
"Are you telling me that I just wasted 30,000 contribution points for an item that I can't use right now!?"


The system didn't answer but Eizen took that silence as a yes to his question." Sigh. Well let's forget about that for now. I still have 3000+ contribution points left let me exchange them for a decent weapon."

After a few minutes Eizen finally found a suitable weapon that has some decent stats and so he exchange for it for 2800 contribution points and the rest of the contribution points were used to exchange for Potions.

"Alright! Now let's see if the city lord will give me an extra reward for my hardwork hehe!" Eizen then walked towards the city lord's mansion while thinking on what the city lord might give him!

When Eizen was already at the door of the mansion he saw Chief Bren walk out of the door.

When Bren saw Eizen he smiled immediately and said to him" Eizen! I was about to look for you! The city lord is looking for you and I was about to call for you! Who would have thought that you're already here haha!" Bren said to Eizen.

"Hoh? I wonder what he wants with me?" Eizen asked Chief bren.

"It looks like he want to give you something to thank you for your hardwork hehe." Chief bren said with a smile.

After that he guided Eizen towards the city lords room and he then saw Gabriel sitting on his chair caressing what looks to be a necklace.

"City lord Here is Sir Eizen!" Said Bren getting the attention Gabriel.

"Ahh! Eizen! You're here! Good! Good! Come here I would like to give you something!" Gabriel said while extending the necklace he was just holding.

The necklace looks simple with a silver chain but it holds a Blue gem in its socket and when Eizen extended his hand to hold it he saw its properties and was ecstatic when he saw it's properties!

[Mana Necklace- It improves your mana regeneration speed by 10%]

When Gabriel saw the smile on Eizen's face he was relieved that Eizen liked his reward and said." I saw on the battlefield that not only are you a genius of the sword but also an excellent magician! This necklace will speed up your mana recovery and this is indispensable for a magician."

"Thanks alot City lord! I really needed this Item!" Eizen said to the city lord while bowing.

"No need to be formal. It's my reward for you because you help amber wood resist the monsters." Gabriel said with a smile but then he suddenly turned serious.

"What's the matter City lord? Is something bothering you?" Asked Eizen hoping that the city lord will issue a quest for him.

"Actually... We weren't the only city that was attacked by monsters... I just recieved a message saying that all of the nearby cities we're also attacked and sadly it looks like we were the only city that survived the attack..." Gabriel said with a gloomy face.

"What?..." Eizen was shocked! But was happy at the same time because this means that there is a good chance that he can recieve another hidden quest!

He didn't think that only a few weeks have passed and such a huge scale quest like this was already executed! It looks like this game really is a new world for humans!

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Eizen said expecting to get another quest from gabriel.

"For now you first rest. The higher ups will take care of this problem. I also heard that the army is on their way to reclaim the lost cities so there's no need to worry for now." Gabriel said with a smile.

After that Eizen left the city lord mansion with a frown because he really expected another quest from that problem."Aghhh! Stupid army! Do you really need to block my way to greatness!" Eizen said swearing the army all the way.

Today Eizen decided to first take a rest and log out of the game to eat but when he went to the fridge he realized that his food supply ran out!

"Damn! It looks like I have to go to the market to get food. Oh well!" Eizen then took a bath and dressed up.

After a while Eizen finally left his home and started to walk towards the supermarket. The earth today is technologically advance but there's a twist! Cultivators are also found in earth! Although they are of the lowest realms they are still considered powerhouses in earth today!

Eizen decided to just walk towards the supermarket because his home is just a walking distance from it.

After a few minutes of walking Eizen finally arrived at the supermarket and bought all of the necessary things he needed.

Suddenly when he was walking the street he heard a screaming sound from an alleyway!


" That's what you get for defying my orders kid!" The leader of thug said holding the boys neck.

"Agh! She was just an old lady! What bad thing could he have done to hurt you!" The boy said struggling to get out of the thugs grip.

"Heh... well that's none of you business! But you should first worry what will happen to you before you think of that old lady!"

After that the leader of the thugs threw a punch towards the boys face!


Eizen saw a group of thugs gang up on a teenage boy about 13 years of age and when a thugs punch was about to hit the boy Eizen appeared from nowhere and cought it easily!

"Heyy... Don't you guys think that beating up a little kid is too much?"