The Trial!

After a while Eizen finally managed to reach the village." it looks like nothings new." Said Eizen while looking around. He then sold all of the monster drops that he didnt need and also bought a few potions and other stuff.

After buying everything that he needed Eizen once again started hunting on a higher level hunting field and thanks to his hunters cube things were a whole lot easier!

While Eizen was hunting he was also experimenting if he can use other low level martial skills inside the game and sure enough it works! but for now Eizen can only execute low level skills because of his low level.

after a week Eizen finally managed to level up to level 10! and a notification bar abruptly sounded in his mind!

[Ding! congratulations on reaching level 10! Please visit the mayors office for your Class quest!]

"Finally after a week of grinding! hahaha!" Eizen shouted on the top of his lungs while lying on the ground.

"Whew... There's no time to rest I'm not the only one working hard this whole time. Some big shots of major guilds also hunted crazy these past few days wanting to compete for the first player to get to an NPC city!" Eizen said inside his mind and then started to run towards the village.

after a while Eizen finally arrived at the mayor's office! he went inside and shouted abruptly "Mayor! I would like to take my class quest!"

"Adventurer its you! I expected nothing more from the guy who gave me money to pay back all of my debts! Hahaha!" the mayor said while tapping Eizen's shoulder.

"So what do I have to do?" Eizen said not caring about what the mayor would have to say about his debts.

" alright here's what you have to do. you will be transported into a special space where you will have to fight hordes of monsters. the longer you survive the higher your rating will be and when you achieve a certain rating you will be rewarded accordingly and may I remind you that potions aren't allowed in that special space. Are you ready to go?" asked the mayor seriously.

"Take me there now!" Said Eizen with an excited tone.

"Well goodluck!" said the mayor with a smile before Eizen disappeared into lights particles.

When Eizen opened his eyes he was in a white space and when he looked above he saw a timer that had already started counting. after a while monsters started to appear!

[Void monster]

The monster is black all over his body and looked like a hell hound. It has sharp teeth and claws and it also looks agile!

"Alright lets start!" Eizen then sprinted towards the void monster and readied his sword!

The monster also sprinted towards Eizen and tried to bite his neck! But Eizen already knew the monsters plan and dodged it easily and counter attacked with his sword!

Ding! Eizen was surprised because the void monster was able to block his attack!

"Hoh? It looks like this trial wont be as easy as I thought. Either way I'm still going to pass!" Said Eizen while once again attacking the void monster!

After a few bouts with it Eizen realized that this monster didn't seem to be losing health but is instead gaining fighting experience from him and learning!

"Just what is this monster?" Said Eizen to himself while backing away. Eizen then used his passive skill the eye of truth to check the void monster once again and he was shocked at what he saw!

[Void monster]

[HP- Infinite]

[MP- Infinite]

[Special skill:]

[Adapt- this monster is able to adapt, transform and learn while fighting]

"What the hell! How the f*ck can I defeat this thing!?" Exclaimed Eizen with a loud tone.

Eizen then contemplated for a moment and remembered that the mayor only told him to survive as long as he can and not to defeat the monster. With that Eizen once again took a stance and dashed towards the monster!

Eizen had now battled with the monster for a total of 20 minutes and an unexpected event happened! The monster suddenly changed shape and turned into an orc like creature with a huge body!

"What the hell!" Eizen was surprised and was caught off guard and was hit by the orc like monster!

[-50 HP!]

"Damn it!" Eizen then counter attacked but learned that the orc's skin this time is tougher than before and he only managed to deal light injuries to it.

"Tsk! It looks like I better get serious!" Eizen said while once again engaging the monster!


In the real world inside an underground room there is an office that is well decorated. You can find all sorts of artifacts inside the room and there lies a man sitting in a chair made of gold and the highest quality of materials.

Suddenly a beautiful blonde girl entered the room holding a folder and approached the man.

"Mister president There is already a player who is undergoing the trial to go to an NPC city right now. It is about 2 weeks earlier than expected." Said the girl.

"Hoh? And what's the background of that person?"

"He's Just a normal citizen president. He was formerly a salesperson from a foodchain restaurant but..." the secretary hesitated before telling something to that person.

"What is it?" Asked the president curiously.

"I cant find out anything more about that person."

"Hoh? It seems like he isn't ordinary to me. Does he have any relatives?" The president asked curiously.

"No sir. It looks like he is just an orphan."

"Mhhh... how is he doing in the trial right now?" Asked the president before sipping a cup if tea.

"He's already fighting the Orc void monster sir and it looks like he's still taking it easy but thanks to his skills we also managed to improved the movements and attack patters of our AI monsters and NPC's." Said the girl with a smile on his face.

"Verygood. Just keep on monitoring him and update me. He must be one of those hidden experts in the world." Said the president.

"Sorry for the question sir but who exactly are those hidden experts?" Asked the girl in a curious manner.

"Remember my dear secretary in this world there are hidden experts known as cultivators and even the lowest level of cultivators can change the tide of a battle so be wary of them and from the looks of this person he might be one of them but I just dont know what his level is." Said the president seriously.

The secretary gulped a mouthful of saliva and didn't ask any further. The lowest level of cultivators can change the tide of a battle! She doesn't want to ask any further for she might not be able to take it! Those guys are monsters!