
[Ding! congratulations to player Zero for leveling up to level 4! you have recieved 15 stat points!]

"finally after 4 hours I levelled up again!"

Eizen then sat down on the ground and rested for a bit. He also allocated 10 stat points to his attributes and this is what Eizen's status bar looks like now.


[Level 4]

[HP- 190/190]







[Stat points left:15]



[Old Iron Sword]

[Damage: +6-10]

[Old leather armor]

[Defense: +4]

[tattered boots]

[ movement speed: +3]


within these 4 hours of hunting Eizen also managed to get another equipment and these time he managed to get boots that increased his movement speed aside from materials like wolf fur, claws and fangs.

Eizen has already been inside the virtual world for about 8 hours now but on the outside world only 4 hours have passed!

thanks to the new technology discovered by the New world scientists they have managed yo make the time in the real world 2 times slower than the real world which means that one day in the real world is 2 days in the new world!

"Its about 12 noon in the outside world right about now. I should first log out and have lunch and then continue to hunt monsters."

after sorting out a few things Eizen logged out from the new world and when he opened his eyes he saw the ceiling of his room in the real world.

Eizen walked down the stairs and started boil water for his instant noodles. after a few minutes he poured hot water in his noodles and went to the living room to watch television while eating.

When Eizen turned on the television the first thing he saw and heard on the news is about the 'New world VRMMO!'

"Right now folks we have a guest from the famous VRMMO guild Tyranny! Please welcome Vice guild master Shin!"

"Thanks for having me Chuck." Shin said with a smile on his face.

"So what do you think about the the New world Vice master Shin?" The host asked Shin.

"All I can say is that the New world is soon going to be the 2nd Earth. Everything about it is perfect. From the graphics all the way down to small things. You can even smell the fresh air from the country side and when your inside the game it feels like your still using your real body albeit your appearance looks different because your using your game avatar not your real body"

"if you want to be strong in the New world I recommend working out in real life because your starting stats will be determined by the system in a series of tests. For example in the strength test you will be asked to punch a punching machine and you will be scored by the system from 1-100. A normal person can score about 30-49 points and an athlete can score about 50-69 points while 70 points and higher will be harder to achieve."said to the host with a smile on his face.

"There are a total of 4 test namely Strength,dexterity,intelligence and constitution test." Shin added to his sentence.

"Shin does that mean teenagers will be at a disadvantage when they take this test? I mean they are still young and haven't trained their bodies yet." The host told shin

"For those teenagers who want to play the New world you don't have to worry because there is a different test for people with an age of 12-17 years old players. The same goes for the elderly and people with disabilities."

"Wow! It looks like the New world really lives up to it's name soon to be the New world of humanity! Shin if I may ask, what level are you in now? And what's the average level of players in the game?" The announcer asked shin with a curious look.

"Well I can confidently say that I am now level 2 with 50% of my EXP bar filled almost level 3! Now don't get me wrong, Normal players will need about 8 hours just to level up to level 2!" Shin said with confidence.

For normal players Shin's level is really enviable because farming monsters is really too hard in the beginner villages because of the lack of hunting location for low level players but as the player goes up in level their hunting location also increases but the problem is that guilds might take these hunting locations by themselves and hindering players who aren't from their guild from hunting.

"Wow! It looks like The new world really isn't any other games from the market!"

"You bet. The monsters in the New world are also hard to kill! It even feels like your fighting in the real world! But don't worry because the pain tolerance in the New world is set at 10% at maximum so as not to give players severe wounds but also make them feel like they're fighting for real." Shin said while looking at the camera.

"Ohhh! If I may ask Vice master Shin what is the level of Guild master Tyrant right now?"

"All I can say is that he's level is higher than mine." Shin said with a smile looking mysterious for the viewers.

"All right Vice master Shin thankyou for attending this interview!"

"Thanks also for Inviting me Chuck! And to all New world players watching this we are now starting to recruit members. If you are qualified you can join us!"


"It looks like I better step up the game! Guild leaders from big forces should be able to get to level 3 a few hours from now and in terms of manpower they outnumber me by a few thousands! All right! Time to get back to leveling up!"

After watching the interview just now Eizen ate his instant noodles and meditated for a bit calm his mind and soul and at exactly 1pm he went back online in the New world!

"I need to level up fast. They have the advantage in numbers so it's easier for them to hunt higher level monsters but with my strenght now killing a wolf will be alot easier so I won't lose to them in turns of hunting monsters!"

"Alright! Let's see If the thing that I thought of can really be use to my advantage!"

After that Eizen then looked for more wolves and after a few minutes he finally found a pack composed of more than a dozen wolves!

"If this trick really works then I can hunt more monsters effectively! Hah!"

Eizen rushed towards the pack of wolves and when he was only a few meters away from them the pack finally noticed him and they also pounced towards Eizen wanting to devour his body but something unexpected happened! Eizen managed to dodge all of the wolves attack and he appeared at the side of a wolf and slashed his sword towards its weak spot!

[Ding! You landed a critical blow to the wolf!]

[- 73!]

After that he once again dodged the attacks of the wolves and appeared Above the wolf from before and struck his sword at its head!

[Ding! You landed a critical blow to the wolf!]

[- 47!]

[Ding! congratulations to player Eizen for killing the level 5 wolf monster!]

[ + 10 Exp!]

[ + 9 copper coins!]

"Alright! It worked! It looks like as long as I can do it in the real world I can also do martial skills inside the new world!"