Supreme Physique!

[Ding! notice to host we will now start the strength trial. Their is a punching machine in at the host front please step forward and attack it. the highest point that the player can get is 100 points.]

Eizen then stepped forward and punched the machine! Eizen controlled his strength to be so as not to make any unexpected troubles in the future but even so Eizen's punch is still too strong!

[Ding! host scored 100 points!]


"it looks like even if I want to be low key my strength wont let me... well lets just give it all I've got!"

after that the scene in front of Eizen changed into a field and a system prompt sounded in his ear.

[Ding! notice to host Dexterity test will now start! please go to the white line and get ready to run a 100 meter run. the highest point a player can get is 100 points.]

Eizen walked towards the starting line and waited for the system to tell him to start running.

[Ding! the countdown will begin! host can run when I say go!]




[ Go! ]

Swish! when Eizen heard the word go he immediately and just after the system said go Eizen appeared at the finish line! not even a second has passed and Eizen already finished the test!

[Ding! host scored 100 points!]

after the dexterity test Eizen also took the intelligence test, and Constitution test and as expected Eizen scored 100 in all of them!

[Ding! congratulations to host for getting 100 points in all of the test! you are rewarded with the supreme physique!]

[ In the new world players will be given physiques in accordance with the results of their test only a number of the players who have met certain requirements can have a physique and these physique skills are limited every class. the. host supreme physique is one of them but only you can have the supreme physique because it is the highest of all of the physiques in the New World.]

[ Supreme Physique- Only the best of the best can have this physique and the first to meet all of the requirements will have it. to get this physique the player must score a 90-100 in all of the test.]

[ Supreme Physique: the player will get an additional 5 stat points whenever he level up.]

"Supreme physique? hahaha! it looks like I, immortal emperor Eizen am truly destined to rule the virtual world! hahaha!"

[ Host Please set a name for your character!]

" Set my name to be immortal emperor!"

[Ding! the name is already taken please choose another one!]


" fine then! set my name to Immortal Eizen!"

[Ding! the name is already taken please choose another one!]

" Immortal ruler!"

[Ding! the name is already taken please choose another one!]

" GodKing!"

[Ding! the name is already taken please choose another one!]


[ Ding! would host want to name your character F*ck?]



[ Host Please set a name for your character!]


[Ding! the name is already taken please choose another one!]

" Mart!"

[Ding! the name is already taken please choose another one!]

" Zero!"

[Ding! would host want to name your character Zero?]


[Ding! what mode would player Zero want to use in the new world? the automatic mode or the manual mode?]

" System what's the difference between the two modes?"

[Ding! the Automatic mode will help the player attack and defend depending on their stats but the chances of their attack hitting the target also corresponds to their status and the same goes for defending. the skills of the players will also be automatically aimed at the monster to help the player.]

[Ding! the manual mode is the opposite of the automatic mode. In the manual mode the player himself will have to aim their attack and defend manually. It is recommended for normal players who don't have combat experience to not choose this mode because only people with strong awareness and have already participated in battles are compatible to choose this mode.]

"Mhhhh... System does that mean when you use the manual mode its like your controlling your real body and the chance you hit your target and avoid an attack also depends on your experience and instincts in the real world?"

[Ding! player Zero is correct!]

" I choose the Manual mode!"

[Ding! welcome to the New world player Zero! please wait for a moment! you will be transported to a random beginner village! the player will also be given begginer equipment which can be found in your inventory! ]

after the system said that Eizen was surrounded by a blinding light and the next thing he saw when he regained his vision was a village full of players!

" this is the new world huh?..."

Eizen first took a look at his stats and beginner equipment that was given to him by the system.


[Level 1]








[Rusty sword]

[ Damage: +2-5]


beside from the sword Eizen also saw beginner clothes which he is already wearing but these clothes only gave him a defense of 1 point each.

Eizen took a inhaled the air in the new world and although this is not real air it felt really nice! it's been 2 years since he inhaled air as fresh as this! living in a city does have it's advantages and disadvantages.

" Alright! lets go and farm EXP!!"

Eizen went outside of the village and saw hundreds of people flocking to kill wild dogs! the worst part is there aren't enough wild dogs to satisfy the hundreds of players here! even after the monster just re-spawned it will be killed fastly by the players!

"F*ck! how am I supposed to level up if its like this!? should I just return to the village and look for quests? No I bet other players have already though of that and the quest locations will also be swarmed by players."

Eizen thought on what he should do until finally he saw a group of people going deeper into the forest.

" that's right! I can just go to a higher level map! there are surely not many players hunting in those areas!"

Eizen then went deeper into the forest. When Eizen appeared at the level 2 map there are still dozens of groups in that area so Eizen went deeper in the forest.

[Wolf level 5 ]

[ 120/120 HP]

Eizen arrived at area of the level 5 wolves and when he appeared no other player except for him was there.

its not that Eizen is the only player who can go to this place but that no other player except Eizen has the courage to go because level 4 monster not only have a stronger attack power and defense but the player will also experience a level suppression and their attack will not do much damage to the monster and to make things worse the damage they will recieved will be greater!

" lets see if I can really use my reflexes from my real body by using the manual mode!"

Eizen then took out the sword he recieved from the system and got ready to attack the wolf!

the wolf also noticed Eizen and when he saw him he pounced at him like a real wolf wanting to devour his prey!