We Have Some Special Abilities

Teleported to probably on the other side of the world. The group arrived at a place that looked somewhat liked a cave with super hi-tech stuff . Upon their arrival the group was greeted with a bone chilling cold . Everyone shivered hard as it was pleasant summer in their boarding school.

" Where the heck have you brought us ?" asked Rihan who was pretty much annoyed by this time for not able to understand what's going on . No sooner than he uttered these words a towel came flying right onto his face hitting it and landing at his feet . He groaned and decided to picked up the towel and throw it back to the nun. But when he bent to pick up the towel he noticed his butt naked ridiculous state .

" BLOODY F**K!!!!!"

Remembering the fire that caught in his pants has burnt his pants int ashes and the fact that this was probably why Xenon was giving him death stare back at the villa he hastily tired the towel . His face turning deeper shades of red by the second he couldn't utter a single word in his embarrassement.

Seeing that Rihan still had some sense in him the nun said was about to say something but suddenly a sharp ear piercing siren went off . Hearing the siren colour drained from from the nun's face .

"No I sent the coordinates myself , then how ???? Whats happening ???? Lia's prediction can not be allowed to come true " the nun frowned at himself.himself and said in a bearly audible tone.

But he was not alone . His words were still heard and in an instant everyone's attention turned to Lia. but nobody spoke at that moment .

" Stay here and don't move. Its to dangerous outside ..... please don't cause any rukus."

said the nun knowing their revolting attitude.

The group nodded in understanding even if they were annoyed they couldn't afford to show it as they were at a disadvantage.

Saying them to stay put the nun turned to leave . He reached in front of a full sized rock and it automatically opened upto a small corridor that was seemed to be made of metal . As the nun left aayan did the same thing but instead of the rock opening up again their was a laser shoot at him . startled he jumped away from it and in the process his hands let out what looked like a laser and vaporized the shooter.

The shooter was destroyed but the rock didn't budge . It seemed to them that they were trapped with no escape.It was disappointing. Seeing that they were not leaving anytime soon Rihan attacked lia on what the nun said about prediction.

Lia herself was surprised at what the nun said as she did not understand any of this .She truthfully answered

" Believed it or not I have no idea what he just said I didn't predict anything. What can I possibly predict I'm not Xenon. "

True though she was not Xenon ... but she was no less than him either . Lia never treated herself right and underestimated herself but she was' more than meets the eye'.even with Xenon's capabilities he would still look for Lia's approval. And in many situations her advice and conscience proved to be priceless.

Xenon on the other hand took a few deep breaths to calm his agitated nerves and seemed to have arrived to a decision . He was not convinced with Lia's answer . Its not that he suspected Lia of not telling them the truth , but was more concern of the fact that she was capable of doing things without knowing that she has done .

He called on everyone

" Guys just calm down . We cant leave this cave as the nun but in the meanwhile I think we can try to put some pieces of this puzzle together that we have so far acquired.... right..???"

Everyone nodded at this suggestion .

" But how do you propose we do that ???? " questioned Aayan who spoke for the first time since their arrival in that cave. Then turned his attention to Mayera.

Since their arrival to that cave Aayan was busy taking in the sight that greeted him. The hi-tech screen , laser scanners , super cameras and most amazing of all was the platform they were standing . It was a circular platform with something that look like small bulbs was placed inside .For any tech fan this was heaven , as for Aayan even though he felt like he was in heaven he didn't lose sight of hell which was their current unexplained situtation . The nun's words didn't miss his ears .

Everyone remembered that Mayera was not feeling well and Lia asked on behalf of all

" How are you feeling ??? "

" Much better than before .

I don't feel that uneasy . On the contrary I think I can understand it now . I think that I m getting used to it. And Lia you were right I can feel that it must be someone essence but now its not that desperate as it was before . It more like its scared but still fighting to protect itself . Its not as hopeless as before "

Hearing Mayera's words Xenon frowned as he was able to guess somethings and at the same time his theories were able to put some pieces together already.

" That's good then lets hope whoever's essence it is can make it out safe .

Now as for our situtation I will ask a few questions first i want you answer that honestly to me and then I will give my conclusion . Is that ok. ????? "

" Okay " everyone said in unision.

" Q1: Lia what happened after you woke up ???? Explain in details and dont miss out anything no matter how trivial it is ...." hearing Xenon question Lia remembered what she saw an honestly started explaining

" After I woke up I was greeted by Mr .Oberoi . We joked around for a few minutes after which his nun acquaintance announced himself and said that hell have to do all the work if he was only interested in joking . Hearing this Mr . Oberoi got all fired up and serious and asked me that if i was feeling anything unusual phyiscally to which i said that I don't as I didn't at that time . Then he asked me to focus on my innerself , my soul .

Taking his advice I tried to focus but when I did that's when something really weird happened . I suddenly saw the whole of solar system but it was more like i was the solar system and not just the solar system , the milky way galaxy , this universe and many more universes that are out there . All the beings of all universe is me . The uncountable beings in all the countless universe.

as I was feeling all of this I was again brought back to the solar system there I saw a whirlwind of light appear out of no where and from within that a spaceship appeared ... it was beautiful , mesmerizing unlike anything I have ever seen . It soared through the solar system like a majestic phoenix heading for earth at an unbelievable speed . Behind it that whirlwind of light started to fade but before the strand of light faded another strike of light hit the spaceship , by that time the ship was already very close to the earth . One of the ships jet was damaged and there was a huge explosion.

In an unstable condition it was trying its best to stabilize itself . After that I saw that inside that spaceship their were beings , do know what they were but there were many of them , it was a chaotic situation inside that ship . One of the being who seemed to be its leader said something to one person and hearing it the person responded by going to one of the machines and gave out a message . It was a request for an emergency landing to something called STRELING CODE and the ships name was DEALTA 00049 . But unforturnately it was too late the ship already entered the earths vicinity and couldn't handle the gravity pull . It exploded midair. I really wish somehow they could atleast crash land on earth safely . I just want those being to be safe "

After Lia finished her part Xenon nodded satisfactorily like he has complete control of the situation now . It was his signature nod . Seeing that everyone believed they have a lead .

" Q2 . Mayera when you saw that the fire was burning the pot in the kitchen you wished that the fire would instead of burning the pots burn Rihans pants , am I right?????"

Hearing Xenon echo her thoughts Mayera was stunned but recovered quickly and said

" Yes that's right . I was so angry back then that I really wanted that . "

Now it was Rihan's time to be stunned " You witch , you insane lunatic , you wished that I would be burnt alive into ashes ... I thought I was an eyesore to you but want be dead already ...!!!!! Some friend you are !!!!"

On hearing Rihan's comeback Xenon decided to ask his third question to him

" Q3 . Then Rihan would you mind telling me how many burns have you endured from that fire???? "

It took Rihan a few seconds to understand what he was telling and then was literally taken back . He couldn't answer anything.

Understanding Rihan's confusion Xenon answered the question for him ,

" You haven't suffered any burns my friend not one. But in the fire that your pants lost their lives was enough to burn any human into ashes in mere seconds. Yet you are still with us unharmed ."

Rihan opened and closed his mouth like a gold fish but couldn't utter a word . Xenon's every word was cent per cent correct . They couldn't argue.

" As for Aayan I believe he has become a human computer himself which he is very pleased of , am I right pal ????" Xenon beamed with confidence as he stated.

Aayan simply smiled at his friends words and admired his friend in his mind for how well he knew him.

" Xenon you asked us questions relating to our unusual experiences we had but what I don't understand is that what does all this has to do with that stone and the fact that we a probably trap in this so called cave. " Lia couldn't read Xenon 's thoughts process anymore and was getting confused the more she tried to understand.

Xenon thought that the best way to explain Lia and the others was to give them his theory on the matter. Thus

" I believe that I have an idea as to what happened to us and whats causing these weird things to happen to us .

When we touched that weird crystal that thing started glowing after that none of us remember what happened to us we all woke up in that villa of my uncle. To all of us both my uncle and that nun visited . They asked us all the same questions that they asked Lia . But I believe that their more than that. I have thought through this for a long time and testing it myself I have come to the conclusion that we some how because the crystal now posses some special abilities .

From witnessing first hand of what we all are capable of doing I have also been able understand what abilities we posses .I'll list it out for you

Aayan posses the abilities over technology,

Rihan's I believe to be the power over the elements of nature like fire,water,earth and air,

Mayera has the power of any and every form of energy,

I myself have the ability hear and see others thoughts

and last but not the least Lia you have the power over time . "