"What?" Theo frowned. "Why?" he was not at all happy to hear Lilac's order.

The general was aware that the guardian angel before his eyes was not a weak creature like what people had known for centuries, but he still refused to be ordered around by her. It seemed that old habits die hard. His pride didn't allow him to bow down to the guardian angel.

However, not every lycanthrope in this room had the same thoughts as him. At least, Eaton did not.

The former beta of Janus stood up and was about to offer his chair when Lilac shook her head. "I only want his chair," she said sternly, crossing her arms. She didn't take her eyes off Theo, who was now scowling in displeasure.

"I will ask someone to bring another chair for you," Eaton spoke again. If Lilac persisted like this, the meeting wouldn't start, as he knew Theo wouldn't bow his head to her.