Swindler Mayor!

After a few minutes of dodging and attacking Eizen finally managed to kill all of the wolves!

"Alriiiiight!!! Hahaha! With this discovery Hunting will be a lot easier!! Let's not stop now! Exp! Exp! Exp!!!"

The martial technique that Eizen used just now is one of the movement techniques that he used way back before he was the Immortal emperor of the immortal plane. Although he wanted to use a stronger movement technique to hunt monsters faster his stats are still too low for other martial techniques to be used at the moment and this low level movement technique is all that he can manage for now.

Eizen hunted more monsters of all shapes and sizes and now with the use of martial techniques it only took him 2 hours to level up to level 5!

[Ding! congratulations to player Zero for leveling up to level 5! you have recieved 15 stat points!]

After leveling up Eizen quickly allocated 10 stat points to his stats and this is what Eizen's stat looks now!


[Level 5: 0/2000]

[HP- 220/220]







[Stat points left:20]



[Old Iron Sword]

[Damage: +6-10]

[Old leather armor]

[Defense: +4]

[tattered boots]

[ movement speed: +3]


"Finally level 5! I should probably head back to the village now and sell some useless items and buy potions and stuff."

"Alright! It's time to go back now!"

While Eizen was heading back to the village he already saw a lot of players hunting in the level 2 hunting grounds and a few in the level 3 hunting grounds. When Eizen arrived at the village there were only about a hundred or so players inside because most of the players are outside hunting for monsters and these people inside the village are usually only here to sell items.

Eizen arrived at a stall and bought a dozen HP potions and some bread. Right now you can say that Eizen is rich because he has 2 gold coins and 60 silver coins because of coins he got from the dead wolves. Eizen also sold all of the materials he got from the wolves. Even if he wanted to make equipment out of these materials he can't even make one! These materials really are useless. Eizen already asked the blacksmith in the town and he said that all of the materials Eizen has can't be used so he decided to just sell them for money.

After that Eizen went around town and talked to some NPC's trying his luck if he can find a hidden quest but he just wasted his time because except for the mayor and blacksmith there aren't any other people giving quest in this village.

"It looks like I better check the mayor first just in case he can give me a hidden quest. If there really aren't any hidden quest in the town I'll just accept the normal quest given by the mayor and blacksmith and complete them while hunting monsters."

Eizen then walked towards the mayors house and what surprised Eizen is that the mayor's reaction when he saw him was different when he greets other players with a calm face! It even looked likes the mayor's eyes were sparkling!

"Finally! Is this it!? Can I finally recieve a hidden quest from the mayor!? Am I supposed to Kill a leader of the wolves!? Or maybe a find a long lost artifact!? I can't wait!"

That is what Eizen is thinking right now while walking towards the mayor! His face is full of excitement! And finally when he arrived in front of the mayor the mayor touched Eizen's hand with both of his and said with a sincere look on his face!

"Great! You're the one that I've been waiting for! You're aura is different from all of those adventurers from before!"

"Hahaha do not worry mayor! I'm here to help so no matter what problem you have now I'll help you no matter what!"

Eizen said with a smile while looking at the mayor and thought to himself." This is it!! What will the hidden quest be!?"

When the mayor heard Eizen he couldn't stop and laughed and said to Eizen." Hahaha! Great! I knew I can count on you! All you need to do is..."

"What would you need me to do!?" Eizen said to himself while waiting for the mayor to complete his sentence.

"I need you to give me 3 gold coins!"


"Umm... excuse me but what?" Eizen said to the mayor with a puzzled look on his face still doubting the words that came out of the mayors mouth.

"Dear adventurer I really need 3 gold coins right now! And I would really appreciate it if you can help me!"

"And what would I get in return if I give you 3 gold coins? Surely you will give something back in return right?" Eizen said to the mayor.

"Damn! How can this mayor know that I have 3 gold coins! Is this man really a mayor or a swindler!?" Eizen said to himself while clenching his fist trying not to punch the mayor straight in the face right now.

"Errrr...umm... wouldn't you help me because of your kind heart?" The mayor said to Eizen.

Eizen was flabbergasted. Right now the only thing on his mind is that this person in front of him now is a swindler not a mayor!

"Sorry I have something else to do right now." Eizen said while turning his back on the mayor and walking away.

"Wa-wait! I can give you some information about the surrounding areas and possible treasures!" The mayor said trying to stop Eizen from leaving by piquing his interest.

"Hoh? Is that true?" Eizen said turning once again to see the mayor.


"Sorry but I'm not interested!" Eizen said while sighing.

"Wait! I will also give you a random skill!" The mayor said to Eizen with a hint of worry pn his face.

"Alright! Because my kind heart can't Ignore a person in need I will accept your offer in exchange for the things you offered!" Eizen said with a smile on his face.

Eizen accepted the offer of the mayor because skills in the new world are really to rare! Even the developers themselves said that skills in the new world are hard to find and if a normal player wants to get a skill he or she would have to be level 10!

"Here is the skill scroll and this map right here will show you the way towards a cave that is rumored to be cursed by an evil wizard! Now... can you give me the gold coins?..."

After Eizen checked and made sure that he wasn't being scammed he gave the 3 gold coins to the mayor and left.

Eizen then went in a secluded place in the forest and began to check the map. After making sure that the map was real because of the terrain in the forest He nodded and then began to observe the skill scroll given by the mayor.

[Skill scroll (Unique Item)]

[ Description: a scroll that randomly generates a skill for the player. The scroll will give the player a random unique skill.(The skill will not depend on the players class and you may get a skill from other classes.)]

"That means that I can also get skills from other classes and I may not be able to use that skill if I'm out of luck."

"Well it's all or nothing!" Eizen then decided to use the scroll and a skill was randomly generated for him!
