A trade!

"Huuuh!? And who the hell are you supposed to be brat!?" Said the guy who seems to be leading the group.

"Hehehe! You don't even know my name!? Well it looks like I'll have to bury it in your mind! Remember this name because I, Zero, will save this maiden in distress!" Eizen posed heroically while pointing his sword at the group of players.

"Hahaha! it looks like its just another idiot wanting to be a hero! look kid I'll give you one more chance, leave now and I'll forget about this whole farce what do you say?" said the leader.

he looked at Eizen straight in the face while his comrades started to surround Eizen and Flare.

"Hey dont be stupid and just leave. I didn't ask for your help anyway." said flare while. going in front of Eizen still planning to fight with them.

"Well okay bye!" Said Eizen before disappearing immediately.

"... It looks like I was wrong about him" said flare.

Although Eizen isnt a bad guy he isn't such a good person to risk his life for just anyone and that is one reason why he is the immortal emperor of the divine realm today.

In the world of cultivation being a good guy isn't one of the brightest thing you should do because you can't trust anyone. Only true strength will help you overcome all of the obstacles in your way.

" It looks like your death is inevitable Flare. Now I'll give you one more chance. Give me the relic that you obtained and I'll let you live." said the guy leading the team.

"Tsk! you won't get away with this! and even if you kill me its not sure yet if that item will drop!" said Flare while shouting at the players surrounding her.

" I guess we just have to kill you and find out! kill her now!"

all of them once again started to attack flare from all sides but they suddenly heard a shriek from behind!

" Hoh? so that girl found a relic?" said the guy who instantly killed two men!

"Its you again! this time we wont let you leave alive!"

That man is Eizen! he really didn't leave but just hid behind a tree and eavesdrop on their conversation to find out what all this is about but never did he thought that they were fighting because of a relic!

"I told you didn't I? I'm the Immortal emperor so bow down before me."

After saying that Eizen immediately appeared at the front of Flare and pointed his free hand at the attackers and saying" Mystic mana ball!"


" A wide range attack spell!"

Flare exclaimed inside her mind! At the early part of the game normal spells arent available yet and only some leaders of major guilds managed to get them but this man right here managed to get an AOE spell! and it looks like it deals a great amount of damage as well! not only that but it didn't even took him 1 second to cast that spell!

There are rumors that a normal fireball spell will be able to deal 80-100 damage to a player if he or she prioritized his INT stat but this... Its too much!

after the smoke subsided Flare only saw materials and weapons in the ground! Insta kill!

"Who...who are you exactly?"

"Me? I already told you... I'm the immortal Emperor! Hahaha!" Eizen shouted.

"... Well anyway thank-" before Flare finished what she was about to say Eizen butted in and said something that made Flare's face sour up.

"Don''t thank me yet. Show me the relic that you found." Eizen said while looking straight into Flare's eyes.

"look it isn't what it looks like." said flare.

"Then show me."

"... Fine but get ready to be disappointed."

Flare then took out the relic that he found and showed it's description to Eizen.

[Unknown cube- can be given to a collector in a city and the player may receive a sum of money.]

[Ding! Because of your passive skill Eyes of truth you will be able to see the stats of the item!]

[ Hunters cube(Unique):This cube is a subsidiary weapon forged by a blacksmith from the past specifically to hunt down monsters. It can be attached to any weapon and that weapon will receive the skill that is stored in the cube. ( The cube can be un attached and can be attached to other weapons infinitely.)]

[ Skills:]

[Hunter(Passive): Damage to monsters will be increased by 20%]

[Greed(Passive): EXP received when killing monsters will increase by 20%]

" The F*ck! this item is broken!" Eizen said inside his mind but didn't show his excitement in his face because the person next to him may notice something!

"What did I tell you? this item can't be used until you reach a city and you will only receive a few silver coins at most if you hand this item over to a collector." said Flare while sighing.

"Where did you find this item?" Eizen asked.

"Deep in the forest hidden inside a waterfall"

"hoh?... what else did you find?" Asked Eizen while pointing his sword at Flare.


"Never mind! dont worry I won't steal this item from you!" Eizen said while smiling.

"Many thanks!" Flare said while bowing hee head.

" But I'd like to buy it." Eizen said seriously.

"this..." Flare was shocked at what Eizen said to her! even though the scroll is unknown it shouldn't be worth that much because it was only found in a beginner village!

"... How much are you willing to give me for this item?" Flare asked Eizen with a serious tone.

For her this is an oppurtunity to earn a sum of money which she can use to buy better equipments! the better her equipment is the faster she will be able to hunt monsters!

"You name the price." Eizen said calmly while putting his sword away.

" 1 gold coin! no more no less!" Flare said while looking straight into Eizen's eyes.

For her 1 gold coin is already a fortune! not to mention her but all of the players inside the game will drool over a gold coin! but the thing inside her mind now is that can this man afford her price!" I can give you time to think about it.. and if you need time to collect the money i can only give you three days." said Flare.

Eizen requested a trade from Flare" No need I have the gold coin now." said Eizen while smiling.

Flare Immediately agreed and traded with Eizen." It was nice having business with you, goodbye."

after Flare saw that Eizen left he finally relaxed." whew... it looks I made it out alive somehow. Not only was I able to get a rare item but also got 1 gold coin from that person!" Flare said not knowing what a big loss she received from trading with Eizen.