Mission complete!

"What! How is it possible!? Aren't you supposed to be trapped in the cave right about now!?" Gar was shocked because one of his soldiers told him that he saw 20 people heading towards their base camp this morning!

"Don't underestimate us Gar! Although you're stronger than us in terms of raw strength but one of our comrade out witted your commander in chief!" City lord gabriel said while smiling.

"Tsk! No matter! It just means that I can kill you myself Gabriel! Now prepare to die!" Gar ran towards Gabriel slaughtering soldiers and adventurers alike while on the way!

Although Gar is level 40 Gabriel isn't much worse than him also level 40! Gar just has the innate strenght of orcs that's why he's stronger than Gabriel.

[Gabriel (Boss class NPC)- level 40]

When the two finally clashed it created a shockwave that burst out and let the near soldiers and players feel it even after a dozen meters!

"What great power!" Eizen said to himself while fending off the incoming monsters

The battle between Gabriel and Gar intensified and NPC soldiers and monsters alike don't dare to close in within a radius of 20 meters from the two Bosses!

While the two fought Eizen and the others killed as many monsters as they can especially Eizen and The chief guard!

As the fight went on the sideof the battle once again started to shift towards the monsters side!

"Bren come here and help me! If we manage to kill Gar the monsters might retreat!" Said gabriel while distancing himself from Gar.

"Wait! City lord gabriel I'll help you! The soldiers still need chief Bren to command them!" Said Eizen while landing towards gabriel's side.

"But..." Gabriel hesitated because Eizen's level is still to low to help him take care of gar!

"Don't worry I know what I'm doing." Eizen said while smiling.

"System distribute 100 stat points to my strength and dexterity and 55 stat points for my vitality!"

[Ding! Stat points have been distributed!]

Boom! When Eizen's stat points we're distributed both Gabriel and Gar felt that Eizen's aura suddenly skyrocketed!

"How did you suddenly become so strong?..." Gabriel asked.

"There's no time to talk let's deal with Gar first!"

Gabriel nodded and the both of them started to attack Gar at the same time!

When Eizen moved Gabriel was shocked once again! Not only is Eizen's strength on par with him and Gar but his martial prowess is on a whole new level!

"Despicable humans! How dare you gang up on me! I'll show you what strenght really is!"

Gar's HP is only about 20% now and he's in rage mode! That means that both his strength and dexterity will increase by 20%!

The fight went on and although Gar is stronger that the two of them he still can't hit Eizen!

After a few more minutes Gar's HP is already below 5%!

"Earth slash!"

[Ding! Player Zero managed to kill Chief of the Amber Forest Gar!]

[Ding! Congratulations to host for leveling up 2 times!]

[Ding! Host recieved 10,000 contribution points!]

"Hahaha! Finally!" City lord Gabriel shouted while looking towards the dead body of gar.

"Hoorah! Victory! Now let's clear up all of this pest!" Said Bren slaughtering his way towards the monster army!

Eizen also joined in the fun and didn't let all of this free EXP get away! Finally after 2 hours they managed to kill all of the monsters that were attacking the city!

"Thank you adventurers for helping me and my men defend the city! Do not worry for the adventurers guild and I will reward you greatly! Now please if you want to get your reward you can head towards the adventurers guild. You can also exchange your contribution points for items in there." Said Gabriel while smiling.

After Gabriel's speech Eizen quickly went towards the adventurers guild for his reward and he wasn't disappointed when he got it!

[Ding! Congratulations for completing the quest! The system rated your score as SS+ for killing a large number of monsters and killing Gar the chief! The system will now award you according to your contributions!]

[Ding! +20,000 contribution points!]

[Ding! +5 leves!]

[Ding! + 100 stat points!]

[Ding! Because you have made a great contribution in the war and because you were the mastermind of the whole defense plan you're squire title have been promoted to the title Knight! The people will now see you in a new light and treat you more respectfully!]

"Alright! Hahahah! It looks like I gained alot in this quest!" Eizen said while looking at his status smiling.








[Stat points left:120]

"Alright! System let me see the items I can exchange for my contribution points!"


[Fire blaze sword-5,000]

[Fire blaze armor-7,000]

[Tornado Axe-10,000]


Eizen browsed the exchange list And although he found strong weapons, armors and even potions with great buffs he still didn't buy them yet and finally after half an hour of browsing he found a peculiar item that him think.

[ Sect Badge- You can start your own sect with this badge.-30,000]

"Hoh? A sect?"

"System what's the difference between a sect and a guild?" Eizen asked the system seeing if he can get information about it.

[Ding! Information not available for players!]

"... looks like it didn't work... well let's see using my own skills hehe! Eyes pf truth activate!"

[Ding! Skill failed!]


[Ding! Host have to own the item first before he can use the Eyes of truth skill!]

"...Aghh! Fine system buy it!"

[Ding! Host exchanged 30,000 contribution points for Sect badge!]

[Ding! Reminder to player that because a Sect isn't part of the Kingdom that you are residing in right now you're Sect base cannot be built in the city! It can only be build in lands that isn't owned by the kingdom!]

"What!? Then how am I supposed to build my sect!?" Eizen shouted to the system with his eyes full of shock!

[Ding! The host can Look for an ownerless land for example mountains near the bases of the Dark kingdom or Other kingdom!]
