
Ansh pulls Piya to side and pins her to wall , she is suprised by this as she thought he left her but he was wrong.

" What are you trying to do ?".

Ansh says , " Piya that I want to show you reality of people ".

" What about your reality ? what you want from me? " , says piya .

He adds , " My mom thinks you can save us".

" I couldn't save my Guru Maa so I can't do anything , I don't care about anyone else ".

Ansh asks , " Why are you staying here then ? I don't care about you too " , he pushes her away and says , " I won't care even if you die ". He turns and leave. Piya sees bruising mark on her wrist and cries. Ansh if you only want to hurt me then why do you act as you care for me. If you can't make me happy don't make me sad either. I always thought I love you but you always took advantage of me being poor but your wrong before six years I completely my studies and work in Walton group of company I am no longer poor but I am weak as I don't have my parents to support me as you have , You are right I feel uncomfortable with naman but I can't help it because of Guruma's wish. She took care of me when my mom left so I will obey her.

Ansh's Room

He is sad how can she show attitude inward only helping her. He hears a knock but doesn't respond then comes a voice " can I come in ".

" No " , he replies because he knows whether he replies yes or no she will come his sister , Neha.

" Brother, want to talk to me " , she asks.he ignores.she adds , " I saw you both going to storeroom si you can tell me. I can guess what might have happened ".

" If you know then why do you ask me ".

" Its because I want to know the truth so that my imagination doesn't run wild. I don't want to be in dark again ".

Hearing the last sentence he hugs her , " Sister , everything will be fine.I know you will solve it don't worry ".

Wiping her tears away she nods and asks , " Let me tell what I learnt , never keep things in your heart just speak to the person you believe or you have problem with. Will you trust me ".

" Ofcourse I do " and tells her everything what he did to Piya and she cover her forehead with her hand and says , " You are really a jerk. How can you even force her to believe you after insulting her last time huh ? I know you were not in your senses that time but what about her , you should understand her and give her sometime".

" But she asked me don't interfere in her matters. I clearly saw how uncomfortable she was with naman and when I helped her she scolded me ".

" Hm , scolding is too much who can scold the CEO of Rathod Enterprises. You clearly know why she did that right ".

" But --- "

" No buts. It's your fault so you should talk to her and please don't force her ok ? Think about it if there is nothing else then I will leave first ".

She turns to look at him , " Brother remember one think she is " and goes. He thinks for sometime then decides it was his fault.

Piya's Room

Piya was standing near the window in daze and when she heard a knock she turned and was happy to see the person.avd goes fur a hug.

" How are you , sorry I couldn't meet you earlier , I just came back " , the person asks.

" Fine. It's ok " and she sighed.

" Want to talk about it " , the person asks.

" Hmmm "

" Go ahead "

Piya tells about everything what ansh had done because Neha was her good friend though the other person was her brother she always gave her a right advice and she was very easy to talk with.

" I think it's indeed your brother's fault "

Sge snaps, " Hey when did he became my brother he is , your Ansh right ".

Piya blushes hearing " your ansh " but when ever she thought about ruby she controlled herself after all ansh is married. " Don't forget he is married ".

" So ? "

" I don't have a chance ".

" What if he doesn't like Ruby and was married because of a fault. You don't worry about Ruby let brother handle her okay ? so you tell me about your marriage ".

" How was your trip to country S " , she changed the topic.

" Don't you dare change the topic I really want to know , I know you love my brother after all it's not your problem because he is handsome and my brother so he is the best ".

" Same as your brother never get tired by praising yourself huh ? ".

" Yeah , hmm Why are you marrying that creepy guy ? ". Piya knew she can't hide anything from her did he tells the reason why she is marrying Naman.

" Oh ! This is the reason no wonder brother was in a bad mood. Do you really think this is right "

" I don't know Neha "

" See don't get me wrong you told that you didn't hear Guruma's wish but was told by him , something is fishy ".

" He won't lie to me , it's his mom's last wish si I trust him "

" Ok fine. Come downstairs we have a competition ".

Ansh stops and turns to her , he starts going towards her but Vedsheree comes to Piya and takes her from there. Aw mom I wanted to talk to Piya. Neha smiles.

In dandia show , Neha says , " Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen I hope your enjoying this auspicious day. There will be a competition between Vedsheree and Mohana, their partners will be Piya and Ruby. Mohana and Ruby glares at Vedsheree and Piya.Let's start Music ".The dandiya competition starts . Piya have a face-off with Mohana.

Vedsheree asks , " Mohana to get ready to run".

Mohana says , " we will see who will make the run " .

A monster is shown killing people in streets.

All are enjoying their dance. Vedsheree makes Mohana throw her stick. Piya makes Ruby throw her stick. Vedsheree and Piya wins.

Neha asks , " So as promised the losing team hold their ear and accept their defeat " .

Chaitali asks , " Sister Mohana , Ruby hold ears, its just a competition " . Ruby and Mohana are about to hold their ears but a monster in half wolf-half human form comes there. Mohana recalls ' how she called the monster and thinks now we will see if devik can save them ' . Monster starts running towards family , he hits Ansh , Ansh flies in air and falls down , Mohana is stunned and thinks ' why he is hurting Ansh ? ' .

Mohana says , " Vedsheree that I wanted him to kill devik only " . Ruby recalls ' The monster is her father , he came to her and asked her who cut her hair. Ruby said that Mohana did it, monster said that I wont spare Mohana now '.

Ruby thinks ' I shouldn't have told daddy about Mohana , he will take revenge from Ansh my Ansh ' .

Mohana says , " Vedsheree this monster doesn't know about my powers , I won't spare him " .

Vedsheree says , " if kids know that you are witch ( Daayan) then they will be devastated" .

Mohana thinks ' she is right, I can't make Ansh hate me ' . Avi and Shekhar bring guns and shoot monster but nothing happens to him. All are scared. Monster uses his powers to stop them.Piya is shocked two daayan's are already present what is the use of another monster . Oh god what is happening to my life after meeting Ansh. He is beaten up but while can't I stop my tears , why am I feeling sad and helpless '

Nishant and Priest meets the ( crow ) bird.

Nishant says , " we have to answer him before going ahead in patal " . Bird tells him a riddle , he relates it to Piya and says , " riddle answer is father " . Bird flies away. Nishant and Priest goes in cave. They see it empty , He adds , " someone stole it "