko is really beautiful. Her gown, after being adjust for fourth times, is perfectly fit her. It is a strepless gown with bustier that pops up her chest. Pale pink sakuras decorate from one of her shoulder until her waist. Aiko's make up is flawless. Her face look glowing and a picture perfect of a princess. Her pink-tint lips smiles widely to hear her father's praise.

"Thank you, Father. You look amazing yourself," she flatters him back. Her father chuckles then kisses her cheek lovingly.

"Are you happy, my dearest ?" Mr Waseda asks. "I'm perfectly happy, Father. Thank you for all you've done for me. I can not be any happier," Aiko says to him then hugs her father tight. "Your happiness is all what matters to me," Mr. Waseda utters it emotionally. "I know that, Father," Aiko says with a sob escapes from her lips. Mr. Waseda also can not hold his tears. The father and daughter let themselves carried away by their emotions.

Mr. Waseda finally lets go their emotional hug and wipes his daughter's teary face after he wiped his own. "I will see you at the temple, okay. Just relax. Everything is perfectly prepared," Mr. Waseda utters to her before he is leaving. "Sure, Father. Everything is perfect," she says with a wide smile until she lost her eyes.

Once Mr. Waseda is gone, Tetsuya Kohei comes in. "You are beautiful, Waseda-san," he praises Aiko. "Thank you," Aiko replies. "Do you wanna go now ?" Tetsuya asks. "Let me have a private moment for a while. We still have time, right ?" Aiko asks. Tetsuya glances at his watch. It is still early. "We do. Twenty minutes will be enough ?" Tetsuya offers her a time. "Sure. Thank you," Aiko responds. "Okay, I will go to have the final recheck," Tetsuya says before he goes out of the room.


Takeshi is now standing in a garden of Heian Jingu. He understands why Aiko insisted to hold their wedding there.The garden is really beautiful, almost all covered with sakura bloom. He stands on the start of path that will lead to the shrine. The path is mystically beautiful, like the description of fairy tale. He won't be surprised if suddenly there is a fairy peeks out from the bunch of flowers over his head. He suddenly imagines himself kissing Xiao Ping in this garden. It will definitely be perfect as her dream.

Takeshi shakes his head with a furrowed eye brows. How can you imagine another woman at your wedding ? He scolds himself.

Takeshi deliberately looks at his watch to distract his thought. Five minutes to go. He can see from far many guests have arrived and entered the temple from other entrance. He will meet Aiko here, then they will walk into the temple together to start the ceremony.

Here and there, people from the EO are busy walking and talking to their walkie-talkies. The photographer and videographer are also already stand on their position. This is real. The wedding is really going to happen. Takeshi walks back and forth to help suppresing his nervous. He even jumping a little to warm his body that suddenly feels cold.

Fifteen minutes later, there is no sign of Aiko's arrival. Her father is already inside the temple. The plan is Aiko will arrive by herself in a car. But the car is nowhere to be found, even less Aiko.

"Excuse me.. Where is Kohei-san ?" Takeshi asks one of EO's people who is crossing by him. "Oh.. He is supposed to be with the bride," the person says. "Can you help me contacting him ?" Takeshi asks him a request. The person nods to agree then he speaks to his walkie-talkie.

"I'm sorry, Hasegawa-san. I can't reach Kohei-san. Maybe he is too busy to hear my call," after few minutes the person reports to Takeshi with appologethic tone. "Oh, okay. Thank you," Though regretful, Takeshi still thanks him. The person nods then leaves Takeshi to do his business.

Takeshi glares at outside, hoping to see Aiko's car. But nothing. He sighs. Ten minutes later, Mr. Waseda comes out of the temple to approach him.

"What's wrong ? Where's Aiko ?" Mr. Waseda asks him in curious.

"She hasn't got here. Maybe her make up is not finish," Takeshi answers him, deliberately make his tone as calm as possible.

Mr. Waseda frowns. "She was all ready when I met her before I went here," Mr. Waseda tells him the fact that makes Takeshi also frowning.

"Excuse me, Hasegawa-san," a young lady calls Takeshi while handing him a cellular phone. "Kohei-san wants to talk to you."

Takeshi receives the cellular and in instant puts it in front his ears, "Kohei-san, where is.."

"ごめんなさい (Gomen'nasai - Forgive me), Hasegawa-san. Aiko-san is missing!"

"What ?!?!"