
Piya says , " I am really sorry Auntie I can't....I can't stay here and I will take guru maa along with me ".

Vedshree shout , " Piya ". Piya run upstairs and see goddess durga idol. She run in whole house and find Durga maa even in lift..She find herself surrounded with Durga Maa idol and Devik Inshan. She finally sit and remember what Divya ( her mom ) told that whatever will happen with you Goddess Durga will take the decision. She finally says , " I shall follow the path you show me ". She open her eyes and see diya light , she pick hold her dupptta in proper way , wipe tears and walk with determination.

Vedashree is restless ' Piya didn't allow me to speak how can she leave this house ? What should I do ' and Mohona comes.

Mohona asks , " why are you restless when Devik is here Oh ! she ran away seeing me. What will you do now ?".

" You can't win over devik " , she snaps.

Mohona says , " she ran away after seeing me and might have reached Bandap ".

Piya comes there and says , " You are wrong I am still here ". Piya's Devik insan ( sign ) glows and she wipe her tears. Mohona get's angry. Vedashree goes and hug piya while she says , " I knew you won't go but was still worried ".They all three stare each other , when vedashree ask , " Piya don't get affarid of dayan as you are devik " , she nods and turns towards mohana.

Piya says , " Now I am not as you know , Durga Maa is always with me ".

Rathod House

Ruby is trying to fix her hair as Mohona Cuts her hair , when ansh arrives , She hide it. Ansh says , " Sorry , Ruby for telling harsh words as I got scared seeing Mom's condition ". Ruby hugs Ansh and says , " I know you did in anger don't apologize ".

He adds , " Now I need to find that Daayan who made my mom stone ". Ruby remember how mohona made vedashree stone and hurting her , by cutting her hair.

She assures , " we both shall find out , I will help you ".

Piya goes in guru maa room and see mohona trying to hurt guru maa by Chaitali is lying on the sofa unconscious .

Piya warns , " Don't do anything to Guru Maa". Mohona walk towards Piya and She walk back. Mohona says , " Daayan is biggest threat for anyone ". Piya remembers Devi Maa and walk towards Mohona to her surprise.

Mohona says , " You must remember where and how I have troubled you and guru maa , now see how deep it can be ". She try to hold Piya but Piya shouts , " STOP ".

Her devik power put hold on her hair.

Mohona says , " your small attacks will not harm me , I am watching all this since 200 years , you will lose like them too ".

" This time you will lose " , she says.

Mohona says , " lets see " and takes Chaitali with her.

" What will you do to aunty? " , she asks .

" Don't worry I will send her to her room because I don't want my children to worry about their aunt ". Mohona think ' I have to do something to make her scared '.


Mohona goes to some cave and see green water flowing… Mohona thinks ' its Palatlok water , if it touched me , I may lose all my powers ' . She climb on wall of cave and moves. After some time a crow comes.

She asks that crow , " I need bhaisa-assuar (bull devil) to scare Devik , and this hair belong to that person whom should be safe all time " , she recalls how she took ansh hair. Crow says , " I shall help you and in return you will help me ".

" What I shall do ? ".

Crow says , " whenever time comes I shall tell you ". Mohona nods her head " Ok ".

Rathod House

All people start Dandiya ( Dandiya Raas is the featured and most popular dance of Navratri evenings in Gujarat , India ) .

Ruby ask , " Ansh it's our first festival after our marriage , let dance together ".

Ansh denies , " Ruby , I can't dance ". Just then he see Piya and Naman and he stare at her face . He think ' about his and Piya moments ' and walk towards them. Naman try to get romantic by holding her hand , and piya feel uncomfortable she shakes his hand off he try to touch piya face but Ansh hold his wrist. He get scared , Piya asks , " Ansh leave his hand , why are you getting bothered , you better go to your wife , Ruby ".

Ansh says , " Huh ? it's because I have seen him hurting Guru maa infront of me… If he can hurt his mom , he can do anything with you.. I am just trying to protect you Piya ".

" You need not to do so as I already know from whom I need to save myself ".

Naman says , " please believe me , I don't know why ansh hate me . Piya why will a son hurt his mom Ansh is lying , please stop your drama . Ansh you are characterless , You are married but still you eye my Piya Whats in your mind ".

Ansh shouts , " STOP " and hold Naman collar.. Piya ask , " Stop both of you " .piya touches his hand so Ansh leave him , Naman try to attack but Ansh stop him and ask him to leave…while ansh getting angry. Naman runs away as far he could.

Piya asks , " ansh why do you trouble us , Please leave us alone , otherwise I shall get angry too " and show finger☝.. Ansh hold her finger and hold her hand behind.. They have face lock near to each other..

Ansh says , " even I don't like to come near you ".Ansh take Piya inside store room and close her path.Both breathe heavily. Their hearts beat faster because of their closeness piya struggles but ansh is too strong so she naturally stops. Ansh was enjoying this closeness between them and was smelling the sweet scent of her body she noticed this , stamps on his foot and runs away , he smiles seeing her back and says , " I don't know why piya , I feel attracted towards you but I can't help it when I see you with that rascal naman. So do whatever you want to do , but I won't let you marry him. I saw you were uncomfortable with him just now , I will help you promise ".


Vedashree and Shekhar are standing holding dandiya when Mohona comes and tell , " Ansh should be with Ruby not with Piya " , he release his hand but still stands there.

Vedashree whispers, " he is with right person , are you scared of devik "

Shekhar asks , " Honey you don't listen to her let's enjoy ".

Vedershree was drinking glass of juice alone as Shekhar had to attend an important call.

Mohona says , " vedashree stop dreaming of winning as you can't even make me lose in dandiya ".

" Let's the past be gone , now you will lose for sure ".

" My dear sister since you are ready then let's have dandiya competition.".

Mohona asks , " Without a prize competition doesn't looks good so you have to accpet defeat infront me otherwise you will be ashmed infront of all guests ". Avinash, Chaitali and shekhar comes near them.

Chaitali asks , " what's wrong? ".

Vedashri asks , " chaitali tell Mohona who wins dandiya competition every year ".

Avinash whispers , " Bro you got scared they are talking about dandiya , nothing else " he sighs he knows his brother is overprotective about his sister in law and he had seen it from the day they got married but after so many years the love between then is still fresh.

Chaitali says , " Sister in law you always won ".

Mohona snaps , " Its because you never played with me , now play ".

Vedashri say , " yes , I am ready ".

Chaitali says , " With a daayan ".

" we always fight with them , so what's a big deal ".

" Littke sis you will lose and I shall win ".

" I will make you lose and don't forget about the bet "