NPC city!

"Hah!" Eizen slashed his sword downwards damaging the void knight infront of him making it retreat a dozen steps.

Eizen has already been fighting for 5 hours straight now and the void monster has already transformed into dozens of monsters!

"F*ck this shit! I've already fought for more than 5 hours now!" Said Eizen angrily while still fighting the void knight. Finally when the timer hit the 6 hours mark the void monster suddenly stopped moving and Eizen heard a notification sound!

[Ding! Congratulations to Player Zero for having a perfect score in the trial!]

[Rating: SSS]

[ Please get ready you will now be transported out of the trial space in 3...2...1!]

When Eizen once again opened his eyes he was at the mayors office... precisely at his bathroom.

"Ad-adventurer! What are you doing here!?"

"The F*ck!?" Eizen shouted while covering his eyes and going out of the bathroom.

"... I-I didn't know you liked boys..." said the mayor bashfuly.


After a while both of them arrived at the mayors office and Eizen finally heard a notification sound inside his mind!

[Ding! Congratulations to host for completing the trial and getting a rating of SSS rank!]

[Ding! Host recieved 60 stat points!]

[Ding! Host recieved skill Undying Will!]

[Undying will- When player's HP is down to zero he will restore 10% of his HP and be immune to any form of attack for 5 seconds!]

When Eizen saw his reward he couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud! These rewards are just too rich! Especially the Undying will skill!

"Congratulations once again adventurer! It looks like I wasn't wrong about you! I hope that you can become stronger and help eradicate the forces of evil." Said the mayor with a smile on his face.

Eizen smiled and nodded. After a few seconds he was transported into a white space and he heard the system in his mind once again.

[Ding! Congratulations to player Zero for being the first one to ever move into an NPC city! You recieved a chance to choose the NPC city you can transport to!]

Eizen then saw dozens of NPC city that he can choose!" Damn! There sure are alot to choose from!"

Eizen then looked around a little bit and read the description of each city. Every city has its own unique advantages but also has disadvantages like other cities.

"Hoh? Is that... No way..." Eizen smiled when he saw a peculiar city with a strange building beside it.

After contemplating for a while Eizen decided to choose that city as his starting point!" System I choose Martial City!"

[Ding! As the first ever player to be transported in an NPC city you will recieve a title of honor as Squire!]

[Squire- This title will let you recieve more quest from NPC's in your city and you will be given a chance to become a knight. NPC from your city will also respect you.]

"Hoh? It looks like all of those night without sleep paid off!" Eizen said to himself.

After a while Eizen was transported in the respawn point of Martial city and he was amazed at how spectacular the city is when you're inside it!

Eizen first walked around and familiarized himself with Martial city and he noticed that every NPC he saw was smiling and sometimes even bowing when he walked pass them." It looks like the Squire title is doing it's job!" Eizen said to himself.

After an hour of walking and asking around for directions Eizen finally arrived at the adventurers guild to sign up.

When Eizen was walking around the city and talking to NPC's he learned that he should first go to the adventurers guild to sign up. Apparently when you reach level 10 you will be able to learn class exclusive skills from the adventurers guild!

Eizen went inside the adventurers guild signed up and after that the staff told Eizen to go to room 347.

Eizen quickly found the room and went inside. The inside of the room is like a training room with a field and weapons at the side of the room and in the middle of the room is a man who looks about 20 years old.

Eizen walked towards the man and said." I'm here to learn a skill and the lady told me that you can help me."

The man first scanned Eizen's body and threw a scroll towards him and said." Here's the scroll for the skill. Learn it yourself. If you want to practice use the dummy at the other side of the room" the man said before walking away and practicing his sword skills at the other side of the room.

Xiao long was surprised when he looked at the scroll because there is a guide written inside of it!

" does that mean that you yourself have to comprehend the skill to learn?" Eizen thought to himself contemplating for a moment but just sighed and read the text.

Eizen easily comprehended the skill written in the scroll but he still didn't heard a notification sound saying that he learned the skill so he went to the other side of the room and used the skill at the dummy.

When the NPC saw Eizen walking towards the dummy after reading the scroll just once he sneered and thought to himself. " what an idiot! Even I, a so called genius of the sword had to read the scroll for about an hour before comprehending the sword skill and this man thinks that he can learn it in a matter of seconds? What an idiot!"

But the man was shocked when Eizen performed the sword skill!

[Ding! Player learned the Sword strike skill of the Blue Eagle sect!!]

[Blue eagle Sword strike- the player will deal 200% damage to the target!]

"Hoh? It looks like this skill is still acceptable!" Eizen said to himself.

"Hey you! How did you learn that skill so fast!?" The trainer said to Eizen while walking towards him.

"Huh? It isn't so hard to learn this simple skill. Every swordsman can learn this skill easily. You can Even say that it's just a simple sword stroke for veteran swordsman." Eizen said calmly

"Even so... yo-you learned it in a matter of seconds!" Said the trainer his voice trembling.

"Like I said it's just a simple sword skill. Even I can find flaws from it. If you want to deal more damage to the enemy you can improve the sword skill by doing this!" Eizen once again used the sword skill but this time improved his form and use of the sword!

When the trainer saw Eizen's sword stroke he was shocked! At the same time Eizen heard a notification sound!
