Essence : Someone Is Calling for me

On seeing how his friends connered him and supported Mayera Rihan was getting ready to rebuke on his friends for their wrong doing against him. Mayera was also getting ready to teach Rihan a lesson of a lifetime for messing with her precious babies....

For anyone who knew Mayera, she was a pro level chef and with it came her crazy for cookwares. No is allowed to touch her cookwares back at her home unless of course if they were tried of their lives.

Sensing the upcoming danger Lia tried to coax both her friends out of their childish behavior... and trying to distract them with only way she can think of..

"Mayera... please calm down its not entirely Rihan's fault. I think something strange is going on here. "

" Not his fault!!?! Lia how can you say that??? look what he did to the kitchen??? "Mayera was very upset and she was being unreasonable.

" I understand that you are upset about it but think about it clearly Mayera... I agree that Rihan fiddled with the flames but in a normal situation it would burn the soup atmost the pots on the stove but not the entire kitchen and that to this quickly. You saw how vicious the flames were right ??? . "

Lia tried to get everyone's attention back to the strange things that they all witnessed.

" Also how come you wish to set Rihan's pants on fire came true " added Aayan

" The fire vanished into thin air like it didn't exist in the first place just when Rihan's pants caught fire. If not for the damage the is left behind there's no evidence that there was

fire."Aayan analyzed the situation and was annoyed that no logical approach gave a reasonablely acceptable answer.

" I feel like when the fire started it's aim was to burn down the whole building but with Mayera's wish it found a new target... Rihan's pants. "Xi Xenon felt utterly confused and annoyed as Aayan because he couldn't deduce the these strange happenings and suspect something that can't quite explain in words.

" I have absolutely no idea what's happening around us but all these things really don't add up together and is too much for a coincidence but I believe everything that's happened from the night in the forest till today and also what we are going to face in the future has everything to do with that strange crystal rock . It's just my instincts though I hope I am wrong and all this is just a bad dream "With Xi Xenon's words a chill ran down their spines and an air of heavy uncertainty settled in.

" Correction strange things have been happening to us for more than a week remember that strange voice we kept on hearing and what about the dreams that Lia kept on having where she saw that weird rock. We found that rock exactly where Lia said we will in the mountain forest .

Also allow me to remind you when have your instincts been wrong.. " Rihan decided it was time he gave some of his opinions .

And true it was ever since Xi Xenon joined them in third grade nine years ago never has his instincts failed him and thus he was able get out of the worst case scenario like he could predict every move and was always ten steps ahead. Whatever he said was the absolute and not once did it change.

As everyone was thinking (except Mayera) of what Xi Xenon just said Aayan attention landed on Rihan and he practically started questioning his existence. He rolled his eyes as he had no idea what to do with this friend of theirs whose mental circuits lost connection and sense to the point that according to his understanding he was retarded and a complete moron. Thus he other that in his right sense he would never try to insert logic in him if ever he was found it would surely mean that he was under total system failure.

The reason was that the ashes of Rihan's burnt pants as well as his underwear were lying on the floor showing off his half naked butt on the back along with his pee brother in the front to which the guy remained oblivious.

Lost in her own thoughts Lia turned to face Rihan and let out a loud scream. She quickly turned away with her eyes closed. Her face was red as cherry for she was both embarrassed and flustered by the sight Rihan greeted her with.

Her scream brought Xenon's attention to Lia and his face turned dark like the burnt pots in their kitchen. He understood the reason behind Lia's embarasment and felt his blood boiling.

'What's he trying to do by showing such a vulgar sight to Lia ??? Is he trying to seduce her and flirt with her , hell no, I rarely get a chance to have her attention after a break neck pain but never was I able to get her interest in me forget about flirting I could never get her to a friendly chat and he is flirting with her in front of him showing off his manhood intentions of taking her to bed has he lost all shame as well as sense ??? "

Xi Xenon was determined not to let go of Lia as he was aware that Lia hated anything that's related to romance or such... Due to her family experience. Afraid that she might take things the wrong way Xenon was breaking a cold sweat. He felt like punch his so called ' friend ' to the doors of death.

While Xenon's mind was having these thoughts his glaze met Rihan and then to his lower region. Rihan felt curious and was about to follow Xenon's line of sight when Mayera suddenly felt dizzy and crashed at kitchen door. Lia and Aayan were quick to react and went to stabilize her . They lead her to the nearest chair in the dining room.

Meanwhile, Xenon brought a glass of cold water and handed over to Lia who helped her drink . All the while Xenon kinly watching Mayera's every action and reaction causing sickly pit falls in his stomach not liking what his instincts were telling him.

He wanted to ask Mayera a few questions to confirm his doubts but seeing her condition he chose otherwise.

Lia was helping Mayera to stabilize herself. There was a sought of fear in her expression which worried everyone. Some time passed and Mayera was feeling somewhat stable. Lia asked with concerned of how she was feeling???

" I don't know what's happening to me ?? I feel uneasy and anxious.... I don't know why....

Also I feel like somethings or some people are out there calling for me....

It's far away and very weak , it can fade anytime .... As if life itself is asking for help....

I don't understand any of this .... it's just so much strength in their desperation .... I have no idea what it is and why I am feeling like this... it's really painful... and scary.... "

" ESSENCE , it's probably an essence . The energy that holds our very life. " explained Lia.

Mayera grasped as she came to an understanding " Someone is calling for me to save there life "

Before they could recover from this turn of events and questions can be asked a hurried voice commanded them.

" We have not a moment to loose everyone gather around me now we are leaving, this is an emergency "

The voice belonged to the nun acquaintance of Mr. Oberoi. As he commanded them he was fiddling with his watch. When he was satisfied with the fiddle he looked at the kids and gave a vibe of the fact that he was dead serious. Slowly everyone form a circle around with him in the center . When the circle was complete he clicked his weird out of the world watch irrespective of the fact that Rihan was still butt naked and Rihan himself was oblivious about the fact probably because of the heat from the fire . As soon as he clicked it instantly they were at a completely different place like they were been teleported there .