Immortal emperor gamer!?

Eizen the strongest person in existence or also known as the Immortal emperor! He rules the immortal plane with his Supreme Heaven sect!

Eizen is said to be the strongest immortal emperor that ever lived! and his intelligence and strength proves it all! although he is a good emperor to his subjects he is known to be merciless towards his enemies! that is why he was able to unite the whole immortal plane which had never happened before! not even the past generation of immortal emperors had managed to do this only Immortal emperor Eizen! a feat worthy of the immortal emperor!

right now a handsome man who looks like he is in his late 20's is looking outside of the mirror.

"hah... It has already been hundreds of years since I unified the whole immortal plane..." this man is Eizen the immortal emperor!

right now Eizen is looking at the kingdom that he himself built through years of hard work! the immortal plane now is a hundred times better than the immortal plane before Eizen ruled.

"come to think of it right now I have nothing better to do... all of my core disciples are either out in the immortal plane exploring or in seclusion. Even if I'm not here Red can take care of the whole sect and kingdom... wait how long has it been since I've spent time to relax? come to think of it it should have been thousands of years ago! damn... I really am old... I haven't even found a wife yet or experienced sex!" Eizen sighed to himself.

these past thousands of years he really have been in a lot of pressure from his opponents and from his responsibilities but now he is the immortal emperor! he can do whatever he wants to do and no one can stop him!

"I think it's time for me to finally go back to Earth."

Before Eizen started his long way towards to becoming the immortal emperor he was also an orphan from earth! due to an accident he was reincarnated to the cultivation world billions of light years away from earth! but he wasn't given a cheat system or anything! he worked all the way by himself to becoming the immortal emperor and thanks to this he learned the hard way and got tougher as he overcame challenges! he even managed to get alot of heavenly artifacts thanks to opportunities presented in front of him! and right now finally after thousands of years he is finally on his way back to his home planet! earth!

"should I first Inform red and the others?... nah they will only stop me. I'll just send them a letter." Eizen then took a scroll and wrote down that he will be having a vacation and he doesnt know how long it will take. he then took out a spirit sword and sent it towards red.

" Sorry red but it looks like your good days of being lazy are over hahaha!" Eizen said before disappearing.

When the spirit sword arrived at Red's chambers suddenly disciples heard red screaming their sect masters name.

"after thousands of years... I'm finally back! hahaha!!"

Eizen appeared at a mountain top and after that he flew towards the nearest city near him.

AFTER 2 YEARS ---------

"Today is the day! hahaha finally I can quit that shitty job and become a professional gamer!" Eizen quickly got up from bed and showered for a bit and and dressed up right now he is wearing shorts and a normal white t shirt.

after 2 years of staying in earth Eizen lived comfortably like a normal person. at first there were some difficulty at fitting in because he suddenly appeared out of nowhere without an Identity or any proof of him ever being born in the last hundred of years but thanks to his powers he easily solved that problem.

The reason Eizen is excited this morning is because this is the first day that the very first VRMMORPG or also known as New World will start its servers!

although there were a lot of past VRMMO games they are'nt like the New world! in the new world physical fitness is a must because the players starting attributes will be determined by the players body condition! there is also an for people with disabilities. people who had a part of their body amputated will have a complete body in the game but it does'nt work with people with mental disabilities.

Eizen put on the helmet on his head and lay down on his bed. the game will officially start at 8 am and right now it is 7:56 am only 4 minutes away from the start of the game and finally after 4 minutes the New world servers finally opened!

" Game start!" Eizen shouted in his mind with a smile on his face!

[Ding! Welcome host to the New world!]

[ Please choose your Race!]

[ Human ]

[ Elf ]

[ Orc ]

[ Dwarf ]


" System I choose Human!"

[Ding! host please edit your appearance! the host avatar must be atleast 10% different than the host original appearance and must not exceed 20% different than host original appearance.]

after editing his avatar Eizen then proceeded with the next step and this time he has to choose a profession for the game!

[ Warrior: The Warrior is skilled in combat, and usually can make use of some of the most powerful heavy armor and weaponry in the game. As such, the warrior is a well-rounded physical combatant.the Warrior may be able to learn basic magic, but its capabilities in this field are somewhat limited. after the warrior class the player can upgrade his class. the class upgrade depends solely on what the player wants his future class to be but some powerful classes requires certain requirements to achieve.]

[ Ranger: Rangers are usually associated with the wisdom of nature. Rangers tend to be wise, hardy, cunning, and perceptive in addition to being skilled woodsmen. Many are skilled in woodcraft, stealth, wilderness survival, beast-mastery, herbalism, tracking, and sometimes nature magic or have a resistance to magic. Rangers spend a great deal of time hunting, fishing and camping—whether on a short- or long-term basis—and their preferred martial arts weapons leans towards practical-utility: archery, knife fighting, and swordplay.after the ranger class the player can upgrade his class. the class upgrade depends solely on what the player wants his future class to be but some powerful classes requires certain requirements to achieve.]

[ Mage: Mages are considered to be spell casters with terrifying attack power and powerful spells but they are physically weak as a trade off.after the mage class the player can upgrade his class. the class upgrade depends solely on what the player wants his future class to be but some powerful classes requires certain requirements to achieve.]

[ Thief: thiefs typically combine combat ability with strong stealth skills, and specialise in defeating an enemy without becoming involved in a protracted melee.after the thief class the player can upgrade his class. the class upgrade depends solely on what the player wants his future class to be but some powerful classes requires certain requirements to achieve.]


" System I choose the warrior class."

[Ding! please wait the system will now start a test to check the hosts physical condition to determine hosts starting attributes...]