"No," Lilac rejected his idea immediately. "Don't you have anything else to do other than killing people?" she crossed her arms.

"We are fighting the devils and now they come to our door, what else do you want me to do? Invite her for dinner?" Jedrek walked away toward his chamber and Lilac followed behind him, the guardian angel was not at all happy with the king's statement.

"We can ask her," Lilac spoke hastily. She had to half run to keep up with Jedrek's pace.

"There is no need to ask, they will not say anything that is how the devils work." Jedrek didn't slow down and let Lilac caught up with him, the guardian angel was panting, as the sound of their footsteps echoed inside the hallway.

"She is not devil, she is human. You said yourself," Lilac retorted. "Have you forgotten?"

"And just like you said, she has something evil inside of her," Jedrek was adamant with his decision.