Taking in a disciple!

"Aghhh!!" Another thug fell to the ground unconsciously while the others trembled in fear.

The thing that Eizen hated most in this word is seeing innocent children being bullied and forced to do evil things.

"Get out of my sight." Eizen said to the thugs calmly.

Although it may look like Eizen was calm he was a raging storm inside! Before his immense spiritual pressure the thugs didn't even manage to run away but fainted on the spot!

"Hah... You're free now." Eizen said to the kid while walking away

The kid was shocked at what he saw! He couldn't even move! The dozen or so thugs have been defeated on the spot!

"Mi-mister wait!" The kid shouted while running towards Eizen.


"Ple-please take me as your disciple!" The kid kneeled down and begged.

"Disciple? Kid let me tell you. I'm not a trainer, I'm just a normal person who plays games for a living." Eizen said while staring at the kid.

"Even though! I saw you fight those bastards and they didn't even stand a chance against you!" The kid retorted.

"Ehhh..." Eizen doesn't know what to say anymore to stop this kid from pestering him.

"You don't have to hide it anymore! I know that you're one of those hidden martial artist that my dad once told me!" The kid shouted still trying to convince Eizen to take him as his disciple.

"Puuhhh!" Eizen almost spouted a mouthful of blood! This kid is just to clever!" Kid if you know that I'm a martial artist then you must know that I can do things to make you forget about this event right?" Eizen said seriously while looking at the kid with a serious face.

When the kid heard what Eizen said tears started to come out of his eyes when he thought that this opportunity to finally get stronger will pass by without him getting it!

"Wa-wait! Mister please!... I'm willing to do anything!! Just please!... please accept me as your disciple!" The kid said while bowing his head.

The kid's forehead is already touching the ground while his tears are running across his face.

"I'll accept you as my disciple but first answer my question. If I accept you or not depends on whether I like your answer or not." Eizen said

"Re-really?..." the kid asked Eizen assuring that he'd stick to what he said.

"Yes I promise." Eizen said seriously and then turned around and started speaking while he walked away." Why do you want to get stronger?"

"Its because..."

"Alright follow me to your new home." Eizen said while smiling towards the kid.

"Ma-master! My name is Manuel!" Manuel said while following Eizen towards his home.

After Eizen and Manuel got back to his apartment Eizen first instructed him to take a rest and that his first lesson would be later this evening after he got some rest. He also instructed him that if he gets hungry he can eat whatever is in the fridge because he might not log out of the game until late in the evening.

After giving Manuel the rules in the house Eizen once again went online to the new world!

After logging inside the game Eizen decided to walk around the city and see if he can manage to find suitable quest that he can accept.

While looking around for a quest Eizen passed through the adventurers guild and decided to go inside just in case there's a quest that he can accept.

When Eizen looked at the quest board he saw a rather interesting quest which requires the player to escort an NPC into one of The occupied cities Army camps that the monster beast took control of and clear a few monster beast on their way to the city. The NPC must reach the NPC army safely and the reward will be gold coins and it will depend on the evaluation of the NPC.

Eizen immediately accepted the quest and started to journey towards the nearest monster occupied city with the NPC.

"Hello Sir I am Zero and I'm the one who was entrusted to escort you to Jade city." Eizen bowed while talking to the NPC.

The NPC was on his 20s and is wearing a gray robe while holding a staff on his right hand. This NPC seems to be a scholar or a mage of the city.

"Ahh it's you sir Zero! If you're the one who will escort me I'd be assured. My name is Kent and it's a pleasure to have your acquaintance."Said the NPC with a smile on his face.

Because of Eizen's merits during the war and his title NPC's now see him in a different light than other players and they will have a certain respect toward him.

Eizen nodded and exchange pleasantries with Kent and after that they went on their way.

Eizen and Kent are traveling via a carriage and while they are traveling Eizen saw kent practice some magic and watched him carefully.

After watching Kent practice for a while Eizen was sure that the magic that Kent used was like Qi from cultivation which can enhance your physique and store Qi in your dantian. Because of Eizen's strong spiritual sense he can sense the Qi moving around Kent's body and decided to copy his cultivation.

Eizen sat cross legged and followed the cultivation method that Kent is using right now and after a single rotation he heard a ding inside his mind!

[Ding! You learned Floating cloud cultivation technique!]

[Ding! Congratulations to host for being the first player to learn a cultivation technique! You learned the passive skill Spiral Yin-Yang Whirlpool!]

[Spiral Yin-Yang Whirlpool (Passive)- Mana and Qi regeneration is increased by 50%]

"What the..." Eizen was shocked and ecstatic at the same time! He didn't knew that simply copying the cultivation technique will give him this OP skill!

While Eizen was cultivating Kent noticed that alot of Qi was gathering towards Eizen and he was shocked at what he saw! There was a big whirlpool sucking alot of Qi at a high speed above Eizen!

"Si-sir Zero this... are you also a cultivator?" Asked Kent with a shocked face! He wasn't this shocked because Eizen is a cultivator but because of the big whirlpool above his head sucking huge amount of spirit Qi! You should know that only cultivators at a higher realm in cultivation are able to suck that much spirit at such a fast pace!

"Huh? Well... you can say that Hahahah!" Eizen said stopping his cultivation. He forgot that Kent was here with him and he might have saw him cultivating using his cultivation technique!

"This... Sir Eizen what is your cultivation realm?" Asked Kent nervously because cultivators doesn't usually tell their realm to other people.

"Realm? Ummm... I don't know actually..." Said Eizen shyly.

"Hah?" Kent was puzzled by the answer.